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研究生(外文):LAI, YEN-CHUN
論文名稱(外文):Development of Assessment of Auditory Perception for Conceptual Recognition(AAPCR)
指導教授(外文):CHEN, YEA-TZY
外文關鍵詞:Environmental soundsconceptAssessmentauditory perceptionneurogenic damage
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Concept is an important component of the human perception and language. Patients with neurological damage will experience various degrees of deficit in their ability to conceptualize. Patients’ perception can be a proxy measure of their ability to conceptualize. Due to the lack of consistent measurement in the current clinical settings, it is difficult to assess the patients’ actual conceptualization ability. Therefore, this study aims to create an assessment tool by using acoustics priming to analyze patients' ability to recognize pictures.
In this study, the author constructed a set of tools called "Assessment of Auditory Perception for Conceptual Recognition " which based on the cultural background of Taiwanese and the concept of cognitive and linguistic competence of patients post brain injury. Twenty healthy adults and teenagers without any neurological damage and five patients with neurological damage were recruited as panticipants for the pre-testing measures. Sound materials consists of environmental sounds, which include nonspeech human-induced sounds, animal sounds, signals,and instrumental sounds. After listening to the requested sounds, participants are asked to give a feedback response by pointing a corresponding pictures from the four pictures displayed.
Eventually, the quantitative assessment results would promote understanding of the impact of neurological damage on the ability to conceptualize environmental sounds. It provides a reference to speech and language pathologists in setting therapy goals.


誌謝 i
論文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 環境聲音與語音概論 3
第二節 聽覺處理系統 9
第三節 聽知覺與認知概念 15
第四節 神經性腦傷患者聽知覺概念的表現 20
第五節 環境聲音在研究與臨床的應用 25
第六節 神經性腦傷者的概念認知評估工具 29
第七節 研究目的 31
第三章 研究方法 32
第一節 研究設計 32
第二節 研究對象 36
第三節 研究材料 37
第四節 研究工具與設備 42
第五節 研究程序 44
第六節 資料處理及統計分析 47
第四章 研究結果 50
第一節 預測分析結果 50
第二節 專家審查結果分析 52
第三節 初試測驗結果分析 57
第五章 研究討論與建議 67
第一節 AAPCR的臨床測驗結果 67
第二節 測驗的臨床應用與意義 73
第三節 未來研究建議 74
參考文獻 76
附 錄 92
附錄一 93
附錄二 98
附錄三 102
附錄四 105
附錄五 108
附錄六 117


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