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研究生(外文):Chan, Shu-Po
論文名稱(外文):Influence of Core Flow and Boundary Layer Flow Induced by Perturbator and Channel Cross-Sectional Geometry on Heat Transfer Performance in Heat Exchangers
指導教授(外文):Liou, Tong-MiinChang, Shyy-Woei
口試委員(外文):Huang, Rong-FungYang, Chien-YuhWong, Shwin-ChungChen, Jerry-M.Wu, Xing-Mao
外文關鍵詞:PIVInfrared ThermographyParallelogram ChannelEntrance EffectRib AngleLouverCore Flow DisturbanceBoundary Layer DisturbanceTurbulent FlowHeat Transfer
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本研究分別使用質點影像測速儀(Particle Image velocimetry)、紅外線測溫儀(Infrared Thermometry)及壓力傳感器(pressure transducer)來量測流場結構、壁溫分布及壓力差值,雷諾數(Reynolds number)在壁溫分布及壓差量測實驗中從5,000變化至20,000,而流場結構量測實驗時,雷諾數則訂於10,000。本文將會分成以下三個部分以探討核心流干擾與近壁流干擾對於流體動量及能量傳遞之影響:
本研究的第三部分基於肋條(Rib)及折流板(Baffle)的熱傳機制與優點設計出新式百葉窗型擾流器,百葉窗型擾流器藉由干擾核心流體、壁面衝擊冷卻及延伸散熱面積三種方式來增益管道內熱傳表現,為簡化研究題目並釐清新式擾流器之影響,搭載全展流入口之正方形雙通道被採用做為第三部分的測試管道,實驗探討擾流器間距比(Pi/DH=1, 2, 3, 4, and ∞)及導流板數量(1≤Ns≤4)對於局部與平均紐賽數、摩擦係數及定泵功率下之熱效能係數的影響以找出新式擾流器之最佳設計。實驗結果顯示紐賽數比及摩擦係數比皆隨著間距比的變小及導流板數量的增加而上升,在所有測試的情況當中,擁有最小間距(Pi/DH=1)及最多導流板(Ns=4)的管道提供最高的熱傳增益,其增益幅度為正方形平滑雙通道之兩倍,然而,在此管道當中其壓損係數亦是所有測試管道當中的最大;此外,本研究亦發現正方形雙通道加裝百葉窗型擾流器之後其定泵功率下之熱效能係數不太隨擾流器間距而改變,且當導流板數量大於3時,熱效能係數亦不太隨導流板數量而改變,但當導流板數量小於3時,熱效能係數隨導流板數量減少而增加。綜合以上,在本研究之實驗條件範圍內,加裝越多百葉窗型擾流器且增加導流板數量(干擾核心流)可以大幅增強管道內熱傳表現,另一方面,干擾壁面流體則是較為經濟實惠的熱傳增益方式(定泵功率下之熱效能係數較高)。
This work attempts to enlighten the influence of core flow disturbance and boundary layer disturbance on momentum and energy transport. Local temperature distributions over entire heated surfaces with the associated pressure drops are examined using Infrared Thermometry (IT) and pressure transducers with Reynolds number (Re) ranging from 5,000 to 20,000. The detailed turbulent flow features are measured with Particle Image velocimetry (PIV) to provide the flow physics attributed to the heat transfer performances at a fixed Re of 10,000.
The first part of the present study explores the detailed flow fields, heat transfer distributions, and pressure drop penalties in a stationary two-pass smooth parallelogram channel with 180-deg sharp bend as the baseline case. The particular asymmetrically and suddenly contracted inlet condition (hereinafter referred to as “ASI”) emulates the abrupt flow entrance of the real gas turbine blade cooling conditions. The secondary-flow patterns as well as the near-wall streamwise mean velocity components and turbulent kinetic energy are analyzed to correlate the relationship between flow characteristics and heat transfer distributions. The most distinct finding of this study is the asymmetric thermal and fluid flow features on the top and bottom wall side, in contrast to the symmetric ones in the corresponding square and rectangular channels. Compared with the previous fully developed inlet condition (hereinafter referred to as “FDI”) case, it is found that the thermal performance factors (TPF) of the ASI case are respectively 43.5% and 53.7% higher than those of the FDI case at Re=5,000 and 20,000 because of the entrance-induced secondary flow and disturbance. The correlations of Nu and fanning friction factor (f) are obtained to compare with those generated from the corresponding square channels.
The second part of the present study explores the detailed flow patterns and turbulence parameters, including streamwise and spanwise mean flow field, secondary-flow mean velocity map, turbulent intensity, Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy as well as the heat transfer performances for the two-pass ribbed parallelogram channels with three different rib orientations (45-deg, -45-deg, and 90-deg). It is found that the combined effect of inlet condition and rib orientation extends to the entire parallelogram channel rather than the first passage only. Among the rib orientations investigated, the 45-deg ribs enhance the effects of parallelogram slant sidewalls and entrance to extend the Nu differences between the top and bottom walls. In contrast, the other two rib configurations, 90-deg ribs especially, weaken these effects and narrow the corresponding differences. Based on the ability to elevate the surface-averaged Nu/Nu∞ ratios, the respective orders of (45-deg, −45-deg, 90-deg) and (90-deg, 45-deg, −45-deg) for the present top and bottom walls are significantly different from those in square and rectangular channels. The variations of channel-averaged Nu/Nu∞ and f/f∞ with the associated TPF values against Re are compared with the previous results obtained from literature. In general, the three tested angled ribs all provide the TPF values above than unity. Only the TPF values in 45-deg case are always higher than those in corresponding smooth parallelogram channel (ASI case). Divided by the TPF values in ASI case, the normalized TPF values are respectively 1.09-1.04, 1.07-0.87, and 0.83-0.99 for 45, 90, −45-deg ribbed cases. It is thus important to take the entrance effect into account when applying the angled ribs in a two-pass parallelogram channel.
