You can say the problems of crime of elementary school students are the extension of deviant behaviors. For the factors of deviant behaviors, a lot of scholars point out the importance of the environment of family, and the society, finance and culture of rural areas are quite different. The social structure is sharply polarized into young and old; the economic developments are slower. Therefore, the culture of rural areas is comparative weaker. This research is based on Social Control Theory, interviewing teachers who are dealing with Student Guidance and Discipline Services of 8 schools in Guanshan areas, trying to find out the reasons why deviant behaviors happen. Also, this research discusses the relations between family factors and deviant behaviors, and how to be conscious and prevent them from happening, taking those examples for referring to others. The main goal of this research is to analyze the types of deviant behaviors of elementary school students, explore why elementary school students have deviant behaviors, and investigate how family factors influence the deviant behaviors by Social Control Theory and giving some suggestions for preventing the deviant behaviors. Some conclusions are presented below: the most common deviant behaviors are learning behaviors, and those show in every grade; the heavier deviant behaviors are stealing, running away from home and sex problems, and those mostly show in higher grades. Besides, students who have deviant behaviors are mostly from non-traditional-structured families, and the social statuses of their parents are mostly lower, taking a laissez-faire attitude toward the kids. In the aspect of Social Control Theory, the more the kids attach to their parents, the less deviant behaviors will occur. The involvement of clubs can reduce the percentage of deviant behaviors. What’s more, parents of students who have deviant behaviors have fewer commitments to their kids.