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研究生(外文):Pei-Hua Xing
論文名稱(外文):Studies of Pruning on Growth, Flowering, and Fruiting of Kumquat(Fortunella margarita(Lour.)Swingle)
指導教授(外文):Yung-Chiung Chang
口試委員(外文):Su-Chiung ChenChin-Shing Chang
外文關鍵詞:kumquatpruningshoot growthfloweringfruit quality
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為探討不同時間及不同程度修剪對長實金柑(Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Swingle)枝條生長與開花之影響,本研究以3年生之植株分別於二、四、六、八月初進行強剪及弱剪。強剪為去除樹冠幅度1/2量之修剪,弱剪則去除1/4,並置未修剪之對照組。
This study was to investigate the effect of time and strength of pruning on shoot growth and flowering of kumquat (Fortunella margarita (Lour.) Swingle). Three-year-old potted trees were heavy and light pruned on 1st February, 1st April, 1st June, and 1st August 2016, respectively. The heavy and light pruning treatments were to remove half and one-fourth the length of shoot from the branches, respectively.
The un-pruned kumquat tree had three flushes in one year, which the first flush occurred in early April, then the second flush appeared in early May and the third flush emerged in August. However, other than trees pruned on August only sprouted two times, which in early August and September, all of treatments were sprouted three times. The 1st flush shoot length of heavy pruning tree was longer than those of light pruning and un-pruned trees. The 2nd flush shoot length displayed a similar trend to the 1st ones, except trees pruning in August, the shoot length of heavy pruning were longer than those of the two other treatments. Trees of heavy pruning in February had a wider shoot diameter, but there was not significant effect on shoot diameter among the others treatments. The flowering time and number of the trees were no significant difference among the treatments. The total flower number was the highest in the un-pruned trees. Moreover, as the pruning strength increased the total flower number decreased. Trees after heavy pruning didn’t flower within a month and trees pruning in August would not flower. The fruit set ratio were increased by tree pruned, and that of the heavy pruning tree was increased the most. However, there was significantly decreasing of ripe fruit amount if trees pruning after June.
The results showed that the length and diameter of kumquat fruit increased as the pruning strength increased. However, as the pruning times were near the end year, the length and diameter of fruit decreased because of the insufficiency growing duration. There was not significant effect on fruit shape index after pruning in different time. Pruning decreased kumquat tree yield, and the later pruning time, the less fruit yield of the tree. As the same result on total fruit number, which pruning on February and April also increase fruit weight, especially better on heavy pruning. Trees after pruning significantly increased peel percentages of fruit. Pruning in the end year caused a less percentages of peel juice. However, there was no significant effect on percentages of pulp juice after pruning in different time and strength. The percentages of seed in fruit were higher in pruning trees than that of un-pruned one. The amount of total soluble solids and the titratable acidity of fruit were higher in the pruning trees. The displayed a similar results, that more increase with the pruning time later. When trees after light pruning decrease the fruits of total soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio. Furthermore, the earlier of the pruning time, the lower hue angle of fruits. Early pruning in year (February and April) increased the chroma of kumquat fruit, but decreased as pruning in later of the year.
The results indicated that pruning obvious increased fruit set and fruit quality of kumquat trees. Furthermore, pruning in early season of a year might avoid flower number, fruit yield and quality decrease. As the tree was pruned before April, the duration might be long enough for the shoot growth. Therefore, light pruning in February should promote shoot growth, flowering, and fruiting of the potted kumquat tree.

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