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研究生(外文):Hui-Yun Chan
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Delay in Seeking Care on Hospitalization of Overseas Dengue Infection Patients
指導教授(外文):Shiao-Chi Wu
外文關鍵詞:Dengue feverseeking carehospitalizationimported casedelayed medical seeking
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結果:2014-2017年台灣國際港埠篩檢疑似登革熱個案之確診率為4.67%,其中外國籍個案為本國籍的兩倍(6.74% vs. 3.29%);影響本國籍疑似個案較易確診之因素有男性、15歲以上、夏季、秋季、冬季、商務/公務、探親;影響外國籍疑似個案較易確診之因素有秋季、來自疫區國家。國際港埠通報疑似登革熱個案發生入境延遲就醫率為58.54%,其中外籍疑似個案較本國籍高(71.54% vs. 45.34%);本國籍疑似個案發生入境延遲就醫之高風險因素有女性、15歲以上個案、居住地為台北區、入境當天發病、非確診個案;外國籍疑似個案發生入境延遲就醫之高風險因素有居住地為台北區、非確診個案、入境類別為旅行。醫院通報疑似登革熱個案發生發病延遲就醫率為23.32%,其中本國籍疑似個案較外國籍高(24.84% vs. 18.76%);本國籍疑似個案發生發病延遲就醫之高風險因素有15-59歲、入境前發病個案;外國籍疑似個案發生發病延遲就醫之高風險因素有居住地為非高屏區個案、入境前發病。國際港埠通報確診登革熱個案總體住院率為10.31%,其住院高風險因素有發病延遲就醫、居住地為北區、中區、南區、高屏區;醫院通報確診登革熱個案總體住院率為39.64%,其中外國籍確診個案較本國籍高(41.18% vs. 39.64%);不論本國籍或外國籍確診個案,醫師通報病患有腹部疼痛及壓痛等警示徵象皆為住院之高風險因素,非發病延遲就醫亦為本國籍確診個案之住院高風險因素。
BACKGROUND: It is an important role that preventing imported Cases spreading dengue virus transmission within the community. Early medical seeking by suspected passengers could reduce the risk of disease transmission and improve prognosis of patients as well as reduce the risk of hospitalization.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to explore the factors associated with deasess confirmation, delayed medical seeking in suspected passengers and to further understand the impact of delayed medical treatment on hospitalization risk in dengue cases.
METHOUDS: This study uses a retrospective cohort study, and study subjects consisted of suspected imported dengue cases collected from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2017 from various surveillance systems (including Notifiable Disease Surveillance, Infectious Disease Questionnaire Management System, and Self-health Management Information System) from Taiwan CDC. Stepwise multiple logistic regression was used to cintrol demographics, disease traits, and travel risk and to analyze factors related to the deases confirmation, medical seeking behavior of imported passengers and the impact of delayed medical seeking behavior on hospitalization risk of overseas dengue infection patients.
RESULTS: The dengue confirmation rate at Taiwan International Ports in 2014-2017 is
4.67%. Foreigner’s confirmation rate is with twice as much Taiwanease’s(6.74% vs. 3.29%). The Influence factors associate with the diagnosis of suspected dengue passengers of Taiwanease at Taiwan International Ports is include male, cases over 15 years old, summer, autumn, winter, business/official and Tourist. And the Influence factors associate with the diagnosis of suspected dengue cases of forienger is include autumn, entryed from the deasess epidemics countries. The delayed medical seeking rate of suspected dengue passengers who were reported by Taiwan International Ports is 58.54%, and foreigner’s delayed medical seeking rate is more than Taiwanease’s(71.54% vs. 45.34%). The Influence factors associate with delayed medical seeking behavior of suspected dengue passengers of Taiwanease who were reported by Taiwan International Ports is include felmale, cases over 15 years old, lived in Taipei Region, had deases syndrome at the imported date and non-dengue case. The Influence factors associate with delayed medical seeking behavior of suspected dengue passengers of foreigner who were reported by Taiwan International Ports is include lived in Taipei Region, non-dengue case and Tourist. The delayed medical seeking rate of suspected dengue passengers who were reported by hospital-based reporting system is 23.32%, and Taiwanease’s delayed medical seeking rate is more than foreigner’s(24.84% vs. 18.76%). The Influence factors associate with delayed medical seeking behavior of suspected dengue passengers of Taiwanease who were reported by hospital-based reporting system is include 15-59 years old cases, the case had deases syndrome before the imported date case. The Influence factors associate with delayed medical seeking behavior of suspected dengue passengers of foreinger who were reported by hospital-based reporting system is include non-Kaohsiung-Pingtung Region cases, the case had deases syndrome before the imported date. The hospitalization rate of dengue infectious people who were reported by International ports is 10.31%. The Influence factors associate with hospitalization of the dengue infectious people who were reported by International ports is include delayed medical seeking cases , Taiwanease, and residents living in the North, Central, Southern, and Kaohsiung-Pingtung Region. The hospitalization rate of dengue infectious people who were reported by hospital-based reporting system is 39.64%, and foreigner’s hospitalization rate is more than Taiwanease’s(41.18% vs. 39.64%). The Dengue cases who were reported by hospital-based reporting system had delayed medical seeking could has lower risk of hospitalization, but had warning signs could has higher risk of hospitalization.
