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研究生(外文):Hsueh, Jung-Jung
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Sponsor Fit on Brand Personality:The Moderating Effect of Endorser Familiarity and Brand Familiarity
指導教授(外文):Shao, Yu-Lin
外文關鍵詞:matched-up hypothesisbrand extensionimage transfer
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緒論:品牌延伸是原品牌拓展新市場或增加產品線的策略之一,啟用代言人則可以提升延伸品牌的知名度。原品牌與延伸產品的配適度高低會影響消費者對延伸品牌形象的觀感。另外,消費者對原品牌與代言人的熟悉程度以及對代言人與產品配適度的評估,都關係著代言人的形象是否能成功移轉至延伸品牌上。本研究藉由快時尚品牌UNIQLO與全球品牌代言人錦織圭之個案了解對日本地區消費者而言贊助配適度是否影響品牌個性、購買意願及延伸契合度。方法:本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象鎖定為日本地區 18 歲以上之消費者,以網路平台發布問卷。結果:本研究回收問卷共515份,有效問卷為408份,資料顯示贊助配適度對品牌個性、購買意願、延伸契合度有正向關係,然代言人熟悉度與品牌熟悉度之調節效果僅在代言人品牌配適度對純真構面、代言人產品配適度對勝任構面兩關係中達顯著水平。討論:本研究確立配適假說中配適度與形象移轉之模型,結果顯示贊助配適度能充分解釋品牌個性與延伸契合度,對於購買意願之效果雖達顯著但解釋力相對較低;至於代言人熟悉度之調節效果僅存在於代言人品牌配適度對純真構面及代言人產品配適度對勝任構面兩關係中,即對日本消費者而言,對於品牌個性、購買意願與延伸配合度之看法主要受贊助配適度之直接影響。
Introduction: Brand extension is a strategy for parent brand to develop new market or expand new product line. Endorsement is considered as an effective promotional tool to increase the awareness of extension brand. The fit between parent brand and extended brand products is found to influence consumers’ emotional connection to the image of the extended brand. In addition, the familiarity of consumers with parent brand and endorsers is likely to affect the success of the image transfer of the endorsers to the extended brand. The objective of this study is to determine the globalization strategy to improve brand awareness for multi-national corporations by understanding the consumers’ brand familiarity, endorser familiarity, sponsor fit, and its relationship with brand personality, purchase intention and parent brand-extension fit by assessing the endorsement campaign between UNIQLO and Kei Nishikori. Method: Online questionnaires will be distributed in Japan. Information including personal data, brand personality, brand familiarity, endorser familiarity, sponsor fit, purchase intention and parent brand-extension fit will be collected. Result: The sample for this study consisted of 515 Japanese citizens, aged 20 and over. 394 questionnaires were valid. Conclusion: The result revealed that sponsor fit had a significant direct effect on brand personality, purchase intention and parent brand-extension fit. And the study identify consumers’ perception of sincerity and competence between UNIQLO and Kei Nishikori through the consideration of the moderating effect of endorser familiarity. The results indicated that the most important factor of the model is endorser-brand fit. Consumers’ perception of brand personality, purchase intention and parent brand-extension fit is mainly directly influenced by sponsor fit.
學位論文授權書.............................................. ii
學位考試審定書.............................................. iii
中文摘要.................................................... iv
英文摘要.................................................... vi
目錄........................................................ viii
表目錄...................................................... x
圖目錄...................................................... xii
第壹章 緒論................................................ 1
第一節 研究背景與動機................................... 1
第二節 研究目的與問題................................... 4
第三節 研究限制......................................... 5
第四節 操作型定義....................................... 5
第貳章 文獻探討............................................ 7
第一節 品牌延伸......................................... 7
第二節 形象移轉......................................... 8
第三節 運動代言人....................................... 12
第四節 品牌熟悉度....................................... 18
第五節 代言人熟悉度..................................... 19
第六節 延伸契合度....................................... 19
第七節 小結............................................. 20
第參章 研究方法............................................ 24
第一節 研究架構......................................... 24
第二節 研究對象......................................... 25
第三節 研究工具......................................... 26
第四節 資料處理......................................... 32
第肆章 研究結果與討論...................................... 33
第一節 信度分析......................................... 33
第二節 人口背景分析..................................... 34
第三節 結果分析......................................... 35
第四節 小結............................................. 52
第伍章 結論與建議.......................................... 54
第一節 結論............................................. 54
第二節 建議與未來研究................................... 56
參考文獻 .................................................. 58
中文部分................................................. 58
外文部分................................................. 59
附錄 ...................................................... 69
贊助配適度對品牌個性研究正式問卷......................... 69

表3-1 Aaker (1997) 品牌個性量表內容........................ 27
表3-2本研究品牌個性量表問項內容........................... 28
表3-3品牌熟悉度量表....................................... 29
表3-4代言人熟悉度量表..................................... 29
表3-5代言人與產品配適度量表............................... 30
表3-6代言人與品牌配適度量表............................... 30
表3-7延伸契合度度量表..................................... 31
表3-8購買意願量表......................................... 31
表4-1正式問卷信度分析摘要表............................... 33
表4-2人口背景分析表....................................... 34
表4-3各構面相關係數摘要表................................. 37
表4-4贊助配適度對品牌個性純真構面之迴歸係數表............. 38
表4-5贊助配適度對品牌個性刺激構面之迴歸係數表............. 39
表4-6贊助配適度對品牌個性勝任構面之迴歸係數表............. 40
表4-7贊助配適度對品牌個性強壯構面之迴歸係數表............. 40
表4-8贊助配適度對購買意願之迴歸係數表..................... 41
表4-9贊助配適度對延伸契合度之迴歸係數表................... 42
表4-10代言人熟悉度調節贊助配適度對純真品牌個性之迴歸係數表 43
表4-11代言人熟悉度調節贊助配適度對刺激品牌個性之迴歸係數表 44
表4-12代言人熟悉度調節贊助配適度對勝任品牌個性之迴歸係數表 45
表4-13代言人熟悉度調節贊助配適度對強壯品牌個性之迴歸係數表 46
表4-14代言人熟悉度調節贊助配適度對購買意願之迴歸係數表.... 47
表4-15品牌熟悉度調節贊助配適度對純真品牌個性之迴歸係數表.. 48
表4-16品牌熟悉度調節贊助配適度對刺激品牌個性之迴歸係數表.. 49
表4-17品牌熟悉度調節贊助配適度對勝任品牌個性之迴歸係數表.. 50
表4-18品牌熟悉度調節贊助配適度對強壯品牌個性之迴歸係數表.. 51
表4-19品牌熟悉度調節贊助配適度對購買意願之迴歸係數表...... 52


圖3-1研究架構圖........................................... 24
圖4-1品牌個性之驗證性因素分析圖........................... 36
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