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研究生(外文):Huang, Kuan-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Pairwise Learning on Image Quality Assessment using Deep Siamese Neural Networks
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
口試委員(外文):Peng, Wen-HsiaoLai, Shang-HongLiu, Tsung-Jung
外文關鍵詞:Subjective Quality AssessmentSiamese NetworkPairwise LearningImage Retargeting
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在本篇論文中,我們將提出一套成對式學習(Pairwise learning)的影像主觀
品質評測,基於孿生神經網路(Siamese network)之學習架構,讓我們的方法可
Image quality assessment is a very important component in image processing. A
good image quality assessment method provides designers a criterion for comparing
performance. Every designer directs toward the target of increasing the score produced
by this method. In addition, this quality assessment criteria can facilitate designers to
propose a suitable strategy for improving their methods.
Image quality assessment methods are designed specially according to task goals.
However, lots of methods are simple and human adjusted, they are hard to solve
complicated quality assessing problems which are closer to the human visual system.
Recently, many subjective quality assessment methods based on deep neural network
have been proposed, which need large amounts of labeling data, and these methods has
gotten significant improvement. Nevertheless, there have some cases difficult to label
the subjective quality score directly (like: Image Retargeting), which cannot be learned
by existing method due to the obstacle of collecting training data.
In this thesis, we propose a pairwise training model for image subjective quality
assessment. Our architecture is based on Siamese network, which can make our model
training on paired-comparison data. This architecture lets us solve the problem on
image retargeting and easily extends to similar tasks. On general subjective quality
assessment database, our method can also alleviate the difficulty of data collections.
Experiment shows that our proposed method produces better results compared to
previous works on the retargeted image case and comparative results in the general
quality assessment database, even under the limitation of labeling information.
摘 要 .......i
Content.......... iii
Chapter 1 Introduction ......4
Chapter 2 Related Work...........8
2.1 RIQA........8
2.2 CNN-based GIQA..........10
Chapter 3 Proposed Method................13
3.1 Overview......................13
3.2 Initialization ..........................15
3.3 Network Architecture............20
3.4 Optimization ..........................22
Chapter 4 Experiments and Discussions.........24
4.1 Benchmark Databases.............24
4.2 Performance Evaluations........27
4.3 Predicted Quality Score Maps ....34
4.4 Limitations.......................34
Chapter 5 Conclusion...............37
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