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研究生(外文):Lin, Jin-Jing
論文名稱(外文):Streaming light The Creation and Exploration of Lin Jinjing
指導教授(外文):Gao, Jhen-Fong
外文關鍵詞:Internet culturevirtual worldvirtual personalitymultimediainternet addiction
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流光指的是時間,也比喻 3C 螢幕之光,因為現代使用虛擬網路就是透過 3C 產品的螢幕看到虛擬世界。閃逝—快速地消逝,描述時間的極速前進。在本論文 中也指出長期待在 3C 螢幕前、沈浸在網路世界中的人們不知時間的流逝,而從 他們身上流逝的不只是時間,還失去了許多更重要的事物。而那些消失的事物又 是什麼呢?藉由筆者的反思與創作帶讀者一探究竟。

本論文旨在茫茫多元的虛擬世界與現實世界中,如何重新掌握自我人格的主 權。蓬勃發展的虛擬世界帶給我們豐富的利益與資源,不自知 地陷入虛擬陷阱 而無法自拔;遺失自我人格的掌控,在複雜的雜訊中漂流,被資訊左右思維。藉 由創作帶觀者省思,重新握起人格的主權,成為自己的主人。

溫度的變化是人最直接的感受。比如在台灣七八月是炎熱夏季,一、二月則 是寒冷冬天,因此一說到暑假,本地人第一反應是—這是個「很熱」的季節,反 之,說到十一月會覺得該是準備冬天衣服的時候。人們就是從生活中累積出來的 經驗依此判斷各種不同的事物。這樣的經驗也帶入心理層面。人們往往說手作物 品帶有溫度,因為有瑕疵、大自然的肌理、靈感乍現時突然改變做法後的變化, 這些出乎意料之外且充滿人性,親切卻無法量產的物品帶給人一種溫度—讓人感 到溫暖。而充滿科技感的 3C 產品往往帶 給人寒冷的印像,因為制式化、完美、 與現實有距離感,而隔著螢幕看著,無法直接感受到對真實之感動,比親眼所見、 親手觸摸疏離許多。以傳統感官印象經驗來創作,讓觀者親自感受從充滿心靈溫 度的手繪創作進入同樣也是手繪創作,但卻是使用虛擬筆刷、在虛擬空間中(平 板螢幕之中,非在真正的紙張上作畫)的電腦繪圖創作,兩者的對比、觀者的迴 響。加上講故事的手法,帶觀者進入故事中直接感受創作者心境上的溫度變化, 同時隨著故事發展心情的高低起伏,是此創作的最大目的。第二個目的:比起說給你聽,直接讓你有實質上的感受,因此將創作者的經歷、巨大的震撼,在第三 階段的創作,利用裝置藝術呈現給觀眾。

1. 手繪插畫故事講述「我與 Joy」的心路歷程
2. 多媒體影片呈現自我封閉在虛擬世界中自戀的自己
3. 裝置藝術呈現帶給創作者最巨大的打擊—「Joy 之死」以及從「生死」中的
反思,因為「生」是時間的開端,「死」是時間的結束。最後走出以「自我 為中心」的小世界開創新的人生。 感受溫度的變化、人心的調整、進入故事起始轉折的過程,最後觀者最喜歡的是哪一個階段呢?反思自己是否也有同樣的經歷呢?

體驗過創作者的感受後,創作者以最後一個創作—心的增值,分享自己最後的結論與展望,同時也提醒眾人不要因為時下流行文化、科技進步改變生活習性而忘記身邊重 要的人事物。反要與親人、朋友建立穩固的羈絆,放眼關注這個包容我們的世界, 關心這個世界,不再只在乎自己個人的情緒與想法。

