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論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Vegetation Density on Psychophysiological Benefits and Attention Restoration:A case of Taichung Suburban Roads
外文關鍵詞:Vegetation densityPhysiological benefitsPsychological benefitsAttention RestorationSuburban roads
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Previous studies have shown that the psychophysiological benefits and attention restoration brought by the natural environments are generally higher than the urban surroundings. Among the various landscape elements contained in the natural environments, scholars have given greater attention to vegetation and water bodies. Nevertheless, which aspect of vegetation that can bring psychophysiological benefits and attention restoration has long been ignored. Consequently, the main purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the overall vegetation density on the psychophysiological benefits and attention restoration.
In this study, we adopted the experimental operation method. Small seminar room in the Department of Landscape Architecture in Tunghai University is used as the experimental lab. Pictures of suburban roads were classified into six photo clips according to overall vegetation density: 0.0-30.0% 30.1-40.0%, 40.1-50.0%, 50.1-60.0%, 60.1-70.0%, 70.1-100%. Each clip contained 10 photos. A total of 60 photos was applied. The total duration of the experiment was about 30 minutes. First, after the subject was connected to the measurement instrument, he took a rest for 3 minutes and then performed the attention fatigue task for 15 minutes. After that, he took the digit span backward test for about 3 minutes, followed by watching one of six photo clips randomly assigned for 6 minutes. Then, perform digit span backward test again for 3 minutes, followed by digit span backward test one more time for 3 minutes. Finally, fill out a perceived restorative potential scale regarding to the photo clip chosen.
The results showed that the attention fatigue tasks used in this study can indeed cause physical fatigue and attention exhaustion. At the same time, when people are in a stressful and tired state, watching photos containing vegetation will help to enhance their physiological benefits. And when the vegetation density was higher than 50.1%, the value of heart rate and EMG decreased significantly, that is the physiological benefits significantly increased. Similarly, the higher vegetation density, the better psychological benefits, including four psychological feelings such as being away, extent, fascination and compatibility. In terms of extent of attention restoration, except for the vegetation density group between 0-30.0%, the other groups reached a significant performance. On the other hand, the results of the dose response curve showed that there may be a quadratic linear III relationship between the overall vegetation density and the heart rate response. That is, when the vegetation density is between 55%-65%, the heart rate per minute reduced by about 6 beats which maximized the physiological benefits. No relationship was existed between overall vegetation density and EMG values. A linear relationship was found between attention restoration and overall vegetation density. The higher the overall vegetation density, the higher the attention restoration. In summary, this study suggests that, whenever possible, vegetation can be used to improve users’ psychophysiological benefits and attention restoration.
謝 誌----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅳ
目 錄----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅴ
圖 次----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅵ
表 次----------------------------------------------------------------Ⅶ
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機------------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------3
第三節 研究限制------------------------------------------------------3
第四節 研究變項名詞定義----------------------------------------------3
第二章 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------------5
第一節 植栽密度與郊區道路--------------------------------------------5
第二節 生理指標與生理效益--------------------------------------------9
第三節 心理指標與心理效益-------------------------------------------19
第四節 注意力恢復指標與注意力恢復效益-------------------------------26
第三章 研究設計-----------------------------------------------------30
第一節 研究架構與假設-----------------------------------------------30
第二節 刺激物-------------------------------------------------------30
第三節 受測者-------------------------------------------------------33
第四節 實驗流程設計-------------------------------------------------33
第五節 注意力疲勞任務-----------------------------------------------34
第六節 實驗儀器與變項測量-------------------------------------------36
第七節 資料分析方法-------------------------------------------------40
第四章 研究結果-----------------------------------------------------43
第一節 樣本特性-----------------------------------------------------43
第二節 壓力檢定結果-------------------------------------------------44
第三節 假設檢定結果-------------------------------------------------46
第四節 劑量反應曲線檢定結果-----------------------------------------50
第五章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------------55
第一節 結論---------------------------------------------------------55
第二節 討論---------------------------------------------------------55
第三節 建議---------------------------------------------------------57
附錄一 整體植栽密度之六組完整測試照片-------------------------------67
附錄二 調查問卷-----------------------------------------------------78
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