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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Chih Chang
論文名稱(外文):Utilizing Theory of Constraints to Improve the Implementation of Manufacturing Executive System-A Case Study for T Company
指導教授(外文):Pin-Yang Liu
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製造執行系統(Manufacturing Exective System,MES)已發展多年,企業認為導入MES能夠提升生產作業效率,進而尋求委外資源進行導入,先前個案研究指出每間企業文化不同,在系統導入會面臨不同的問題,其中人是最大的問題。限制理論作者高德拉特提到工廠目標是賺錢,有效產出能使企業不斷獲利,是否能有效產出取決於瓶頸,若企業本身存在現有運作流程,在作業習慣沒有改變下導入系統,對工廠作業績效不會提升,反而使企業競爭力下降。在個案中導入系統後,高層主管感受不到導入後的效益,其原因是產生新的瓶頸,因此,本研究運用限制理論工具探討個案公司導入製造執行系統的過程,以維運現況找出系統限制,以現況圖找出主要原因,然而這些問題並非無法解決,而是因為有衝突問題及障礙,仍需考量隱藏的風險。本研究藉由過往個案資料針對本個案提供改善作法,導入方法沒有十全十美,只有適不適合。本研究參考相關文獻後,歸納個案公司研究結果如下,提供未來企業導入系統之參考:
(一) 人為錯誤只能夠降低,但無法避免,作業模式應該改變。
(二) 委外選擇有產業經驗的軟體廠商,能力成熟後可考量自行開發。
(三) 導入前企業建立內部對MES系統的認知,廠商應學習相關產業知識。
(四) 擬定短中長期對策,降低對舊系統的依賴行為。
Manufacturing Exective Systems (MES) has been developed for many years. Enterprises think that can improve the efficiency of production operations by implementation MES and then seek outsourced resources for implementation. Previously, case studies pointed out that each enterprise culture is different and faces varied problems in system implementation among them, people problem is the biggest especially. Theory of constraint creator Goldratt mentioned the goal of factory is to make money, the effective output can make companies continue to profitability, whether the effective output depends on the bottleneck, if the existing operating processes before the implementation of new system has not changed, it will not improve the performance of factory operations, and make it less competitive. After introducing the system into the factory, the senior manager can not feel the benefits after the introduction. The reason is that there is a new bottleneck. Therefore, this study explores the process by which a case company implement into the manufacturing execution system by using the theory of constraint tool to find out the system restrictions, to find out the main reasons for the situation, but these problems are not unsolvable, but because of conflicts and obstacles, still need to consider the hidden risks. In this study, past case information is provided to improve the case. The method of implementation is not perfect, but suitable. The research reference to the relevant literature, the inductive case company research results are as follows, to provide a reference for the future enterprise implement system:
(A) Human error can only be reduced, but can not be avoided, mode of operation should be changed.
(B) Outsourcing choose industry-experienced software vendors, after the ability to consider its own development.
(C) Before the introduction of enterprises to establish internal MES system awareness, manufacturers should learn the relevant industry knowledge.
(D) To formulate short-term and long-term measures to reduce the dependence on the old system.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目次 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻檢閱 3
2.1 MES製造執行系統 3
2.2 MES導入方法論 7
2.3 專案關鍵成功因素 13
2.4 限制理論 21
第三章 研究方法 31
3.1 研究方法 31
3.2 研究設計 32
3.2.1 個案背景說明 33
3.2.2 資料收集方法 33
3.2.3 問題分析方法 34
3.2.4 研究架構 35
第四章 MES導入個案分析 36
4.1 MES導入專案描述 36
4.1.1 公司產品介紹 36
4.1.2 製程基本介紹 38
4.1.3 專案時程 39
4.1.4 專案組織結構 40
4.1.5 導入MES系統前的準備工作 42
4.2 尋找問題原因 46
4.2.1 個案資料說明 46
4.2.2 專案過程 46
4.2.3 現況分析 50
4.2.4 不良原因分析 53
4.3 找出核心問題 56
4.3.1 訪談結果彙整 56
4.3.2 衝突問題探討 64
4.3.3 定義核心問題 66
4.4 創造解決方案 68
4.4.1 核心問題解決方案 69
4.4.2 目標障礙 74
4.4.3 建立未來圖 76
第五章 結論 77
5.1 結論 77
5.2 研究限制 78
5.3 對後續研究的建議 78
參考文獻 79
附錄A、昆山MES客製需求規格書意見回覆表 82
附錄B、需求清單匯總表 83
附錄C、MES功能需求表 84
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