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研究生(外文):Pin-Shuo Hwang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation and Realization of Supercontinuum Generation within Ta2O5 Based Nonlinear Waveguide
指導教授(外文):Chao-Kuei Lee
外文關鍵詞:Tantalum pentoxide(Ta2O5)WaveguideSupercontinuumDispersionPhase matching
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在本篇論文中,基於材料有寬能隙、高非線性折射率的優勢,我們透過五氧化二鉭(Ta2O5)光波導的設計滿足異常色散條件以實現超連續光譜之產生。第一個部分:首先,受限於二氧化矽為包覆層操作在單模態下為異常色散區,我們透過裸波導來進行超連續光譜量測,在波導尺寸為寬度800nm厚度700nm長度5mm的結構下,測得以尖峰功率396W頻譜拓寬為585nm至1697nm以上,共拓寬了約1112nm以上,至少1.5 octaves(在-30dB)。第二部分,我們利用通道式波導在高階模態下進行超連續光譜之量測,透過結構設計使波導在高階模態下可以操作在異常色散區,滿足相位匹配條件,在波導尺寸為寬度為1500nm厚度700nm長度15mm結構下,我們首度實現並報導以平均功率為200mW頻譜拓寬為618nm至1697nm以上,共拓寬了約1079nm以上,大約至少為1.4 octaves(在-30dB),在波導尺寸為寬度為1800nm厚度700nm長度15mm結構下,測得以平均功率為200mW頻譜拓寬為679nm至1697nm以上,共拓寬了約1018nm以上,大約至少為1.3 octaves(在-30dB)。本論文也證實五氧化二鉭可以利用它能在可見光區產生超連續光譜的寬頻光源能力,且可發展在波長多工器、光學同調斷層掃描上,具有極大的應用潛力。
In this thesis, anomalous dispersion Ta2O5 based waveguide was designed and fabricated for super-continuum generation(SCG) due to its nature of two photon absorption free and high optical nonlinearity. First, 5mm length air cladding Ta2O5 waveguide with dimension of 800nm x 700nm was designed and fabricated for fulfilling anomalous dispersion requirement which is crucial for SCG. For excitation laser wavelength of 1056nm, with excitation peak power of around 400W, the 1.5 octave spanning was demonstrated. Second, 15mm length SiO2 cladding high order mode anomalous dispersion Ta2O5 channel waveguide with dimension of 1500nm x 700nm was also designed and fabricated successfully. Almost 1.4 octave spanning was investigated. This is first time, to our best knowledge, SCG can be realized from high order mode nonlinear waveguide. In addition, SCG was generated and discussed from high order mode waveguide with various dimension. The results exhibit Ta2O5 reveals high potential for SCG and future for various applications, such as optical coherence tomography (OCT)and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), and so on.
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
圖次 viii
表次 xii
第一章 緒論1
1.1 寬頻光源的簡介 1
1.2 超連續光譜原理介紹 4
1.3 超連續光譜文獻回顧 6
1.4 五氧化二鉭材料應用及回顧10
1.5 論文研究動機13
1.6 論文架構14
第二章 以五氧化二鉭裸波導進行超連續光譜量測15
2.1.1 材料光學特性15
2.1.2 裸波導幾何結構設計17
2.1.3 通道式波導幾何結構設計19
2.2 裸波導及通道式波導元件製備21
2.2.10濕蝕刻(Wet etching)37
2.3.1 單模態光波導之耦合效率39
2.4.2 單模態場光場圖分析44
第三章 以高階模態進行五氧化二鉭通道式波導超連續光譜量測50
3.1 前言50
3.2 元件幾何結構設計51
3.3.1 高階模態場光場圖分析54
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