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論文名稱:使用多感官介入對於新生兒 行足跟採血時疼痛反應之影響
論文名稱(外文):Effects of Using Multiple Sensory Interventions on Neonates’ PainResponses to Heel Stick Procedures
外文關鍵詞:NewbornHeel stickNeonatal painMulti-sensory intervention
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條件之120 名新生兒,區集隨機分派到三個組別,(1)觸摸+輕聲安慰(2)
代謝篩檢足跟血時,給予各組之介入護理措施,並每20 秒蒐集一次心跳速
採血前5 分鐘(無接受任何刺激的基準值)、採血期間5 分鐘內及採血後恢
復期5 分鐘內。
Newborns undergo many necessary invasive procedures for routine care,
but these treatments may cause stress and pain. Newborns are unable to verbally express their pain and stress . Therefore, caregivers often neglect their pain, which can influence their physical and neurodevelopment in the future.
Therefore, many clinicians and researchers began paying attention to this issue and developed nonpharmacological interventions to reduce neonatal pain and stress. Some nonpharmacological interventions might be effective, but it is still unavailable and inaccessible for clinicians to use these interventions in newborns who receiving painful procedures. These pain-relief
nonpharmacological interventions were still insufficient meet the current needs of newborns. Therefore, the study purposes are to compare the effects of
different combinations of sensory interventions on newborns’ pain responses,
physiological index (heart rate and oxygen saturation), and crying event during heel stick procedures.
This study was a prospective, randomized controlled trial. Infants were
recruited by convenience sampling in a baby room of a medical center in
northern Taiwan from October in 2017 to October in 2018. One-hundred and
twenty term newborns who met the criteria were recruited by blocked random to
three treatment groups: (1)Gentle touch + Talk, (2) Smell + gentle touch + Talk,(3) Smell + Taste + Touch + Talk. Pain response was measured by the Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS). The physical index (heart rate, oxygen saturation)were measured by and crying event. All data were collected 5 minutes before heel-stick (baseline), during heel-stick and in recovery status.
The results of the study showed that infants receiving ‘Smell + Taste +
Touch + Talk’ presented lesser painful response when they underwent heel-stick
than the control group. The outcomes showed the NIPS scale (p<0.001), average
heart rate, average oxygen saturation, and crying events (p<0.001) were all
significantly better than ‘Touch + Talk’ after adjusting the baseline data, time,and neonatal characteristics.
It is hoped that multi-sensory interventions can be used to reduce the
neonatal pain and stress when they undergo the heel-stick in the future. Clinical pediatric nurses can also learn more about the sensory abilities of newborns and use this implication to relieve neonatal pain and to create healthier development of newborns.
第一章 緒論................................................................1
第一節 研究背景及動機(含重要性)............................................1
第二節 研究目的............................................................4
第二章 文獻查證............................................................5
第一節 新生兒疼痛及其影響...................................................5
第二節 新生兒例行性疼痛之評估...............................................7
第三節 減緩新生兒疼痛之多感官介入措施.......................................10
第三章 研究架構...........................................................12
第一節 研究概念架構.......................................................12
第二節 名詞定義...........................................................13
第三節 研究假設...........................................................15
第四節 研究假設...........................................................16
第四章 研究方法...........................................................17
第一節 研究設計...........................................................17
第二節 研究場所及對象.....................................................19
第三節 研究工具...........................................................21
第四節 資料收集過程.......................................................23
第五節 資料分析計畫.......................................................27
第六節 研究對象倫理考量...................................................28
第五章 研究結果...........................................................29
第一節 研究對象之基本特性..................................................30
第二節 介入措施對新生兒行足跟採血之疼痛分數的影響............................33
第三節 介入措施對新生兒行足跟採血之生理指數的影響............................38
第四節 介入措施對新生兒行足跟採血之哭泣事件的影響............................47
第六章 討論..............................................................51
第一節 介入措施對新生兒行足跟採血疼痛分數之影響..............................51
第二節 介入措施對新生兒行足跟採血生理指數之影響..............................53
第三節 介入措施對新生兒行足跟採血哭泣事件之影響..............................54
第四節 影響新生兒行足跟採血疼痛反應相關因素之探討............................55
第七章 結論與建議.........................................................56
第一節 結論............................................................ .56
第二節 護理上的應用.......................................................57
第三節 研究限制與建議.....................................................59
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