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研究生(外文):HSIEH, YI-TAO
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Lecithin and Different Levels of Emupack on Laying Performance, Egg Quality and Nutrient Digestibility of Laying Hens
外文關鍵詞:EmulsifierLaying PerformanceEgg QualityDigestibilityHensLecithin
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本研究以兩個試驗分別探討,飼糧中添加卵磷脂及添加不同含量油效能 (非離子型乳化劑),對產蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及營養分消化率之影響。試驗一,64隻24週齡Hy-line W36蛋雞,依體重分配至兩個處理組,每個處理組8重複,每重複4隻雞,分別飼予 (1) 不添加或添加 (2) 2% 大豆卵磷脂之試驗飼糧,為期14週。結果顯示,飼糧中添加卵磷脂對飼料採食量及破蛋率無影響,但在數字上提高蛋重及產蛋率,並顯著提高蛋量,改善飼料換蛋率及降低髒蛋率 (P=0.05)。飼糧中添加卵磷脂顯著提高蛋黃顏色 (P<0.01),但對其他蛋品質無影響。飼糧中添加卵磷脂對蛋白質蓄積率及脂肪酸消化率無影響。飼糧中添加卵磷脂降低蛋內容物粗蛋白質含量 (P<0.01),但對蛋黃中膽固醇含量無影響。飼糧中添加卵磷脂顯著提高蛋黃中C18:2及C18:3含量 (P<0.01) ,但降低蛋黃中C16:1及C18:1含量 (P<0.05)。試驗二,128隻24週齡Hy-line W36蛋雞,依體重分配至四個處理組,每個處理組8重複,每重複4隻雞,分別飼予 (1) 不添加或添加 (2) 0.05% (3) 0.1% (4) 0.2% 油效能 (Emupack)之試驗飼糧,為期18週。結果顯示,飼糧中添加不同含量油效能對產蛋率、蛋重、蛋量、破蛋率、飼料採食量及飼料換蛋率無顯著影響,添加0.2% 油效能顯著降低髒蛋率 (P<0.05)。飼糧中添加不同含量油效能不影響蛋品質、蛋白質蓄積率、蛋內容物粗蛋白質、蛋黃膽固醇、蛋黃脂肪酸含量、C16:0、C18:0、C18:1、C18:2、不飽和脂肪酸及總脂肪酸消化率。飼糧中添加0.2% 油效能降低C18:3及飽和脂肪酸全腸道消化率 (P <0.05)。綜合上述結果,於飼糧中添加卵磷脂,可改善飼料換蛋率,並增加蛋量、蛋黃顏色及蛋黃中必需脂肪酸含量。飼糧中添加不同含量油效能則對產蛋雞產蛋性能及蛋品質無影響。


Effect of dietary supplementation of lecithin and different levels of Emupack on laying performance, egg quality, and nutrient digestibility of laying hens

Yi-Tao Hsieh


Two trials were conducted to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation of lecithin and different levels of Emupack on laying performance, egg quality, and nutrient digestibility of laying hens. In trial 1, sixty-four 24-week-old, Hy-line W36 laying hens were allotted to 2 treatments, 8 replicates each treatment, 4 hens per replicate. Hens were fed diets (1) without or (2) with supplementation of 2% soybean lecithin for 14 weeks. Results showed that supplementing lecithin did not affect feed intake and broken egg rate. The supplementation of lecithin numerically increased egg weight and egg production, and significantly increased egg mass, improved feed conversion ratio and decreased dirty egg rate (P=0.05). There were no differences in egg quality except that lecithin increased yolk color (P<0.01). The supplementation of lecithin did not affect protein retention and fatty acid digestibility. Supplementing lecithin decreased egg protein content (P<0.01) but did not affect yolk cholesterol content. Supplementing lecithin increased C18:2 and C18:3 (P<0.01) fatty acid content in yolk but decreased C16:1and C18:1 (P<0.05) fatty acid content in yolk. In trial 2, one hundred and twenty-eight 24-week-old, Hy-line W36 laying hens were allotted to 4 treatments, 8 replicates per treatment, 4 hens per replicate. Hens were fed diets (1) without or with supplementation of (2) 0.05%, (3) 0.1%, (4) 0.2% Emupack for 18 weeks. Results shows that supplementation of different levels of Emupack did not affect egg production, egg weight, egg mass, broken egg rate, feed conversion ratio and feed intake. Supplementation of 0.2% Emupack decreased dirty egg rate (P<0.05). Supplementation of different levels of Emupack did not affect egg quality, protein retention, egg protein, yolk cholesterol, yolk fatty acids contents, andC16:0, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2, unsaturated fatty acid and total fatty acid digestibility. Supplementation of 0.2% Emupack decreased C18:3 (P<0.01) and saturated fatty acid digestibility (P<0.05). In conclusion, dietary supplementation of lecithin improved feed conversion ratio, increased egg mass, yolk color and essential fatty acid contents in egg yolk. Dietary supplementation of different levels of Emupack did not affect laying performance and egg quality of laying hens.

