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研究生(外文):LIN, PIN-TSEN
論文名稱(外文):Effects for Using 3D Printing Technology to Manufacture Aquatic Insect Teaching Aids on Water Patrol Team’s Identification Skill
指導教授(外文):PAI, TZU-YI
外文關鍵詞:3D printingaquatic lifewater patrol team
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本研究選定臺中市水環境巡守隊員共111位為研究對象,實驗組分為三組,每組選定一梯次河川巡守隊員講習課程進行實驗。第一組實驗組進行河川底棲昆蟲課程教學輔以3D列印機輸出之河川底棲昆蟲教具,第二組(對照組一)僅進行河川底棲昆蟲課程教學,第三組(對照組二)則不介入任何教學教材及教具。研究工具使用「3D 繪圖軟體」與「3D 列印機」設計輸出之教具,搭配「河川底棲昆蟲辨識技能教材」及「河川底棲昆蟲辨識技能問卷」。研究資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本T 檢定及成對樣本T 檢定進行分析。

This study attempted to use 3D printer to produce the river aquatic life artifacts as teaching tools, and integrate the river aquatic life identification skills into the teaching course, so that the water patrol team attendants could increase their learning abilities during the volunteer training, then analyze the water patrol team knowledge for identification of the river aquatic life before and after training, to provide government agencies for planning the water patrol team classes.
In this study, a total of 111 water patrol team in Taichung City were selected as the research object, and the experiment was divided into three groups. Each group selects a team to study the course. The first groups of experimental group proceed the course of teaching river aquatic life, and combined with 3D printer. The second groups only proceed the river benthic insects teaching. The third group used no teaching materials and teaching aids. The research tools use the "3D graphics Software" and "3D Printer" to design their own output teaching aids, as well as the "River Benthic Insect Identification Skills Teaching Materials" and the "River Benthic Insect Identification Skills Questionnaire" as a research tool. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample T test and paired sample T test.
Comparison of the implementation of the river benthic life identification skills questionnaire found: not the implementation of the course and operation of the teaching aids of the water patrol team to learn echelon, obviously no learning effect. There is a significant improvement in learning materials for the identification of river benthic life. In particular, the water patrol team has a higher learning effect than other echelons, Finally, on the basis of the research results, it proposed the 3D printing machine suggestions on the teaching aids for the river aquatic life artifacts and future research .

第一章 緒論.....................1
第一節 研究背景與動機..............1
第二節 研究目的...................5
第三節 名詞解釋...................6
第四節 研究對象與限制..............7
第二章 文獻回顧..................8
第一節 環境教育回顧................8
第二節 水環境巡守隊發展回顧.........9
第三節 河川底棲昆蟲................12
第四節 3D列印技術回顧..............20
第五節 教具發展回顧................22
第三章 研究方法及研究設備.........25
第一節 研究架構與流程..............25
第二節 研究範圍及對象..............28
第三節 研究工具....................28
第四節 資料處理與分析..............35
第四章 結果與討論................36
第一節 3D列印機教具製作...........36
第二節 河川底棲昆蟲問卷及教案編制..41
第三節 研究對象之背景變項分析......48
第四節 三組前測資料分析...........57
第五節 各組前後測資料分析.........60
第六節 三組後測資料分析...........63
第五章 結論與建議.................66
第一節 結論......................66
第二節 建議......................68
參考文獻 ..........................69
附錄一 河川底棲昆蟲辨識技能專家學者審查問卷..78
附錄二 97年水環境巡守隊員教育手冊....83
附錄二 活動教案.....................101
附錄三 臺中市政府環境保護局水環境巡守隊教育講習志工培訓課程表..106
附錄四 河川底棲昆蟲辨識技能教材......103
附錄五 上課照片分享.................111

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行政院環境保護署-Ecolife清淨家園顧厝邊綠色生活網。97年水環境巡守隊員教育手冊。取自 https://ecolife.epa.gov.tw/conservation/default.aspx

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