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研究生(外文):Yong-Lun Lu
論文名稱(外文):Discussion on the Service Innovation Model of Taiwan 's Atypical Design Studios
指導教授(外文):Lin-Lin ChenTung-Jung Sung
口試委員(外文):Lin-Lin ChenTung-Jung SungWei-Ken Hung
外文關鍵詞:Design ServiceIndustry TransformationService Innovation
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台灣製造業過去不僅在全球供應鏈扮演著重要角色,更帶領國內經濟邁向成長,然而伴隨著在國內外市場所面臨的衝擊,也使得產業類型開始從製造代工(OEM)轉變為設計代工(ODM),此舉亦帶動國內設計服務公司的發展機會。若以從事工業設計服務公司的觀點,其產業發展歷經同業競爭、案源縮減...等因素,迫使設計公司也須面對轉型。基此,本研究依據工業設計公司在服務模式的差異將其定義為典型與非典型設計公司,並以「有理百物有限公司(Unipapa)」、「邑錡股份有限公司(Brinno)」做為非典型設計公司代表,輔以Hertog etal. (2010)提出的服務創新模型進行個案研究與菁英訪談,欲瞭解研究對象如何與國內製造業展開合作互動關係以及又是如何發展出具備累積性與規模化的服務模式。


Taiwan's manufacturing industry not only played an important role in the global supply chain but also led the domestic economy to grow. However, the impact of domestic and foreign markets made the industry begin to change from OEM to ODM. It also provided lots of development opportunities to the domestic design services firms. From the aspect of industrial design services firms. Its industrial development through the industry competition, lack of design project resource ... and other factors. Forcing the design firms to face the transformation. According to the differences in service model between industrial design firms, this study defines it as a typical and atypical design firms. Let Unipapa and Brinno as the atypical design firms and using case study method and elite interview. By using the service innovation model proposed by Hertog et al. (2010). Trying to understand how do the atypical design firms build the cooperation and interaction relationship with the domestic manufacturing industry? And how to develop a recurring and scaling service model.

The results of this study show that the relationship of Unipapa, Brinno, and the manufacturer. Unipapa through the way of design free to assist the domestic manufacturing brand to redesign its products and use the advantages of E-commerce platform become the exclusive distributor of products. Brinno through the one-station design service mode to get the design service projects from the foreign customers and it also develops its own brand business. Completing the mass production process with the domestic manufacturers. Unipapa and Brinno both broke the relationship that the manufacturing industry provides the design service source and the design firms undertake the design project. The shift of service model also creates recurring revenue for the company. Allow it to invest more resources on future development and planning.

Keywords: Design Service, Industry Transformation , Service Innovation
一、 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 重要研究名詞解釋 3
1.5 研究流程 5
二、 文獻探討 6
2.1 台灣工業設計服務產業 6
2.1.1工業設計服務產業的定義 6
2.1.2台灣工業設計服務產業的發展 6
2.1.3 設計創業公司之價值鏈模式 9
2.1.4 設計服務與自有品牌的共伴效應 11
2.2 服務創新 13
2.2.1 服務創新的意涵 13
2.2.2 服務創新的構面 13
三、 研究方法 18
3.1研究方法 18
3.2研究架構 19
3.3研究對象 20
3.3.1有理百物股份有限公司 Unipapa 21
3.3.2邑錡科技股份有限公司 Brinno 22
3.4訪談流程 23
3.5資料分析 24
四、 研究結果 25
4.1個案一: 有理百物股份有限公司Unipapa 25
4.1.1 Unipapa的發展歷程 25
4.1.2 Unipapa的新服務概念 28
4.1.3 Unipapa的新顧客互動 29
4.1.4 Unipapa的新商業夥伴 31
4.1.5 Unipapa的新獲利模式 34
4.1.6 Unipapa的新傳遞系統-人事、組織、文化 36
4.1.7 Unipapa的新傳遞系統-技術 37
4.2個案二: 邑錡股份有限公司Brinno 39
4.2.1 Brinno的發展歷程 39
4.2.2 Brinno的新服務概念 41
4.2.3 Brinno的新顧客互動 43
4.2.4 Brinno的新商業夥伴 44
4.2.5 Brinno的新獲利模式 49
4.2.6 Brinno的新傳遞系統-人事、組織、文化 51
4.2.7 Brinno的新傳遞系統-技術 52
五、 討論 53
5.1非典型設計公司的服務創新模式 53
5.1.1 新服務概念 53
5.1.2 新顧客互動 53
5.1.3 新商業夥伴 54
5.1.4 新獲利模式 55
5.1.5 新服務傳遞系統 56
5.2 國內非典型設計公司與製造業間互動關係的影響 56
5.3服務創新對設計公司發展累積性與規模化的影響 57
六、 結論 59
6.1 結論 59
參考文獻 63
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