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研究生(外文):HUI-MING, FU
論文名稱(外文):The Research on Disaster Response Action in Taitung Based on Typhoon Cases.
指導教授(外文):WEN-CHING, WANG
外文關鍵詞:Organizing SystemResource Check and ArrangementInformation IntegrationOrdinance BasisResilient Community
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本研究為了實際了解臺東縣災害應變中心於颱風警報發布後的應變方式 ,
採用「個案研究法」藉以完整探討災害應變的作為來減低對生命、財產所造成的損失。並考量整體研究的客觀性與完整性,特別邀請相關防救災專家,召開「專家座談」,藉由不同執行層級與觀點所扮演的腳色差異,彙整出4大評估指標與27個颱風應變影響要項,再藉由實際參與兩次颱風應變的消防與鄉鎮市公所科(課)長級以上人員,針對問卷實施填答,藉由專家問卷的結果,描繪出兩次颱風應變的意象折線圖 ,再由圖像的差異性,分析整體應變成效。
With the impact of severe weather, situation of disaster caused by the extreme rainfall has turn from simple, partial into large scale and from area floods and mudslides to nowadays complex disasters. Both the extreme rainfall of typhoon Morakot and the instantaneous gusts of up to 17 of typhoon Nibert caused horrible damage at Taitung County.
This study is based on the experiences and the progresses that how we responded of typhoon Morakot and Nibert. To investigate whether Emergency Operation Center operated well after tremendous disaster or not by comparing the ordinances, organizing systems, resource checks and arrangements bases on the organization response and crisis management.Searching whether the systematic share work was appropriate, distribution of resources is sufficient, the information of disaster protection is integrated, and the basis of ordinances is thorough, to buildings the requirement of mission at emergency response phase.
To virtually understand the response practiced by Taitung Emergency Operation Center after the typhoon alerts, this study implements “Case Study Method” to thoroughly examine the response measures to reduce the losses of lives and properties caused by typhoons. Considering about the objectivity and integrity of the complete study, we invited the relevant disaster-prevention experts to hold an "expert conference”. Observing through, we compiled four major evaluation indexes and twenty-seven typhoon response-effect items which based on the differences of roles-play, executive levels and their perspective.
According the result of the questionnaire written by the experts as fire departments and township government offices who actually participated in the contingency during two typhoons to illustrate conceptive diagrams of the contingency. Then we analyzed the effects of the entire contingency measures according to the differences in the two diagrams.
Base on the study, we can find clear differences between the occurrences of typhoon Morakot and Nibert. The noticeable differences are: the rescue operation of army turn passivity into initiative, the prearrangement of the army force, the evacuation of people from the areas may potentially be destructed, the building of various efficient communication systems, the illustration of the presumable damage diagrams, the setting of the rescue supporting on networks, and the planning of the items for life saving supplies and shelters, etc. Not only the additions and modifications made to the relevant rescue ordinances but also more aggressive annual drills and educational trainings had been made to the fields mentioned above before the occurrence of disasters.
By analyzing and examining the target above, we hope to find out a comprehensive response mechanism fitting Taitung county Emergency Operation Center using the response experience learned from the past typhoons to effectively raise the abilities and make flexible adjustments to respond.
Moreover, to promote the protective and rescue operations by utilizing the resilient community concept, Taitung Emergency Operation Center can face the challenges of severe weather in the future and be able to gain resilient ability, sustain development, and reduce the loss of residents’ lives and properties.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目次 V
表次 VII
圖次 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究流程 6
1.4 研究限制 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 研究區域概述 9
2.2 災害 14
2.2.1 災害的定義 14
2.3 應變中心成立時機 16
2.4 組織理論 22
2.4.1 組織 22
2.4.2 權變理論 23
2.5 緊急組織理論 27
2.5.1 應變階段 27
2.5.2 建置緊急應變組織 27
2.6 緊急組織體系 28
2.7 防災資源 30
2.8 資訊整合 33
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 個案研究方法 35
3.1.1個案研究實施程序 35
3.1.2個案研究理論重要性 36
3.1.3個案研究資料的蒐集 36
3.2 莫拉克颱風與尼伯特颱風個案研究 37
3.2.1 資料蒐集方法 37
3.2.2 研究對象 38
3.2.3 研究案例 40
3.3 研究分析指標因子建立 42
3.3.1 評估指標因子建立結果 42
3.3.2 問卷發放 43
3.4 論文架構 47
第四章從颱風個案探討災害應變效能 48
4.1 莫拉克颱風應變階段特性分析 49
4.1.1 莫拉克颱風背景說明 49
4.1.2 莫拉克颱風應變組織效能分析 52
4.1.3 莫拉克颱風應變情資整合分析 61
4.1.4 莫拉克颱風應變資源能量分析 63
4.1.5 莫拉克颱風應變法令分析 70
4.2 尼伯特颱風應變階段特性分析 72
4.2.1 尼伯特颱風背景說明 72
4.2.2 尼伯特颱風應變組織效能分析 74
4.2.3 尼伯特颱風應變情資整合分析 79
4.2.4 尼伯特颱風應變資源能量分析 83
4.2.5 尼伯特颱風應變法令分析 89
4.3 莫拉克與尼伯特颱風災害應變之比較 91
4.3.1 應變組織體系 92
4.3.2 應變情資整合 94
4.3.3 應變資源能量 97
4.3.4 應變法令依據 99
4.4 實證案例分析與比較 102
4.4.1 大武鄉大鳥村莫拉克颱風應變處置 102
4.4.2 延平鄉紅葉村莫蘭蒂颱風應變處置 103
第五章結論與建議 106
5.1 結論 107
5.2 建議 108
參考文獻 112
中文文獻 112
英文文獻 116
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