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研究生(外文):Hu, Ai-Hua
論文名稱(外文):The Health-related Physical Fitness and Heart Rate Variability in Elementary Children with Obesity
指導教授(外文):Yang, Ai-Lun
外文關鍵詞:Elementary Children with Obesityphysical fitnessheart rate variability
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研究背景和目的:學童時期的過重及肥胖,不僅影響目前的健康,也將對成年時期的身體造成危害。在過去文獻中,較少同時研究肥胖與非肥胖國小學童健康體適能及心率變異度的差異及相關狀況,因此在過重及肥胖兒童盛行率日益增加的趨勢下,本研究致力於探討肥胖及非肥胖學童健康體適能、身體組成及心率變異度的差異及相關性,希望能提供相關單位作為參考。研究方法:本研究取樣32位國小四、五年級學童,以BMI區分為肥胖組 (11位男生,5位女生) 和非肥胖組 (10位男生,6位女生)。每位受試者均須接受健康體適能與心率變異度之檢測。所得數據以獨立樣本 t檢定比較兩組之間的差異,並以皮爾森相關分析進行健康體適能及心率變異度之間的相關性分析,統計顯著水準皆定為 p<0.05。研究結果:一、健康體適能方面,肥胖組慣用手握力大於非肥胖組;八百公尺跑走及體力指數則是非肥胖組優於肥胖組。身體組成的項目中,除肌肉百分比外,包括體脂肪重、體脂肪率、肌肉重、基礎代謝率等,都是肥胖組顯著高於非肥胖組。二、心率變異度方面,肥胖組於平均心跳 (Mean HR) 和低頻與高頻功率比值 (LF/HF) 顯著高於非肥胖組,於全部心跳間期平均值 (Mean RR)、平均心跳間期標準差 (SDNN)、正常心跳間期差值平方和的均方根 (RMSSD) 和相鄰正常心跳間期差值超過50毫秒的比例 (pNN50%) 則顯著低於非肥胖組。三、皮爾森相關分析顯示,健康體適能中坐姿體前彎、八百公尺跑走、體力指數、肌肉百分比、體脂肪率、體脂肪重等與心率變異度部分參數呈顯著中度相關。結論:國小肥胖與非肥胖學童於健康體適能與心率變異度各項參數上,存在部分顯著差異及中度相關。
Background and purpose: Overweight and obesity during childhood not only affect the current health of school children, but also cause damage to their health during adulthood. However, few researches discussed the differences and correlations in health-related physical fitness and heart rate variability (HRV) among obese and non-obese elementary school children. With the increasing number of overweight and obese children nowadays, therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the differences and correlations of health-related physical fitness, body composition, and HRV among obese and non-obese elementary school children in order to provide some references for relevant agencies. Methods: Our study was conducted by recruiting thirty-two elementary school children of fourth and fifth grades. They were divided into the obese (eleven boys and five girls) and non-obese (ten boys and six girls) groups according to their body mass index (BMI). We examined the health-related physical fitness, body composition, and HRV for all subjects. The obtained data were statistically analyzed by Independent Sample t -test in order to compare the differences between the two groups. In addition, Pearson Correlation was used to analyze the correlation of all variables. The statistical significance level was set as p<0.05. Results: Our results showed that: 1) in terms of health- related physical fitness, the obese group had better grip strength of dominant hand than the non-obese group. However, the non-obese group had better performance in both 800-meter run and PEI (Physical Efficiency Index) of 3-minute step test than the obese group. The body composition, including body fat mass, percentage of body fat, muscle weight, and basal metabolism rate, was significantly higher in the obese group than that in the non-obese group, except for percentage of muscle mass; 2) in terms of HRV, the mean heart rate (Mean HR) and ratio of low frequency to high frequency power (LF/HF) were significantly higher in the obese group than those in the non-obese group. Additionally, the mean R-R interval (Mean RR), standard deviation of all normal to normal intervals (SDNN), root mean square of successive differences in RR intervals (RMSSD), and percentage of successive RR intervals that differ by more than 50 ms (pNN50%) were significantly lower in the obese group than those in the non-obese group; 3) Pearson correlation analysis indicated that seated forward flexion, time for 800-meter run, PEI, percentage of muscle mass, percentage of body fat, and body fat mass were moderately correlated with some parameters of HRV. Conclusion: Significant differences existed in some parameters of health-related physical fitness and HRV between obese and non-obese elementary school children. Furthermore, some moderate correlations were found between health-related physical fitness and HRV.

原創聲明書............................................... ii
學位考試審定書........................................... iii
中文摘要................................................. iv
英文摘要................................................. vi
謝誌..................................................... viii
目錄..................................................... ix
表目錄................................................... xii
圖目錄................................................... xiii

第壹章 緒論............................................. 01
第一節 研究背景與動機................................ 01
第二節 研究目的...................................... 04
第三節 研究問題...................................... 05
第四節 名詞解釋...................................... 05
第五節 研究範圍與限制................................ 06
第六節 研究的重要性.................................. 07
第貳章 文獻探討......................................... 08
第一節 肥胖對兒童健康的影響.......................... 08
第二節 健康體適能.................................... 15
第三節 身體組成的評估方法............................ 22
第四節 心率變異度的發展及應用........................ 26
第五節 文獻總結...................................... 30
第參章 研究方法......................................... 32
第一節 研究架構...................................... 32
第二節 研究對象...................................... 33
第三節 研究工具與方法................................ 35
第四節 資料處理與統計................................ 40
第肆章 研究結果......................................... 42
第一節 受試學童之基本資料............................ 42
第二節 健康體適能之差異情形.......................... 43
第三節 心率變異度之差異情形.......................... 47
第四節 健康體適能與心率變異度之皮爾森相關分析結果.... 50
第伍章 研究討論......................................... 56
第一節 健康體適能的差異.............................. 56
第二節 心率變異度的差異.............................. 62
第三節 健康體適能與心率變異度之皮爾森相關分析討論.... 65
第陸章 結論與建議....................................... 71
第一節 研究結論...................................... 71
第二節 研究建議...................................... 73
第三節 未來研究方面................................ 74
參考文獻................................................ 75
中文部分.............................................. 75
外文部分.............................................. 82


表1-1 9、10、11歲男、女學童身體質量評等表..............................06
表2-1 臺灣體適能檢測項目…………………………………………18
表2-2 臺灣地區3至18歲兒童重高常數..…………………………23
表2-3 心率變異度時域分析指標、定義及生理意義..……………..28
表2-4 心率變異度頻域分析指標、定義及生理意義………………29
表3-1 受試學童基本資料……………………………………………34
表4-1 受試學童之性別分布…………………………………………42
表4-2 受試學童之年齡、身高、體重及身體質量指數比較結果…43
表4-3 受試學童之健康體適能比較結果……………………………46
表4-4 受試學童心率變異度比較結果………………………………49
表4-5 健康體適能與心率變異度時域分析之皮爾森相關分析……52
表4-6 健康體適能與心率變異度頻域分析之皮爾森相關分析……55


圖2-1 1993-2001年男女學童過重及肥胖盛行率.…………………10
圖2-2 2012年國小男童過重及肥胖盛行率...………………………11
圖2-3 2012年國小女童過重及肥胖盛行率...………………………11
圖2-4 2012年國小學童過重及肥胖盛行率...………………………12
圖2-5 兒童肥胖的生態模式…………………………………………13
圖3-1 研究架構圖……………………………………………………33
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