Key words: Emulsifier, Laying performance, Egg quality, Digestibility, Hens

一、 乳化劑…………………………………………………4
(一) 乳化劑簡介……………………………….……4
(二) 乳化劑作用機制……………………………….5
(三) 乳化劑分類…………………………………….6
1. 陰離子型界面活性劑……………………………...6
2. 陽離子型界面活性劑……………………………...6
3. 兩性離子型界面活性劑…………………………...7
4. 非離子型界面活性劑……………………………...7
(四) 多元醇脂肪酸酯類界面活性劑……………….8
(五) 乳化劑作用…………………………………...10
1. 乳化作用………………………………………….10
2. 增溶作用………………………………………….10
3. 分散及凝集作用………………………………….11
(六) HLB值………………………………………..12
(七) 乳化劑在飼糧中之應用……………………...14
1. 卵磷脂…………………………………………….14
2. 脫脂酸卵磷脂…………………………………….16
(八) 乳化劑促進脂肪消化吸收及其機制………...18
(九) 乳化劑促進蛋白質消化吸收及其機制……...18
二、 雞蛋…………………………………………………..21
(一) 雞蛋形成……………………………………….….21
(二) 成分………………………………………….…….22
1. 營養成分………………………………………22
(1) 磷脂…………………………………...22
(2) 膽固醇………………………………...27
2. 影響蛋黃中磷脂含量之因素…………………27
3. 影響蛋黃中膽固醇含量之因素………………28
(1) 遺傳育種……………………………...28
(2) 飼糧中膽固醇………………………...28
(3) 脂肪種類及飽和度…………….……..29
(4) 卵磷脂………………………………...29
4. 磷脂影響膽固醇吸收機制……………………30
一、 試驗一飼糧中添加卵磷脂對產蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及營養分消化率之影響…………………………………32
(一) 試驗設計…………………………………..32
(二) 試驗飼糧…………………………………..32
(三) 雞隻飼養管理及採樣……………………..32
(四) 樣品分析…………………………………...35
1. 飼料、糞便及全蛋內容物分析………..35
(1) 粗蛋白質測定………………….35
(2) 脂肪酸組成測定……………….35
(3) 蛋黃中膽固醇含量測定……….35
(4) 卵磷脂組成測定……………….36
(5) 二氧化鈦濃度測定…………….36
2. 蛋品質分析……………………………..37
(1) 蛋殼強度測定………………….37
(2) 蛋殼厚度測定………………….37
(3) 蛋白、蛋黃高度及豪氏單位測定……………………………….37
(4) 蛋黃顏色評級………………….37
(五) 數據計算…………………………………...38
1. 脂肪酸消化率…………………………..38
2. 蛋白質蓄積率…………………………..38
(六) 統計分析……………………………….…..38
二、 試驗二飼糧中添加不同含量油效能對產蛋雞產蛋性能、蛋品質及營養分消化之影響……………………….39
(一) 試驗設計……………………………………………..39
(二) 試驗飼糧……………………………………………..39
(三) 雞隻飼養管理及採樣………………………………..39
(四) 樣品分析……………………………………………..41
1. 飼料、糞便及全蛋內容物分析………..41
(1) 粗蛋白質測定………………….41
(2) 脂肪酸組成測定……………….41
(3) 蛋黃中膽固醇含量測定……….41
(4) 二氧化鈦濃度測定…………….41
2. 蛋品質分析……………………………..41
(1) 蛋殼強度測定………………….41
(2) 蛋殼厚度測定………………….41
(3) 蛋白、蛋黃高度及豪氏單位測定……………………………….41
(4) 蛋黃顏色評級………………….42
(五) 數據計算……………………………………………..42
1. 脂肪酸消化率…………………………..42
2. 蛋白質消化率及蓄積率………………..42
(六) 統計分析…………………………………………….42
一、 試驗一………………………………...………………43
(一) 產蛋性能……………………………………...43
(二) 蛋品質………………………………………...43
(三) 蛋白質蓄積率及脂肪酸消化率……………...43
(四) 蛋內容物粗蛋白質、蛋黃中膽固醇及脂肪酸含量……………………………………………………...58
二、 試驗二……………..…………………………….........60
(一) 產蛋性能……………………………………...60
(二) 蛋品質………………………………………...60
(三) 蛋白質蓄積率及脂肪酸消化率……………...60
(四) 蛋內容物粗蛋白質、蛋黃中膽固醇及脂肪酸含量..…………………………………………………….60
一、 試驗一………………………………………………...76
二、 試驗二………………………………………………...81

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