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研究生(外文):Wu, Chih-Yen
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of the Mnemonic Keyword Method on the Acquisition of Novel Vocabulary:A Case Study of a Junior High School in Taipei City
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yeu-Ting
外文關鍵詞:encoding cueforgetting ratethe keyword method
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Researchers in second language learning have often suggested that the keyword method would likely facilitate learners’ vocabulary learning. However, research on how to effectively reduce the steepness of the forgetting rate is scant. Therefore, this study explores how to make the acquired vocabulary more robust and investigates which encoding cue, word or picture, facilitates learners’ later retrieval. This research involved a five-week experiment, several interviews, and the researcher’s classroom observations. Four classes of 111 eighth graders were recruited for the study. The results of this study revealed that the adjusted teaching sequence of the keyword method made the acquired vocabulary more robust, and that word encoding cues worked better than picture encoding cues. To conclude, this study may be of importance in explaining how the keyword method facilitates junior high school students’ English vocabulary learning, as well as in providing English teachers with a better understanding when adopting the keyword method in their classrooms.
Key words: encoding cue, forgetting rate, the keyword method

摘要 i

Motivation and Background - 1 -
Rationale and Purpose of the Study - 3 -
Theoretical Basis of the Study - 4 -
Research Questions - 5 -
Organization of the Thesis - 5 -

The Immediate Effectiveness of the Keyword Method - 7 -
Retention Remains an Unresolved Issue - 13 -
Changing the Procedure of the Keyword Method as a Possible Solution - 23 -
Word or Picture Encoding Cue May Be Influential - 27 -
Research Questions - 33 -

Participants - 34 -
Design of the Study - 36 -
Materials - 47 -
Procedures for Data Collection - 49 -
Assessments - 50 -
Data Analysis - 52 -

The Adjusted Teaching Sequence - 53 -
Word Encoding Cues vs. Picture Encoding Cues - 54 -
Results of the Delayed Vocabulary Tests - 55 -
Homogeneity of the four groups - 55 -
The result of the delayed test of all target words - 55 -
The results of Delayed Tests 1 and 2 - 59 -
The results of Delayed Test 3 - 61 -
The results of Delayed Test 4 - 64 -
An Overall Observation and Reflection - 67 -
The link between keywords and definitions - 67 -
The failure of picture encoding cues - 70 -
Participants’ attitudes toward the keyword method - 72 -
Discussion of the Teaching Sequence - 74 -
The adjusted teaching sequence - 75 -
The traditional teaching sequence - 77 -
Discussion of the Encoding Cues - 79 -
Picture encoding cues failed to facilitate long-term memory - 80 -
The effectiveness of word encoding cues needs long-term tracking - 82 -

Summary of the Major Findings - 84 -
Adjusted teaching sequence facilitates later retrieval - 84 -
Keywords worked as mnemonics during later retrieval - 85 -
Pictures were not helpful in reducing the phonological similarity effect - 85 -
Word encoding cues made the novel L2 words more robust - 86 -
Keywords can be used to learn other subjects - 86 -
Pedagogical Implications - 86 -
Limitations of the Study - 88 -
Suggestions for Future Research - 90 -

Appendix A. Vocabulary Chosen from Image System for Memorizing English Words - 100 -
Appendix B. Questions Asked During the Interviews - 102 -
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