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研究生(外文):Sarah Anna Bradler
論文名稱(外文):Differences in leadership in Austria und Taiwan (R.O.C):A cross-cultural analysis focusing on leadership and discrimination
口試委員(外文):Yang, Albert Jing-FuhYeh, Hsiao-ping
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文化上的不同導致在商業實務、領導方式有所區別以及面臨到像是職場上的歧視問題。因此,這項研究的目的在於定義台灣和奧地利的文化差異以及領導風格的區別,而這些都是以Hofstede, Trompenaar, Hall 和the Globe Study作為基礎。對國際公司員工中使用深入訪談和問卷調查的綜合方法,探討國籍,性別,年齡,殘疾和性取向等不同方面歧視的普遍性。然而,兩國也都分析出大部分的歧視多出自於國籍、性別、年齡、殘疾和性取向。此外,更對照出不論歧視是否基於這些原因,對於目前的奧地利和台灣都是一個挑戰。也出現很多有關如何減少和降低職場上歧視問題的方法。此外,該研究調查出減少歧視的四種措施的有效性,包括教育、公司的反歧視領導和謹慎的篩選員工以及討論和分析,最後則是來自員工內心的支持。該研究結果顯示兩個文化地區相對於上述結構有顯著的差異。在研究最終結果提出跨文化對於領導更為有效。
Culture differences lead to distinctions in the approach of business practices, leadership style and other workplace issues such as discrimination. This work aims to first specify cultural differences and distinctions in leadership between two cultural regions (Austria vs. Taiwan) based on the cultural frameworks of Hofstede, Trompenaars, Hall and the Globe Study. Mixed methodology consisting of in-depth interviews and a questionnaire survey among employees of international companies was applied to explore the prevalence of discrimination based upon diverse aspects such as nationality, gender, age, disability and sexual orientation. Further, the study investigated the effectiveness of four steps to reduce discrimination, including education, active positioning of companies in combination with leadership and the diligent selection of employees as well as discussion and analysis and finally the psychological support at the workplace. The findings show that the two cultural regions differ significantly with respect to above constructs. The study concludes with suggestions for more effective leadership in a cross-cultural setting.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………………………………………….iii
List of Abbreviations vi
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vi
1. Introduction 1
1.1.Research Motivation 1
1.2.Problem Statement 1
1.3.Research Questions 2
2.Literature review 3
2.1.Culture 3
2.1.1.Hofstede`s Cultural Concept 4
2.1.2.Trompenaars Cultural Theory 4
2.1.4. Globe Study 6
2.1.5. Criticism on Theories 7
2.1.6. Critics of Hofstede and Globe Study 7
2.1.7. Critics of Trompenaars and Hall 9
2.2. Comparison of Taiwan (R.O.C) and Austria 10
2.2.1. Hofstede`s Indices: A comparison of China, Taiwan and Austria 10
2.2.2. Globe Study: A comparison of China and Austria 15
2.2.3. Alfons Trompenaar: A comparison of China and Austria 22
2.2.4. Edward Twitchel Hall: A comparison of China and Austria 26
2.2.5. Conclusion 27
2.3.Leadership in Taiwan (R.O.C.) and Austria………………………………………..30
2.3.1.Leadership Styles 30 Leadership Styles 30 for Taiwan (R.O.C) and Austria 32 Study Leadership Styles 32
2.3.2.Leadership and Cross- Cultural Teamwork 36
2.3.3.Conclusion 38
2.4Discrimination at the Workplace 39
2.4.1.Definition 39
2.4.2.Discrimination in Taiwan (R.O.C) and Austria 42
2.4.3.Intervention 46
2.4.4.Conclusion 48
3.Methodology 49
3.1.Research Design 49
3.2. Hypotheses and Assumption 52
4.Results 55
4.1.Statistical Analysis 55
4.2.Qualitative Analysis 56
5.Data Interpretation and Discussion 60
5.1.Quantitative Data 60
5.2.Qualitative Data 62
6.Conclusion 67
7.Limitations and suggestions for further research 72
8.Outlook 73

Appendix 1 – Anonymous online survey questions 82
Appendix 2 – Interview guideline 90
Appendix 3 – Information and consent form 93
Appendix 4 – List of interview partners 94
Appendix 5 – Codified references 94
Appendix 6 – Statistical results……………………………………………………..………………………….95
List of Abbreviations
R.O.C Republic of China
USA United States of America
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
GLOBE Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Research
EU Europe
EI Emotional Intelligence
MSCEIT Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test
ECI Emotional Competency Index
ILO International Labor Organization
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
CREW Civility, Respect, & Engagement in the Workplace

List of Tables

Table 1 - Overview of characteristic of leadership study in GLOBE…………………….33
Table 2 - Austrian Results of Globe Leadership Survey ………………………………....34
Table 3 - Chinese Results of Globe Leadership Survey…………………………………..35
Table 4 - Assumptions on steps how to reduce or eliminate discrimination at the workplace………………………………………………………………………………….54

List of Figures
Hofstede`s Indices China - Taiwan (R.O.C) - Austria …………………………………..…………11

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