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研究生(外文):Huang, Yu-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of domestic grass-legume mixture forage application on meat goat production
指導教授(外文):Wu, Hsi-Hsun
口試委員(外文):Chiou, Peter Wen-ShygChen, Chia-ShengWu, Chean-PingYu, Chi
外文關鍵詞:hayhaylagemeat goat
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熱帶與亞熱帶之肉用反芻動物飼養大多利用在地生產之牧草及農作物之副產物以降低飼養成本,然而,這些草料含有較低之粗蛋白(crude protein, CP)與較高之粗纖維,通常消化率也較低。利用國產芻料之小農最常面臨之問題為冬季生產不足而春夏盛產季節又因為多雨而無法在適割期調製乾草,青貯或半乾青貯調製方法可以克服此氣候因素,讓盛產期牧草適當保存到冬季使用,穩定全年之供應。盤固草為常見之熱帶牧草,惟其粗蛋白質含量不及豆科牧草,如於盤固草地混合豆科牧草,不僅可提高收穫之牧草品質,也可利用豆科植物之固氮作用減少氮肥之施用。透過適當時期之收穫並妥善保存,具穩定國產牧草供應及降低反芻動物飼養成本之潛力。故本報告旨在探討,應用國產芻料於肉用山羊之可行性。本試驗使用27頭4月齡之努比亞(Nubian)與波爾(Boer)雜交之女羊隨機分配至餵以不同芻料的3個組別,分別為:對照組(進口百慕達草稈與苜蓿粒)、盤固草與苜蓿混合之半乾青貯(haylage)組、盤固草與苜蓿混合之乾草(hay)組,進行10週之生長試驗(第1週為適應期),羊隻於試驗期間每兩週秤重一次,每日記錄採食量。結果顯示,國產之禾豆混合草之芻料品質優於進口之百慕達草稈,依體外發酵產氣動力學試驗顯示,其調配之飼糧不可溶潛在可降解量與累積氣體量皆高於百慕達草稈搭配苜蓿粒之飼糧。生長期羊隻餵以國產之禾豆混合半乾青貯草與乾草,其最終體重、總增重、平均日增重及總乾物質採食量均顯著高於對照組,且本試驗中以國產盤固草與苜蓿混合乾草之飼料成本為最低。綜上所述,國產之盤固草與苜蓿混合草具有取代進口之百慕達草稈與苜蓿粒餵飼生長期羊隻之潛力,不僅可提高其生長性能,且可降低飼養成本。
Most of meat ruminant livestock in tropics and sub-tropics utilizes locally produced by-products of pasture and crops to reduce feeding costs. However, these feed resources contain lower crude protein (CP) and higher fiber which is usually accompany with lower digestibility. The smallholders feeding domestic forages usually face problems of producing shortage in winter and unavailability of drying abounding hay during rainy season in spring and summer. Therefore, to overcome this problem and maintain adequate feed supply was to conserve hay into silage or haylage until winter to stabilize the supply throughout the year. Pangola grass is a popular tropical forage, but with lower content of CP than legume forage. Thus, we planted Pangola with legume forage; not only to improve the quality of forage, but also utilized the characteristics of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in legume to reduce the usage of nitrogen fertilizers. Coupled with proper harvesting period and storage, it showed the potential of stabilizing supply of domestic forage and decreasing the feeding cost of ruminants. As a result, the study was conducted to investigate the feasibility of applying domestic grass-legume mixture forage on meat goat production. Twenty-seven 4-month old Nubian cross Boer female goats were randomly divided into three groups. Goats in each group were assigned to 1 of 3 dietary treatments fed with different forage (control: Bermuda straw and alfalfa pellet, Pangola-alfalfa mixture haylage, and Pangola-alfalfa mixture hay). The experiment lasted for 10 weeks, first week for adaptation. Feed intake was recorded daily, body weight was meseared every two weeks throughout the experiment. The results showed that the quality of domestic grass-legume mixture was better than import Bermuda straw. According to in vitro gas production kinetics, the insoluble potential degradable fraction and cumulated gas production volume of the grass-legume mixture diet were greater than the diet of Bermuda straw and alfalfa pellet. Both of the treatments were significantly higher than control group on final body weight, total weight gain, average daily gain and total dry matter intake. In conclusion, domestic pangola-alfalfa mixture grass showed potential to replace import Bermuda straw and alfalfa pellet for feeding growing goats, not only increase growth performance but also decrease the feeding cost.
摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 IV
圖表目錄 VII
壹、 前言 1
貳、 文獻回顧 2
一、本土芻料時代來臨 2
(一) 全球氣候變遷 2
(二) 人口增加與資源枯竭之挑戰 2
(三)進口牧草產量大減與價格暴漲 3
二、 農業汙染、氮肥利用、植物固氮作用 4
(一) 農業環境汙染 4
(二) 根瘤菌與豆科植物之共生關係 4
三、國內芻料生產及利用情況 6
(一) 台灣常用禾本科與豆科牧草 7
(二) 國產芻料品質與利用技術之改善 10
(三) 影響牧草品質因素 10
(四) 牧草適口性對反芻動物攝食量之影響 13
(五) 禾豆混合乾草優勢 16
四、台灣羊隻飼養模式 18
(一) 禾豆混合草對羊生長性能之影響 18
(二) 禾豆混合草對羊體內消化率及體外產氣量之影響 19
參、 材料與方法 25
一、試驗動物 25
二、試驗飼糧與試驗設計 25
三、疫苗計畫 25
四、測定項目與分析方法 25
(一)試驗飼糧採樣: 25
(二)一般化學組成分分析: 26
五、體外瘤胃消化試驗 34
(一) 體外乾物質消化率(in vitro dry matter digestibility, IVDMD) 34
(二) 體外氣體生成系統(in vitro gas production system technique, IVGPT) 36
六、資料分析與統計 40
肆、 結果與討論 42
一、不同芻料品質評估、體外消化率及發酵產氣動力學之影響 42
二、不同芻料對山羊生長性能及血液生化值之影響 48
伍、 結論 55
陸、 參考文獻 56
作者簡介 72
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