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研究生(外文):Yi-Jing Chen
論文名稱(外文):Mechanical Properties and Fatigue Fracture of Single-edge-cracked Ti/APC-2 Hybrid Composite Laminates at High Temperature
指導教授(外文):Ming-Hwa R. Jen
外文關鍵詞:High temperature fatigueLaminatesAPC-2TitaniumSingle-edged crack
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本論文以含單邊裂縫之鈦/碳纖維/聚醚醚酮十字疊複材積層板作為研究對象,探討其於高溫下之機械性質及疲勞破壞。此積層板層數為三層,最外面兩層為商業用1級純鈦(CP Titanium Grade 1),厚度為0.5 mm,第二層則為碳纖維預浸布,其疊序為[0/90]s,厚度為0.55 mm。而裂縫長度固定為3 mm,裂縫傾角為0°、45° 和"60°,環境溫度則分別為100°C、125°C和150°C。
實驗主要分為靜態拉伸試驗及疲勞試驗,皆使用MTS-810萬能材料試驗機來進行,而環境溫度則由MTS-651環境控制箱來提供實驗所需之高溫環境。根據靜態拉伸的結果可以得知,當裂縫傾角越小時,單邊裂縫積層板的極限負載越低,而當環境溫度升高,極限負載也隨之下降,尤其當環境溫度到150°C時,其下降幅度越明顯,這是由於此時已超過聚醚醚酮基材的玻璃轉移溫度(Tg=143°C)。而疲勞試驗採用負載控制拉伸-拉伸(Tension-tension)疲勞的方式進行,其波形為正弦波,應力比為0.1,頻率為5 Hz。根據疲勞試驗的結果可以得知,單邊裂縫積層板的疲勞強度會隨著裂縫傾角的降低及環境溫度的增加而下降,且當裂縫傾角越小時,疲勞振次曲線擬合會趨近於一條直線。
The mechanical properties and fatigue fracture of single-edge-cracked Ti/APC-2 hybrid composite laminates at high temperature were investigated. The hybrid composite laminate consists of two layers of Titanium Grade 1 with 0.5 mm thickness and one layer of cross-ply APC-2 with 0.55 mm thickness which is between the two layers of titanium. APC-2 was stacked according to cross-ply [0/90]s sequences. The crack length was a constant of 3 mm and cracked-angles were 0°, 45° and 60°, respectively. The test temperature were 100°C, 125°C and 150°C, respectively.
Tensile tests and fatigue tests were carried out by using MTS-810 Material Testing Systems, while the test temperature was controlled by MTS-651 Environmental Chamber. From the results of tensile tests, we obtained that ultimate strength decreased with the increasing of test temperature and the decreasing of cracked-angle, especially at 150°C. Because the temperature 150°C was over the glass transition temperature of matrix of PEEK (Tg=143°C), the ultimate strength decreased significantly. The fatigue tests were carried out by using load control mode and tension-tension mode with sinusoidal loading wave, frequency of 5 Hz and stress ratio R = 0.1. According to the results of fatigue tests, we received that fatigue strength decreased with the decreasing of cracked-angle and the increasing of test temperature. The S-N curve would be approaching to straight line, when the cracked-angle was decreasing.
論文審定書 i
致 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
目 錄 v
圖 次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 複合材料概述 1
1.3研究方向 2
1.4 文獻回顧 2
1.5 組織章節 4
第二章 實驗材料與製程 5
2.1 實驗材料介紹 5
2.1.1 鈦金屬 5
2.1.2 APC-2 Pre-preg (碳纖維預浸布,碳纖維/聚醚醚酮,AS-4/Peek) 6
2.2 儀器設備之介紹 6
2.3 Ti/APC-2複合材料積層板之研製 7
2.3.1 材料前處理 7
2.3.3 熱壓成型製程 8
2.3.4 試片之裁切與加工 9
2.4 靜態拉伸與疲勞試驗 10
2.4.1 拉伸試驗 10
2.4.2 疲勞試驗 10
第三章 靜態拉伸試驗 16
3.1 靜態拉伸試驗方法 16
3.2 靜態拉伸試片編碼 17
3.3 靜態拉伸試驗結果 17
3.3.1 同樣裂縫傾角結果之比較 17
3.3.2 同樣環境溫度結果之比較 18
第四章 疲勞試驗 29
4.1 疲勞試驗方法 29
4.2 試片編碼說明 29
4.3 疲勞試驗結果 30
4.3.1 同樣裂縫傾角結果之比較 30
4.3.2 同樣環境溫度結果之比較 30
第五章 分析與討論 45
5.1 未受損之Ti/APC-2十字疊複材積層板機械性質 45
5.1.1 混合理論 45
5.1.2 拉伸試驗之數據與混合理論之理論值比較 46
5.1.3 Ti/APC-2十字疊複材積層板之應力-應變關係 46
5.2 Ti/APC-2十字疊複材積層板之應力強度因子 K 47
5.2.1 應力強度因子(Stress Intensity Factor, S.I.F) 47
5.3破裂型態之探討 48
5.3.1 金屬-纖維積層板的破裂機制 48
5.3.2 拉伸破壞 49
5.3.3 疲勞破壞 50
5.4 極限負載 51
5.4.1 溫度對於極限負載的影響 51
5.4.2 裂縫傾角對於極限負載的影響 52
5.5 抗疲勞性質 52
5.5.1溫度對於疲勞強度的影響 53
5.5.2裂縫傾角對於疲勞強度的影響 53
第六章 結論 71
參考文獻 72
附錄一 實驗儀器 75
附錄二 Ti/APC-2複材積層板於高溫下之拉伸數據 81
附錄三 單邊裂縫積層板於常溫下之拉伸數據 84
附錄四 單邊裂縫積層板於常溫下之疲勞數據 87
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