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研究生(外文):Jhe-Yan Liou
論文名稱(外文):Preparation of Superhydrophobic Surfaces on Aluminum after the Second Anodic Treatment in Sulfuric Acid Solution
指導教授(外文):Hsing-Hsiang Shih
口試委員(外文):Hsing-Hsiang Shih
外文關鍵詞:aluminalotus effectSecondary anodehydrophobic membrane
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在鋁材經由二次陽極過後,膜硬度最高表現在313 Hv,其接觸角也都在145 o以上,在耐腐蝕性上混酸預浸漬之鋁片也優於其他試片,具耐腐蝕的特性,則硬度表現最佳之鋁材接觸角在149.02o,且膜粗糙度範圍於1m ~ 3m之間,相對於只有一次陽極的鋁材穩定,而在經過270天的長效性測定後,接觸角僅衰退2 % ~ 3 %,表現出了長效穩定性。
This research aims at the investigation of preparing the superhydrophobic surfaces on the aluminum materials by simulating the lotus effect.Bionics is a science research by simulate the special nature of biological,lotus effect is a kind of that, a simulate of the lotus effect follows hydrophobicity and self-cleaning of lotus surface which are not wetted by liquid.
Superhydrophobic surface contact angles often result in a decrease in contact angle over a long period of time. In this experiment, the step of increasing the secondary anode treatment is used to produce a large range of regular pores on the aluminum material, so that a relatively dense and high hardness hydrophobic membrane can be formed slowly and stably during the self-assembly process.
The experiment uses chemical etching and secondary anode, two different treatment steps to prepare superhydrophobic structure on the surface of aluminum, and finally self-assembly with tetradecanoic acid to obtain super-hydrophobic surface with self-cleaning.
After the aluminum material passes through the secondary anode, the hardness of the film is up to 313 Hv, and the contact angle is also above 145 o. The aluminum sheet pre-impregnated with acid in the corrosion resistance is superior to other test pieces and has corrosion resistance. The best hardness of the aluminum contact angle is 149.02o and the film roughness ranges from 1m to 3m, which is stable compared to aluminum with only one anode, and long-lasting after 270 days. After the measurement, the contact angle only declined by 2% to 3%, showing long-term stability.
中文摘要 4
英文摘要 5
目錄 7
圖目錄 10
第一章 緒論 12
1.1 前言 12
1.2 研究目標 14
第二章 理論基礎 15
2.1 超疏水表面接觸角理論 15
2.1.1楊氏方程式(Young’s Equation) 17
2.1.2 Wenzel和Cassie Theory 19
2.1.3濕潤性(Wetting) 21
2.1.4 遲滯角(Hysteresis) 21
2.1.5 濕潤接觸面積(Wetting Area) 22
2.1.6 表面自由能(Surface Free Energy) 23
2.2鋁材的前處理 26
2.2.1鹼洗 26
2.2.2酸洗 26
2.2.3水洗 26
2.2.4 風乾 26
2.3鋁材陽及氧化 26
2.3.1陽極氧化模的構造 27
2.3.2鋁材陽極氧化的生成機制 29
2.3.3脈衝電流法 31
2.4鋁材二次陽極處理 33
2.5自組裝 34
2.5.1 分子自組裝的原理及特點 35
2.5.2 自組裝單層膜 37
2.5.3 自組裝單層膜(SAMS)的成膜機制 39
2.6腐蝕試驗 40
第三章 實驗方法 42
3.1材料及樣品準備 42
3.2實驗程序 44
3.2.1 前處理過程 44
3.2.2二次陽極處理 44
3.3性質測試 45
3.3.1膜厚 45
3.3.2硬度 45
3.3.3掃描式電子顯微鏡 46
3.3.4水接觸角測量 46
3.3.5場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 48
3.3.6超疏水長效性測定 48
3.3.7 腐蝕試驗 48
第四章 結果與討論 49
4.1 膜厚 50
4.2 硬度 53
4.3 表面粗糙度 56
4.4 水接觸角 59
4.5 SEM 63
4.6長效性試驗 67
4.7 腐蝕試驗 72
第五章 結論 75
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