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論文名稱(外文):The Gay Couples’ Perception, Feelings and Reactions of Intimacy
指導教授(外文):CHAO, WEN-TAO
外文關鍵詞:gay coupleintimacy
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一、 男同志伴侶在關係中重視的親密內涵包括(ㄧ)關係的親密內涵:「信任—揭露-接納」、「安全感」、「相似、契合」、「默契」、「感激」、「欣賞」、「考慮對方需要,調整自己」;(二)個人的親密內涵:「保有自主空間」、「做自己」;(三)身體的親密內涵:「身體接觸」、「性」。
二、 臺灣男同志在親密關係中之獨特經驗包括(一)相同性別、相似成長過程,伴侶容易溝通並信任。(二)著重在關係中可以「做自己」的需求。(三)隨著關係穩定,性不再扮演重要關係內涵。(四)性象徵關係進展的里程碑,穩定後就不再扮演重要角色。
三、 臺灣男同志親密發展所遭遇得挑戰有(一)尚未出櫃下,分居的伴侶狀態造成情感上的疏離。(二)缺乏社會支持,容易過度依賴伴侶。(三)對開放性關係期待不同,易引起伴侶間不安,破壞信任。

This study is aimed to understand male homosexual couples’ experiences in relationships in Taiwan. By interviewing six homosexual male participants who has been in a relationship for more than three years, we can see how they maintain their long-term stable partnerships, how they understand and interpret the concept of intimacy, what emotion they experienced in their relationships, and what would they do to express a sense of intimacy. By doing so the author hopes to understand the discrepancies between homosexual and heterosexual couples. Hence to assist couple counselors to step out of the heterosexual relationship perspective and truly understand the important and meaningful experiences in gay couple relationships.
The findings are as followed:
1. Gay couples value their intimate relationship in several aspects, including (a) Intimacy aspects in relationships: “trust-reveal-acceptance”, “sense of security”, “similarity”, “tacit understanding”, “gratitude”, “appreciation”, and “adjusting oneself taking accounts of the partner’s needs“ ; (b) Intimacy aspects in individuals: “keeping some private space", "being oneself "; (c) The physical aspects of intimacy: "Physical contact" and "Sex".
2. Gay couples in Taiwan have the unique experiences in intimacy, which includes (a) Gay partners are easier to communicate and trust, because of the same gender and similar growing process. (b) Focus on the needs of “ being themselves" in relationships. (c)As relationship stabilizes, sex no longer plays an important role in the relationship aspect. (d) Until the relationship becomes stable, sex is a significant milestone representing the progress of relationship.
3. Gay couples’ in Taiwan are faced with numerous challenges in developing intimate relationships (a) Gay couples who hasn’t come out yet and live separately from their partners, can result in emotional alienation. (b) Gay people may become overly dependent on their partners when lacking social support. (c) Gay couples who have different expectations towards an open sexual relationships can result in disturbance, or damaging mutual trust.

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究問題 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 親密感 5
第二節 男同志親密經驗 21
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 研究取向 29
第二節 研究對象 32
第三節 研究流程 34
第四節 資料蒐集 35
第五節 研究工具 35
第六節 資料分析 38
第七節 研究倫理 44
第四章 研究結果 45
第一節 產生連結的關係互動 45
第二節 促進親密的個人需要 64
第三節 身體的親密內涵 69
第五章 研究討論 77
第一節 臺灣男同志在親密關係中之獨特經驗 77
第二節 臺灣男同志親密發展所遭遇得挑戰及經驗 85
第三節 研究限制與建議 88
參考文獻 91
附錄 99

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