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研究生(外文):LIU, SHU-PING
論文名稱(外文):Toward pediatric psychology? A comparative study of the past & present of child clinical work training & the U.S.A.
外文關鍵詞:pediatric psychologychild clinical psychologytraining modelcomparison
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This study is to analyze the current working and training status for the clinical child psychology between Taiwan and the United States, then to investigate the current training modes for the child clinical psychology in Taiwan.

The respective historic development of child clinical psychology in Taiwan and the United States, the contents of clinical work and education training are explored and analyzed through the collected data literature review and discourse analysis.

From this study, although the current work mode of child clinical psychology in Taiwan proceed around children, the professional training of the relevant expertise still need to be enhanced. The way of training for the child clinical psychology in Taiwan are mostly practical training. Compared with the school education, it looks like that learning from practical experiences is still the main way for knowledge accumulation, which phenomenon may result from the deficiency in school education. The insufficiency in the subsequent assessment and intervention from the lacking of child clinical psychology program and the limited contents of the relevant child pathology lessons lead to the deficiency in school education. In Taiwan, child psychologists have many works different from the adult psychologists; however, there is no literature to investigate how the child psychologists are well trained. For the standardization development of professional clinic, there is still no established professional model for child psychology, which is something needed to investigate and notice in the future.

This study is to explore the development area by comparing the literatures between Taiwan and the United States. It is expected that from more detailed investigation, the real professional position of the child clinical psychologist in Taiwan can be identified, so that the professional child clinical psychology can be operated independently from clinical psychiatry.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 研究方法 6
第一節 資料來源與範圍 6
第二節 分析方式 8
第三章 分析結果 10
第一節 台美兒科心理學歷史發展的異同 11
一、美國的兒科心理師歷史發展 11
二、台灣的兒童臨床心理師歷史發展 13
三、小結 15
第二節 台美兒科心理師工作內涵的異同 15
一、美國的兒科心理師工作內容 15
二、台灣的兒童心理師的工作內容 17
三、小結 20
第三節 台美兒科心理師訓練的異同 20
一、美國的兒科心理學培訓 20
二、台灣的兒童臨床訓練 22
三、小結 24
第四章 討論與分析 26
第五章 結語與反思 30
第一節 從研究結果反思自身的生涯之路 30
第二節 本研究的足與不足—研究限制 31
第三節 對未來兒童臨床心理學研究者的建議 31
參考文獻 33
附錄 38
表A 39
表B—英文 43
表B—中文 50
表C 52
表D 54
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唐維敏(譯)(1996)。大眾傳播研究方法—質化取向(原書:K. B. Jensen & N. W. Jankowski:A handbook of qualitative methodologies for mass communication research。台北:五南。








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