創作者正在努力改變自己,而觀者呢?彼此勉勵,努力讓自己與這個世界更 協調、更美好。
Streaming light refers to time, but also to the computer's screen. Because we can see the virtual world through the screen on the net. Flashing, which means the speedy Advancement of time. Thiis paper reminds us of those people who is Addicted to the Internet not only losing the time but more significant things. And what's that? We will bring the answer to you.
The purpose of the paper is to tell everyone that we do have the Leading power of our life and how to grasp it inside of our self-personality both in the virtual and the real world. Despite The Net offer the abundant resources and great benefit, it is easily cause the addiction of it. Through the introspection, we could become the owner of ourself.
The change of temperature is the most direct feeling of people. For instance, when it comes to the summer vacation, our first reaction to it is "hot" season. Conversely, when it comes to November, we will start to prepare the clothes avoiding the cold. People get used to judging the surrounding environment in the base of our life experiences. Like people often say hand-made objects is warm, for there are blemishes, the texture of nature, and changes in the mind after sudden changes in practice. These unexpected creativity are are full of amazing beautiful things. In contrast, The 3C objects with sense of science and technology gives us the cold impression. Because they are standard, perfect, and have a sense of distance from reality. Looking across the screen, they cannot directly feel the true feelings. They are more than seeing and touching. Created with traditional sensory impression

experience, making viewers personally experience the creation of hand-painted creations that are filled with the temperature of the heart. They are also hand-painted, but virtual brushes in the virtual space (in the flat-panel screen, rather on real paper. The computer graphics creation of painting is the biggest difference between the two of it Together with the storytelling technique, the viewer is allowed to enter the story to directly experience of the temperature changes of the creator's mood. At the same time, the temperature of the whole story development is the greatest purpose of this creation. The second purpose, compared to speaking to you, gives you a feeling of realism directly. Therefore, the author's experience and tremendous shock are presented to the audience by using the installation art.
So, the entire creation is divided into three phases:
1.Hand-drawn illustration story tells the story of "I and Joy".
2.Computer graphics render self closed in narcissistic self in the virtual world
3.The installation art brings to the creators the greatest blows - the death of Joy and reflections from "life and death" for "life" is the beginning of time, and "death" is the end of time. In the end, we will start a new life with a small world of "self-centeredness."
Feel the changes in temperature, the adjustment of the mind, and the process of entering a turning point in story. Final, which stage is the most favorite part for you? Reflect yourself whether or not you have the same experience? After experiencing the feelings of the creators, the creators used their last creation—the value of the heart to share their own final conclusions and feelings. It also reminded everyone not to forget the important things around them due to the changes in living habits, opular culture and technological advancement. Instead, we must establish a stable stance with our loved ones and friends, focusing on this world that embraces us. We should care about the world, no longer live in our own small world and only

care about our own personal emotions and ideas. Creators are trying to change themselves, but what about the viewers? Let's encourage each other and work hard to make yourself more harmonious and beautiful with this world.
誌謝 ...........ii
中文摘要 ....iii
Abstract ....v
目次 ............viii
圖次 ............x
表次 ............xii
1. 緒論 ............................................................1
1.1. 創作背景與動機 ........................................1
1.2. 創作研究目的 ...........................................2
1.3. 創作研究方法 ...........................................3
1.3.1. 文獻探討法 ............................................3
1.3.2. 創作實踐法 ............................................3
1.3.3. 創作表現 ...............................................4
1.4. 名詞釋義 ..................................................8
1.4.1. 自我意識 ................................................8
1.4.2. 虛擬人格-e 人格 ....................................8
1.4.3. 數位素養 ................................................9
1.4.4. 網路成癮 ................................................9
2.1. e 人格無法離線 .........................................10
2.1.1. i 隔離 ......................................................11
2.1.2. 網路與浮誇症 .........................................12
2.1.3. 網路與自戀症 .........................................14
2.2. 從電影中學習---掌握自我的主權 ..............20
2.2.1. 虛擬世界與現實世界---一級玩家 ............20
2.2.2. 享受人生的可貴-人生剩利組 ..................25
3.1. 日記系列-我與Joy .....................................30
3.1.1. 創作理念..................................................30
3.1.2. 作品內容與畫面分析 ...............................31
3.2. 虛擬奇緣系列-自畫像一 ............................53
3.2.2. 作品內容與畫面分析 ..............................53
3.3. 虛擬奇緣系列-自畫像二 ............................74
3.3.1. 創作理念 .................................................74
3.3.2. 作品內容與畫面分析 ...............................74
3.4. 真善美系列-失去 .......................................87
3.4.1. 創作理念 .................................................87
3.4.2. 作品內容與畫面分析 ...............................87
3.5.1. 創作理念 .................................................91
3.5.2. 作品內容與畫面分析 ...............................91
4. 結論與展望 ...................................................101

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