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研究生(外文):HO, CHANG-YU
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Different Operating Parameters on the Distribution of Syngas and Heavy metals in Two-stage Fluidized Bed Gasifier Process
外文關鍵詞:Fluidized bedGasificationHeavy metalERS/BActivate carbon
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本研究主要探討在二階段流體化床氣化過程,探討溫度、當量比(Equivalence ratio)、水氣比(Steam/Biomass ratio)、床質粒徑、氣速與添加劑(活性碳)對於產氣及重金屬分佈之影響,實驗操作條件包含:一、二階溫度、當量比、水氣比、二階床質粒徑與氣速,進行氣化實驗,並探討添加劑的使用,對於產氣過程中合成氣的組成與重金屬截留和逸散之影響。
流體化參數中,實驗結果顯示,二階床質粒徑操作在460 μm時,得到最佳的氫氣比例,對底渣重金屬Cu、Pb、Zn有最佳的截留率;氣速操作在1.5時,到最佳的氫氣比例,對底渣重金屬(Cu、Pb、Zn)有最佳的截留率。

In this study, the effects of temperature, equivalence ratio, steam/biomass ratio, bed material size, gas velocity and additives (activated carbon) on the distribution of syngas and heavy metals during two-stage fluidized bed gasification process.
According to experimental results, the first and second stage temperature were controlled at 900℃, the generation ratio of hydrogen production was highest. However, for heavy metal distribution, the first and second stage temperature were controlled at 500 ℃, there has the best heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn) retention rate in bed materials. When the equivalent ratio was operated at 0.3 and steam/biomass ratio was 0.6, the best proportion of hydrogen was obtained, and the best retention ratio of Cu, Pb and Zn in the bottom ash was also obtained. For fluidization parameters, when the 460 μm silica sand was used as bed material in second stage and gas velocity was operated at 1.5, the best proportion of hydrogen and heavy metal retention ratio were obtained.
For using bioactive carbon (AC) as an additive, AC can improve the pyrolysis reaction of tar and char under various operating conditions and increase syngas production. Additionally, AC can adsorb heavy metal from first stage during gasification, and enhance the retention ratio of heavy metal in second stage bed material during gasification.

目錄 I
圖目錄 IV
表目錄 X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 都市廢棄物介紹 5
2.2 能源發展現況 6
2.3 生質能源發展 9
2.3.1 生質能源類型 10
2.3.2 生質能源技術 11
2.4 氣化技術 13
2.4.1 氣化反應機制 13
2.4.2 氣化爐類型 15
2.4.3 流體化床氣化爐操作參數 17
2.5 重金屬在熱處理過程之流佈 30
2.6 文獻回顧總結 33
第三章、材料與方法 35
3.1 流體化床氣化爐 35
3.2 人工模擬廢棄物 36
3.3 實驗流程 37
3.4 床質與添加劑的組成分 39
3.5 分析設備 40
3.6 實驗試程 41
第四章、結果與討論 44
4.1 操作參數對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 44
4.1.1 操作時間對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 44
4.1.2 溫度對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 45
4.1.3 ER值對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 48
4.1.4 S/B對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 50
4.1.5 粒徑對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 52
4.1.6 氣速對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 54
4.2 添加劑對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 56
4.2.1 添加劑與溫度對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 56
4.2.2 添加劑與ER值對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 58
4.2.3 添加劑與S/B對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 60
4.2.4 添加劑與粒徑對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 62
4.2.5 添加劑與氣速對二階段氣化過程產氣組成之影響 64
4.3 操作參數對二階段氣化過程重金屬分佈之影響 66
4.3.1 溫度對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留與逸散之影響 66
4.3.3 ER值對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留與逸散之影響 70
4.3.5 S/B對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留與逸散之影響 74
4.3.7 粒徑對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留與逸散之影響 78
4.3.9 氣速對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留與逸散之影響 81
4.4 添加劑對二階段氣化過程重金屬分佈之影響 85
4.4.1 添加劑與溫度對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留與逸散之影響 85
4.4.3 添加劑與ER值對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留之影響 88
4.4.5 添加劑與S/B對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留之影響 91
4.4.7 添加劑與粒徑對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留之影響 94
4.4.9 添加劑與氣速對二階段氣化過程重金屬截留之影響 97
4.5 小結 100
4.5.1 添加劑與不同操作參數對二階段氣化過程產氣之影響(比較) 100
4.5.2 不同添加劑對二階段氣化過程產重金屬截留與逸散之影響(比較) 107
第五章、結論與建議 110
5.1 結論 110
5.2 建議 112
參考文獻 113
附錄 122

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