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研究生(外文):Nai-Yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Ambient Temperature Changes on Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Autonomic Nervous System among Adult Patients
指導教授(外文):Cheryl C. H. YangTerry B. J. Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Ambient temperatureObstructive sleep apneaAutonomic function
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背景: 睡眠呼吸中止症 (obstructive sleep apnea, OSA) 為一常見睡眠呼吸障礙疾病。研究發現環境因子會影響 OSA 的嚴重程度,然是否環境溫度高低為 OSA 之嚴重程度影響因子至今仍尚未明確。目標與假設:本研究擬探討環境溫度對 OSA 嚴重程度之影響。假設環境溫度高低會影響 OSA 患者之呼吸中止指數 (apnea hypopnea index, AHI),增加交感神經活性,並使睡眠品質下降。材料與方法:12 位 OSA 之參與者將於實驗室進行四個夜晚實驗,包含第一晚的環境適應(主觀舒適溫度)、低溫(Ta 16 ℃)、常溫(Ta 26 ℃)及相對高溫(Ta 30 ℃)之情境,並使用多頻道生理紀錄儀與實驗室自製之雲端血氧機,量測多種睡眠生理參數。並利用溫溼度紀錄儀記錄居家睡眠環境狀態及血氧機推算於居家環境中睡眠呼吸中止症嚴重程度。結果:於實驗室控制環境的狀態下,發現自律神經方面,代表放鬆之副交感神經活性於 Ta 16 ℃ 時較高,且代表警覺之交感神經活性在睡眠第一及第二期於較高溫(Ta 30 ℃)時活性較強;於OSA嚴重程度方面,則發現仰躺姿勢時的 AHI 指數於較高溫(Ta 30 ℃)較高。另發現近身溫度變化和 AHI 參數呈正相關性。而於居家環境不控制環境因子的狀態下,發現睡眠呼吸中止症的嚴重程度與環境的濕度及濕度和溫度的交互作用有關係。結論:本研究發現相較於適溫環境溫度與近身溫度之上升為OSA病程之惡化危險因子,且在較高溫的環境下,代表自律神經活性的交感神經指標的活化及副交感神經的減弱,都反映出自律神經系統的活性於阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症的嚴重程度與溫度的關係中扮演重要的角色。
Background and Aims: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a prevalence of sleep breathing disorder. There are different treatment ways, and lifestyle modifications have been tested however the effect is limited. Moreover, the relationship between the sleep environment and OSA severity remains obscure. Aims and Hypotheses: The objective of this study is to investigate if the sleep ambient temperature (Ta) will affect the severity and autonomic nervous system among OSA patients. We hypothesizes that there is a positive correlation with OSA severity and Ta to heightened autonomic activity. Materials and Methods: 12 OSA participants were enrolled in this study. The 7-day sleep diary includes home Ta and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) will record. Participants would stay in an experimental room four nights, a self-comfortable Ta as the first-night and a relatively cooler Ta (16 ℃), a comfortable Ta (26 ℃) and a warmer Ta (30 ℃) circumstances. The polysomnography and wireless oximeter would evaluate the sleep-related respiratory parameters. ECG signals were further used to analyze the heart rate variability. Results: In the autonomic nerves system, the parasympathetic activity increased in Ta 16 ℃ (p < 0.05); the sympathetic activity arose in Ta 30 ℃ (p < 0.05) among sleep stage N1 and N2. On the other hand, the respiratory data showed Ta 30 ℃ would have higher AHI during supine posture (p < 0.05). Moreover, we found that the near-body temperature (NBT) is highly positive correlation with AHI (r = 0.58, p = 0.025). Conclusions: Compared the Ta and NBT with autonomic nerves system activity and respiratory results, we found OSA severity has a positive correlation with Ta and NBT, and the autonomic nervous system played an important role.
Table Index.............................vi
Figure Index............................vii
1. Introduction..........................1
1-1. Obstructive sleep apnea.............1
1-2. Autonomic nervous system and heart rate variability with sleep...................2
1-3. The thermal environment is one of the factors that will influence human sleep...................................................................................3
1-4. The relationship between the Ta and OSA............................................3
1-5. Hypothesis and aims................................................................4
2. Material and Method..................................................................5
2-1. Participants........................5
2-2. Measurements........................5
2-2-1. Subjective evaluations............6
2-2-2. Objective Measurements............7
2-3. Experimental design.................8
2-4. Power spectra analysis..............8
2-5. Sleep stage scoring analysis........9
2-6. Sleep breathing scoring analysis....10
2-7. Statistical analysis................11
3. Results...............................11
3-1 Subjects characteristics.............11
3-2. Effects of three different Ta on ANS during sleep in the lab.......................11
3-3. The effects of 3 different Ta on respiratory parameters during sleep in lab........12
3-4. The relationship between Temperature (Ta and NBT) and AHI in lab...................12
3-5. The relationship between Ta and AHI at home........................................13
4. Discussion...........................................................................13
4-1. The effect of relative humidity....................................................14
4-2. The effect in the sleep posture....................................................14
4-3. The effects of ambient temperature on sleep quality and ANS functions..............15
4-4. The correlation between respiratory parameters and temperature.....................16
5. Conclusion............................18
6. Prospective...........................18
7. Referance.............................19
8. Appendix..............................42


Table 1..................................25
Table 2..................................26
Table 3..................................27
Table 4..................................29
Table 5..................................31

Figure 1.................................34
Figure 2.................................33
Figure 3.................................35
Figure 4.................................36
Figure 5.................................37
Figure 6.................................38
Figure 7.................................39
Figure 8.................................40
Figure 9.................................41
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