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研究生(外文):Yu-Wei Lou
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical Investigation of the Peritubular Dentine widths and Tubule Filling Materials on the Dentinal Structure Stress Distribution
指導教授(外文):Chun-Pin LinWeng-Pin Chen
口試委員(外文):Yu-Chih ChiangTung-Wu Lu
外文關鍵詞:Finite Element AnalysisTubule Filling MaterialsIntertubular DentinPeritubular DentinDentinal Tubules
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The human tooth is a porous biocomposite structure containing organic and inorganic substances. The most unique microstructural features are dentinal tubules, which can be divided into three parts consisting of dentinal tubules(DTs), peritubular dentin(PTD) and intertubular dentin(ITD). In the past, even though several researchers employed a variety of methods including microscopic imagings, mechanical testings, theoretical analyses and finite element analyses to explore the morphology, Young’s modulus, fatigue strength, and fracture toughness of the dentinal tubules. However, there is no investigation on the reinforcement effect of the PTD to the overall dentin structure. In dental clinical practices, removal of caries or root canal treatment not only reduce the content of natural dentin and enamel but also cause joint defects, which may result in the decrease of mechanical strength of the teeth that makes it susceptible to fracture. Therefore, the objectives of this study were not merely to investigate the biomechanical effects of the PTD on the dentinal structure stress and strain distribution under occlusal loads, but also to evaluate whether the filling materials can improve the mechanical strength of the dentin and reduce the risk of fracture.
In this study, seven groups of 3D finite element models of dentin were established refering to the literatures on dentin morphology and mechanical properties and to explore the biomechanical effects of the thickness of PTD, the filling materials with different Young’s moduli, and the density of DTs. In terms of material parameters, the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of each structure were given and set to be homogeneous and isotropic. One side of the model was given a uniform force perpendicular or parallel to the DTs, and the other side was set to be fully constrained. Besides, the magnitude of load was determined by the occlusal pressure on the second molar tooth at 60% occlusal intensity as referred from the literatures.The analysis results were divided into two sections. First, the presence and the increase of PTD thickness could raise the contact area and the average Youngs modulus of the model, which give rise to the decrease in the stress and strain of the PTD and ITD. Moreover, it can ameliorate the stress concentration at the edge of the wall of the DTs when perpendicular loading was applied to the direction of DTs. Thus can improve the mechanical strength of the whole dentin on the aspect of mechanics. Secondly, DTs filling can reduce both the stress and strain of PTD and ITD no matter what the direction of load is. This descending trend becomes more obvious with the increase of DTs. In addition, the filling materials with the Young’s modulus equal to or slightly lower than the PTD may be an optimal choice.
This study can serve as a reference for further studies on the filling of DTs in the future, including establishing a more complete dentin model, using impact and fatigue loads, or more specific filling materials. It is expected to help reducing the risk of post-dental treatment fractures and improve the life cycle of the teeth.
摘要 i
致謝 vi
目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究背景與基礎理論 4
1.2.1 牙科生理學 4
1.2.2 敏感性牙齒之成因與目前治療方法 7
1.2.3 根管治療簡介 8
1.2.4 機械性質簡介 9 斷裂韌性之介紹 9
1.2.5 有限元素分析 11
1.3 文獻回顧 12
1.3.1 牙本質小管結構之形態學 12
1.3.2 利用力學測試探討牙本質機械性質之相關研究 14 牙本質之楊氏模數與硬度 14 牙本質之拉伸與壓縮強度 18 牙本質之斷裂韌性 19
1.3.3 利用理論模型探討牙本質之機械性質 23
1.3.4 利用有限元素分析探討牙本質之機械性質 26
1.4 研究目的 31
第2章 材料與方法 32
2.1 研究流程 32
2.2 牙本質有限元素分析 34
2.2.1 牙本質小管結構與填補材料之實體模型 34 牙本質小管之數量與管徑大小 34 管周牙本質之管壁厚度 35 牙本質小管之密度與排列方式 35 牙本質模型之外形與尺寸 36 填補材料之外形與尺寸 37
2.2.2 牙本質小管結構與填補材料之有限元素模型 38 有限元素模型之參數設定 38 邊界與負載條件設定 39 牙本質模型網格鋪設 43
第3章 結果 45
3.1 牙本質小管厚度對牙本質盟麥斯應力之影響 45
3.1.1 承受平行於牙本質小管方向之負載 45
3.1.2 承受垂直於牙本質小管方向之負載 47
3.2 牙本質小管填補不同材料對牙本質應力之影響 48
3.2.1 承受平行於牙本質小管方向之負載 48
3.2.2 承受垂直於牙本質小管方向之負載 50
3.3 牙本質小管密度對牙本質盟麥斯應力之影響 53
3.3.1 承受平行於牙本質小管方向之負載 53
3.3.2 承受垂直於牙本質小管方向之負載 55
第4章 討論 57
4.1 管周牙本質厚度對牙本質盟麥斯應力之影響 57
4.2 牙本質小管填補不同材料對牙本質應力與應變之影響 60
4.3 牙本質小管密度對牙本質盟麥斯應力與應變之影響 65
4.4 研究限制 68
第5章 結論 69
參考文獻 70
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