The third part of the present study aims to propose innovative louver-type turbulators to enhance the heat transfer rate via three flow mechanics, namely core flow disturbance, jet impingement, and extended heat transfer surface. These louvers are installed in the twin-pass square channel with a fully developed inlet condition. The parameters are examined to disclose optimal design in terms of the pitch ratio (Pi/DH=1, 2, 3, 4, and ∞) and the number of slat per half louver (1≤Ns≤4). The pressure drop measurements are also performed to estimate the Fanning friction factors (f) and the thermal performance factors (TPF). The results show that both (Nu) ̅/Nu∞ and f ̅/f∞ ratios rise with descending Pi/DH and ascending Ns under the present test conditions. Among all the tested cases, the case with Pi/DH=1 and Ns=4 provides the highest Nu/Nu∞, almost twice the value of smooth reference. Nevertheless, it suffers from high f/f∞ penalty. The TPF level is a relatively weak function of Pi/DH. There exists a critical slat number of Ns=3 above which the TPF value is a weak function of Ns. Below the critical Ns, the TPF value increases with decreasing Ns. From the viewpoint of heat transfer enhancement, one could apply the louvered channel as a heat exchanger with small Pi/DH and large Ns. The boundary layer disturbance, on the other hand, is more cost-effective than core flow disturbance as a mechanism to augment heat transfer from the viewpoint of thermal performance.
List of Tables 1
List of Figures 2
Nomenclatures 12
Chapter 1 Introduction 15
1-1 Opening Remarks 15
1-2 Literature Survey 16
1-2-1 Impacts of Channel Configuration 17
1-2-1-1 Cross-Sectional Geometry of Channel 17
1-2-1-2 Channel Aspect Ratio 19
1-2-1-3 Turn Geometry 23
1-2-2 Entrance Configuration 24
1-2-3 Turbulator Configuration 25
1-2-3-1 Turbulator Type 25
1-2-3-2 Turbulator Pitch and Blockage Ratio 30
1-2-3-3 Turbulator Orientation 33
1-3 Objectives 38
Chapter 2 Experimental Setup 64
2-1 Model Configuration 64
2-2 Experimental Apparatus 67
2-2-1 Coolant Flow System 67
2-2-2 Flow Field Measurement System 67
2-2-2-1 Principle of Particle Image Velocimetry 67
2-2-2-2 Illumination System 69
2-2-2-3 Image Collecting System 69
2-2-2-4 Seeding Generator and Tracking Particle 69
2-2-3 Heat Transfer Measurement System 74
2-2-3-1 Background of Thermal Radiation 74
2-2-3-2 Principle of Infrared Thermography 77
2-2-3-3 Heating and Data Acquisition System 78
2-2-4 Pressure Loss Measurement System 78
2-3 Test Condition and Data Processing 79
2-4 Uncertainty Analysis 81
Chapter 3 Flow Field and Heat Transfer Performance in a Smooth Two-Pass Parallelogram Channel 101
3-1 Validation of Flow Measurement Technique 101
3-2 Flow Characteristics in the Upstream Leg 101
3-3 Flow Patterns through Bend Region 103
3-4 Flow Features in the Downstream Leg 105
3-5 Local Nusselt Number and Corresponding Near-Wall Flow Field 106
3-6 Correlation between Flow Feature and Heat Transfer 111
3-7 Effect of Reynolds Number on Heat Transfer 113
3-8 Friction Factor and Heat Transfer Performance 115
Chapter 4 Flow Field and Heat Transfer Performance in Ribbed Two-Pass Parallelogram Channels 150
4-1 Flow Characteristics in Upstream Leg 150
4-2 Flow Patterns through Bend Region 157
4-3 Flow Features in Downstream Leg 162
4-4 Normalized Nusselt Number Distribution 169
4-5 Evaluation of Thermal Performance against Re 174
Chapter 5 Flow Field and Heat Transfer Performance in Louvered Two-Pass Square Channels 272
5-1 Effect of Single Louver on Flow Field 272
5-2 Effect of Pitch between Consecutive Louvers 273
5-3 Effect of Number of Slats 276
5-4 Thermal Performance of Proposed Louvers 279
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Recommendations 290
6-1 Conclusions 290
6-1-1 Smooth Parallelogram Channel 290
6-1-2 Ribbed Parallelogram Channel 291
6-1-3 Louvered Square Channel 293
6-2 Contributions 294
6-3 Future Recommendations 294
Appendix I Instruments 296
Reference 309
Resume 325
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