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研究生(外文):KUO, YUAN-HAN
論文名稱(外文):A Task Guided Framework for Reducing the Service Downtime of Virtual Machine Live Migration
指導教授(外文):LIN, CHO-CHIN
外文關鍵詞:task-guided live migrationvirtual machinedowntime
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虛擬機器不停機移轉是雲端運算達成不中斷服務的重要機制,不同於一般移轉之處,它會在不停機的情況下,根據同步規則選擇記憶體分頁,並將這些記憶體分頁預複製(Pre-copy)至目的端主機,使其有效減少停機拷貝(Stop-and-copy) 階段的分頁傳送量,分頁傳送量的減少可以降低移轉的服務中斷時間(Downtime),確保服務使用者擁有更佳的服務品質。

Virtual machine live migration is an important mechanism for cloud computing to achieve non-stop services. Different from normal migration, the live migration with pre-copy scheme employs two stages of page synchronization. In the first stage, memory pages are selected according to the pre-copy rules and those selected pages are synchronized from the source host to the target host. The pre-copy rules are designed to reduce the number of synchronized pages in the second stage: the stop-and-copy stage. By reducing the number of synchronized pages, the service downtime can be minimized and the quality of service can be ensured.
The service downtime of live migration is affected by page-accessing frequency and the size of working set. Therefore, the users may experience a long service downtime if a migrating virtual machine enters the stop-and-copy stage at an inappropriate time point. This thesis proposes a task-guided framework that is useful for reducing the service downtime when a live migration is conducted. The task-guided framework allows a program developer to tag task segments that are suitable for migrating a virtual machine with a short service downtime. However, a task segment may have been completed before a virtual machine enters the pre-copy stage. In this case, a large number of pages may need to be synchronized across hosts. In order to avoid the situation, an interrupt mechanism is added to prevent a virtual machine from entering the stop-and-copy at an inappropriate time point for an ongoing live migration. The interrupt mechanism is achieved by asking the hypervisor to suspend the live migration when the program exits a tag segment. The pending live migration will be resumed when the program enters the next tag segment in order to ensure a short service downtime.

摘要 I

Abstract II

誌謝 III

目錄 IV

圖目錄 V

1 緒論 1
1.1 背景知識 1
1.2 論文動機 4
1.3 論文架構 5

2文獻探討與回顧 6

3 研究架構 12
3.1 預複製策略之不停機移轉 12
3.2 Xen預複製架構 13
3.3工作導引架構 16
3.4中斷重傳機制 19

4 實機實驗 22
4.1 實驗環境 22
4.2 實驗分析指標 22
4.3 程序標記實驗 23
4.4 越界中斷重傳實驗 27

5 結論與未來研究方向 33

參考文獻 34

附錄 36

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[8] Anja Strunk, "Costs of Virtual Machine Live Migration: A Survey", 2012 IEEE Eighth World Congress on Services, pp.323-329, 2012.

[9] Felix Salfner, Peter Tröger and Andreas Polze, "Downtime Analysis of Virtual Machine Live Migration", The Fourth International Conference on Dependability(DEPEND 2011), pp.100-105, 2011

[10] Cho-Chin Lin, Yu-Chi Huang and Zong-De Jian, "A Two-phase Iterative Precopy Strategy for Live Migration of Virtual Machines", 2012 8th International Conference on Computing Technology and Information Management (ICCM), Vol.1, pp.29-34, 2012.

[11] Yanqing Ma, Hongbo Wang, Jiankang Dongm Yangyang Li and Shiduan Cheng, "ME2: Efficient Live Migration of Virtual Machine with Memory Exploration and Encoding", 2012 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), pp.610-613. 2012.

[12] Michael R. Hines and Kartil Gopalan, "Post-copy based live virtual machine migration using adaptive pre-paging and dynamic self-ballooning", VEE’09 Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS international conference on Virtual execution environments, pp.51-60, 2009.

[13] Cho-Chin Lin, Zong-De Jian, Dong-Ye Xie, Wei-Ping Goh and Shyi-Tsong Wu, "Bounded-downtime Computation for Virtual Machine Live Migration Based on Memory Alternation Cross Reference", 2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service, 2017

[14] Xen Project: Xen Terminology, https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/XenTerminology

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