By the result of the study, it is suggested that the policy makers should Customized standard operating procedures for diagnosis suspected dengue passengers, espeasally for female, under 14 years old, tourist taiwanease, and the case come from non-deasess epidemics countries case. Tt is suggested that strengthen suspected passengers seeking medical care immediately, espeasally for taiwanease who were female, cases over 15 years old, lived in Taipei regin, non-dengue case, had deases symdrom at the imported date, and for foreigners who were lived in Taipei Region, non-dengue case, tourist. Tt is also recommended that playing the vedio at the MRT and other important traffic channels during the deases ecdemic period to strengthen the case who had deases syndrome before the imported date should seek medical treatment abroad as soon as possible. Otherwise, it is importance to let public know that having warning signs or delayed medical seeking could has higher risk of hospitalization, and if passengers has any unconfortable symptom should seek medical care immediately to avoid being more sever and to further reduce the risk of hospitalization.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究問題 4
第四節 研究之重要性 5
第五節 重要名詞定義 6
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 登革熱及其防疫 8
第二節 登革熱確診影響因素 16
第三節 登革熱延遲就醫影響因素 21
第四節 登革熱住院影響因素 24
第三章 研究方法與設計 30
第一節 研究架構 30
第二節 研究假說 32
第三節 研究設計與研究對象 33
第四節 資料來源 34
第五節 研究變項操作型定義 36
第六節 資料處理流程 40
第七節 統計分析 42
第四章 研究結果 43
第一節 登革熱確診影響因素 43
第二節 登革熱延遲就醫影響因素 47
第三節 登革熱發病延遲就醫對住院之影響 57
第五章 討論 64
第一節 登革熱確診影響因素 64
第二節 延遲就醫影響因素 67
第三節 登革熱發病延遲就醫對住院之影響 71
第四節 研究限制 75
第六章 結論與建議 76
第一節 結論 76
第二節 建議 78
參考文獻 80

表2-2-1:登革熱確診率相關研究文獻 16
表2-2-2:影響登革熱確診之相關因素 20
表2-3-1:發病至第一次就醫情形之相關研究 21
表2-3-2:影響延遲就醫之相關因素 23
表2-4-1:不同國家之登革熱個案住院率 24
表2-4-2:延遲就醫對住院及建議住院之影響 28
表2-4-3:影響住院及建議住院之因素 28
表2-4-3:影響住院及建議住院之因素 29
表4-3-1:資料來源 35
表3-5-1:本研究依變項之操作型定義 36
表3-5-2:本研究自變項/控制變項之操作型定義 38
表4-1-1:影響2014-2017年國際港埠通報本國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案確診之相關因素 45
表4-1-2:影響2014-2017年國際港埠通報外國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案確診之相關因素 46
表4-2-1:影響2014-2017年國際港埠通報本國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案入境延遲就醫之相關因素 51
表4-2-2:影響2014-2017年國際港埠通報外國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案入境延遲就醫之相關因素 52
表4-2-3:影響2014-2017年醫院通報本國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案發病延遲之基本人口學特質及相關因素 53
表4-2-4:影響2014-2017年醫院通報外國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案發病延遲之相關因素 55
表4-2-4:影響2014-2017年醫院通報外國籍疑似登革熱境外移入個案發病延遲之相關因素 56
表4-3-1:比較2014-2017年國際港埠通報登革熱境外移入確診個案發病延遲就醫(>2天)對住院之影響 60
表4-3-2:比較2014-2017年醫院通報本國籍登革熱境外移入確診個案發病延遲就醫(>2天)對住院之影響 61
表4-3-3:比較2014-2017年醫院通報外國籍登革熱境外移入確診個案發病延遲就醫(>2天)對住院之影響 62
表4-3-4:2014-2017年醫院通報登革熱境外移入確診個案警示徵象與發病延遲就醫(>2天)對住院影響之列連表分析 63

圖2-1-1:登革熱傳染時程圖 8
圖2-1-2:WHO登革熱臨床分類診斷判定標準 9
圖2-3-1:登革熱檢驗方法與時機 12
圖3-1-1:目的一之研究架構 30
圖3-1-2:目的二與目的三之研究架構 31
圖3-6-1:資料處理流程 41
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