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研究生(外文):Shih-Jung Chung
論文名稱:即時監控MIMO OTA量測效能的遠端系統研製
論文名稱(外文):Development of the remote monitoring system for real-time MIMO OTA performance measurement
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Piao Lin
口試委員(外文):Ching-Jen ChangShiann-Shiun Jeng
中文關鍵詞:樞紐分析工具量測管理資料庫遠端控制介面MIMO OTA量測
外文關鍵詞:Pivot Analysis toolMeasurement Management DatabaseRemote Control InterfaceMIMO OTA measurement
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多輸入多輸出空口(Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Over-the-Air, MIMO OTA)量測已經成為第四代和第五代行動通訊產品效能驗證的必備項目。在傳統MIMO OTA量測過程中工程師被限制只能在電波暗室旁監控即時數據,而無法進行其他工作。此外,每筆量測結果皆產生大量資料因此需要耗費大量人力和時間成本來整理和分析。因此,本論文研製即時監控MIMO OTA量測流程的遠端系統以解決上述問題。
The Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output Over-the-Air (MIMO OTA) measurement has become mandatory for evaluating performance of the 4th and 5th Generation communication devices. In the conventional MIMO OTA measurement process, it is inconvenient that the engineers are restricted to monitor the real-time results only next to the anechoic chamber. Moreover, it is costly for time and manpower to organize and analyze the massive amount of measurement data generated.
Therefore, in this thesis we resolved the aforementioned problems by developing the remote monitoring system for real-time MIMO OTA performance measurement, including the remote control interface, the measurement management database, and the pivot analysis tool.
The proposed remote control interface allows the engineers far away from the anechoic chamber to not only monitor the real-time measurement result on the web browser but also pause the measurement process when the abnormality appears. Therefore, the proposed interface breaks the geographical limits. The proposed database classifies massive amount of measurement result data in the back-end. The proposed pivot analysis tool automatically performs cross-comparison among the massive amount of measurement data in the front-end on the engineers’ demand to compare the MIMO OTA performance among multiple devices, such that to reduce not only the misoperation from human but lead time for data analysis.
Our proposed system is proven beneficial to efficiency in both the anechoic chamber utilization and the data analysis time for devices after being evaluated in the real-world MIMO OTA measurement process.
摘要 i
致謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 序論 1
1.1. 前言 1
1.2. 研究動機與目的 2
1.3. 論文架構 3
第二章 MIMO OTA量測架構介紹 4
2.1. MIMO OTA測試設備 4
2.2. MIMO量測規範介紹 8
2.2.1待測物擺放原則 9
2.2.2 MIMO OTA之通道模型 9
2.2.3待測物之MIMO效能參數 12
2.3. 量測實驗參數 14
2.3.1 LTE下行工作頻段 14
2.3.2待測物LTE規格參數 15
2.4. MIMO OTA量測系統校正 16
2.4.1校正儀器 16
2.4.2校正示意圖 16
2.4.3校正方法 16
2.4.4路徑損失計算 17
第三章 遠端控制介面與資料庫的設計與驗證 18
3.1. 開發環境 18
3.1.1系統架構 18
3.1.2網站伺服器選擇 19
3.1.3 PHP腳本語言介紹 20
3.1.4 MySQL資料庫介紹 21
3.1.5資料庫語法SQL與PDO 21
3.1.6 B/S架構 22
3.2. 遠端監控 23
3.2.1遠端監控架構流程圖 23
3.2.2 MIMO OTA 量測流程 25
3.2.3遠端監控網路通訊原理 26
3.2.4遠端監控介面 27
3.3. 資料庫與資料匯集 33
3.3.1 MIMO OTA量測資料 33
3.3.2上傳架構流程圖 34
3.3.3 MySQL關聯式資料庫設計與驗證 35
第四章 樞紐分析工具的設計與驗證 37
4.1. 舊有MIMO OTA 資料分析方式 37
4.2. 樞紐分析方式 40
4.2.1樞紐分析設計流程圖 40
4.2.2樞紐分析結果呈現方式 42
4.2.3自動樞紐分析比較相同測項下待測物SIR與Power性能 44
第五章 結論與未來發展 46
5.1. 結論 46
5.2. 未來發展 46
參考文獻 47
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