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研究生(外文):Annie Yu-An Chen
論文名稱(外文):Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence Perpetrated Against Internally Displaced Women in Haiti
指導教授(外文):Bradley Chen
外文關鍵詞:violence against womeninternally displaced peopleHaiti
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研究結果:受訪的14,287位海地女性當中,36%曾經居住過難民營的女性在過去12個月內,曾經遭受親密伴侶情緒上、肢體上、以及性方面的暴力,而沒有居住過難民營的女性比例則為28%。在非伴侶間的性暴力部分,全部受訪者之中有4.49%曾經遭受強暴。在經過家戶特性的配對之後,曾經住過難民營會顯著的使女性遭受地震之後的非伴侶間性暴力的勝算比顯著上升 (勝算比=2.34, 95% 信賴區間 1.16 - 4.73)。 已婚且曾經居住在難民營的女性,跟已婚不住在難民營的女性相比,在地震後遭受非伴侶間性暴力的勝算比顯著較高(勝算比=3.77, 95% 信賴區間 1.40 - 10.16)。
Objective: To assess whether internal displacement after a major earthquake was associated with higher risks of being subjected to intimate partner violence and sexual violence among Haitian women.

Methods: In the DHS cross-sectional dataset, 14,287 Haitian women, including those living in the camps, were interviewed between January and June 2012. Interviewees answered questionnaires assessing the level of intimate partner violence (IPV) experienced in three separate domains: emotional, physical and sexual. Participants also reported sexual violence (SV) perpetrated by non-partners before or after the 2010 earthquake. We performed logistic regression with coarsened exact matching and odds ratios (ORs) of displacement, along with other sociodemographic factors, in experiencing IPV and sexual violence were reported.

Results: In 2012, 36% of displaced women reported to have experienced intimate partner violence in the past 12 months, while the prevalence among women who were not displaced was 28%. After adjusting for confounding variables and CEM to ensure comparability among women of different residence status, displacement was found to be significantly associated with higher risks of non-partner sexual violence after the 2010 earthquake (OR=2.34, 95% CI 1.16 - 4.73). Married women in camps were more prone to sexual violence perpetrated by non-partners (OR=3.77, 95% CI 1.40 - 10.16), compared with married women living elsewhere than in camps after the 2010 earthquake.

Conclusion: The findings suggest that displacement may have exposed Haitian woman to significantly higher risks of experiencing sexual violence at the hands of non-partners.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Tables and Figures iv
1. Introduction 1
2. Data and Methods 5
2.1 DATA 5
2.2 Measures of violence 5
2.3 Measures of independent variables 6
2.4 Reference Group 7
2.5 Data Analysis 8
2.6 Alternative Methods 10
3. Results 12
3.1 Descriptive statistics 12
3.2 Multivariate analysis 16
3.3 Robustness Check 24
4. Discussion 31
4.1 Key Findings 31
4.2 Violence in Haiti Before the 2010 Earthquake 31
4.3 Routine Activity Theory and Social Disorganization Theory 31
4.4 Other Independent Variables 33
4.5 Reporting Rate of IPV and SV 34
4.6 Endogeneity of Displacement 35
4.7 Limitations 37
4.8 Policy Implications and Conclusion 37
5. References 39
6. Appendix 42

List of Tables and Figures

Table I Descriptive statistics of interviewees 14
Table II Distribution of selected variables after CEM 18
Table III Odds ratio from logistic regression models predicting IPV, SV perpetrated by partners in the past 12 months ,and SV perpetrated by non-partners in lifetime 19
Table IV Odds ratio from logistic regression models predicting SV perpetrated by non-partners in lifetime, before and after the 2010 earthquake, stratified by marital status 22

Figure I GIS locations of camps in Haiti, as in January 2012 13
Figure II Example of correcting dispersed distribution among urban and rural households after CEM 18
Figure III Marginal effects of independent variables on IPV, SV by partner, SV by non-partner after the 2010 earthquake for interviewee aged 15-19 yrs old, middle household wealth index, attained secondary education, living in Aire Metropolitaine/Reste-Ouest area. For violence perpetrated by partners, we use partner educational level as secondary education completed as well. 26
Figure IV: Density Map of IPV (left) and SV perpetrated by intimate partners (right), broken down into ten districts. 28
Figure V: Density Map of SV by non-partner, before (left) and after the 2010 earthquake (right), broken down into ten districts. 29
Figure VI Comparison of three dependent variables: IPV, SV by partner, SV by non-partner in 2005 and 2012, in all the regions or Aire Metropolitaine/Reste-Ouest only 30

Appendix Table I Multilevel analysis on IPV, SV by partner/non-partner, SV by non-partner before/after the 2010 earthquake, 1st:individual 2nd:regional 42
Appendix Table II Instrumental Variable Analysis 46
Appendix Table III Adding independent variables: ever- married and having children or not into logistic regression. 48

Appendix Figure I: Density Map of male unemployment rate (left) and the percentage of the poorest households (right), broken down into ten districts. 44
Appendix Figure II: Density Map of the proportion of men justifying beating wife, broken down into ten districts 45
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