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論文名稱(外文):Cohabitation equals marriage? A comparison of relationship quality among cohabitors and marrieds
指導教授(外文):TAI, TSUI-O
外文關鍵詞:satisfactioncohabitationmarriagecohabitation experiencemarriage plan
  • 被引用被引用:3
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一、 72%是已婚者、28%是同居者,同居人口比例並不高。
二、 在與伴侶快樂程度的分佈當中,雖然不快樂僅占全部的3.6%,但可以發現女性不快樂的人較男性多。
三、 婚前有同居的已婚者與婚前無同居的已婚者相比,兩者之間的快樂程度無明顯差異。
四、 與有結婚意願的同居者相比,無結婚意願的同居者之快樂程度會較低,亦是四類中最低。
五、 對有結婚意願的同居者而言,在未控制任何選擇性因素時,其快樂程度是四類中最高的。但在控制個人特質與原生家庭等因素後,發現其快樂程度與已婚者群並沒有顯著差異。

Using data from the Taiwan Youth Project (TYP), this research examines the ways in which union types affect the relationship happiness of coupled young adults aged 24-32. Specifically, married and cohabiting respondents are divided into four relationship categories: married respondents that ever or never lived with their spouses before the entry into marriage, and cohabitors with or without marriage plans.
The final analytic sample size of this research consists of 352 young men and 410 young women. The analyses show several important empirical findings. First, approximately 28% of the 762 coupled respondents were in a nonmarital cohabitation relationship. Second, on average, the respondents reported high levels of relationship happiness, although women were less happy than their male counterparts about their relationships. Third, relationship happiness varies across the union types. Specifically, while other family and individual characteristics were not taken into consideration, the cohabiting respondents intending to marry with their partners reported the highest levels of relationship happiness. However, with all things being equal, there was no significant disparity in relationship happiness between marrieds and cohabitors with marriage plans while those in cohabitation relationships but without marriage plans reported the lowest levels of relationship happiness. Finally, the contributions to the study of family change and implications for related social policies in Taiwan are discusse

中文論文提要 ........................................................... ii
英文論文提要 ........................................................... iii
目錄 I
表次 II
一、前言 ................................................................ 1
二、文獻回顧 ............................................................. 4
(一)台灣同居現況與發展 .................................................. 4
(二)不同伴侶類型的關係滿意度異............................................ 5
(三)影響同居與婚姻的關係滿意度差異三大論點................................. 7
(1) 選擇性因素(selection factors)......................................... 7
(2) 制度化因素(institutionalization) ..................................... 11
(3) 承諾性因素(commitment) ............................................... 13
(四)其他因素影響伴侶關係型態的滿意度(快樂感).............................. 15
(五)小結 ............................................................... 16
三、研究方法 ............................................................. 17
(一)研究架構 ........................................................... 17
(二)研究假設 ........................................................... 17
(三)資料來源 ........................................................... 18
(四)變項的測量 ......................................................... 19
(五)分析方法 ........................................................... 22
四、研究結果 ............................................................. 23
第一節、樣本描述分析 ...................................................... 23
第二節、不同伴侶關係型態的滿意度差異 ....................................... 26
第三節、不同伴侶快樂度的影響因素之迴歸分析 .................................. 27
五、結論 ................................................................. 32
(一)研究結果與貢獻 ...................................................... 32
(二)研究限制與建議 ...................................................... 35
參考文獻 ................................................................. 37
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