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研究生(外文):Yun-Ta LEE
論文名稱(外文):Trajectory Tracking of an Autonomous Omnidirectional Mobile Robot with Time-Varying Terrain Conditions Using Stratified Variable Structure Control
指導教授(外文):Chih-Lyang Hwang
口試委員(外文):Ching-Long ShihWen-Shyong YuChun-Fei Hsu
外文關鍵詞:Omnidirectional mobile robotStratified variable structure controlSoftware/hardware based platformLyapunov stability theory
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首先推導具有三個分圓圓輪的全向移動機器人(ODMR)的階層式架構之數學模型,其包含運動學、機械動態系統和直流馬達態系統。為了獲得更有效的軌跡追蹤,由具有ODMR的線性動態姿態誤差組成的第一個滑動曲面設計參考虛擬的輸入(VRI) (即參考馬達電流(RMC))。為了使直接輸出(即馬達電流)漸近地追踪RMC,由具有線性動態電流追踪誤差的第二滑動曲面設計可變結構追踪控制(VSTC)。總結,所提出的階層可變結構控制(SVSC)包含參考馬達電流(RMC)和可變結構追踪控制(VSTC)所提供的馬達輸入電壓。並以Lyapunov穩定性理論證明整個閉迴路系統的穩定性。接著,以電腦模擬確定所建議的SVSC對時變地形和不確定性具有滿意的結果。最後,以位於參考軌跡上的踏墊代表時變地形條件,進行相關實驗,亦比較有無踏墊的實驗結果驗證所建議的SVSC的有效性、強健性及實用性。
The trajectory tracking model of a new developed omnidirectional mobile robot (ODMR) with three dividing circle wheels is first derived and includes kinematics with respect to the mass center, mechanical subsystem, and electrical subsystem. For tracking the reference pose of ODMR, the reference motor current (RMC) is designed by the first switching surface with the linear dynamic pose error of the ODMR. To make the direct output (i.e., the motor current) asymptotically track the RMC, a variable structure tracking control (VSTC) is designed by the 2nd switching surface with the linear dynamic current tracking error. In summary, the proposed stratified variable structure control contains the reference motor current and the input motor voltage provided by the VSTC. The satisfactory simulation results for time-varying terrain conditions and uncertainties by the proposed SVSC are first confirmed. To represent the time- varying terrain conditions in the experiment, two mats on the reference trajectory are also employed to compare.
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