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研究生(外文):Che-Yu Liu
論文名稱(外文):The correlation analysis of gait features and weight change based on wearable triaxial accelerometers
指導教授(外文):Wen-Fong Wang
口試委員(外文):Yin-Fu HuangWei-Jr Lian
外文關鍵詞:triaxial accelerometersgait featuresweight change
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我們所使用之步態週期精確值最早由Margareta Nordin等人於1989年所提出,他們將一個步態分割為七個事件,此定義於近代研究中已經被引用超過三千次。我們藉此精準的將每一步的開始結束標示出來,並切割出完整的訊號,並設計多種分類器比較分析哪種類型分類器更適合用來分析體重與步態的相關性。藉由特徵的比對,我們最後得到SVM分類器對於體重變化與步態特徵的相關性具有較高的辨識率與較快的運算效能。
Due to the development of modern science and Health concept of the rise, Whether it is because of fear of overweight brought about by physical illness or fitness must be the weight control. Weight has become a body signal that people very concerned.
The purpose of this study is to use the triaxial acceleration to collect ankle signals to observe what changes in gait characteristics when weight changes .Through these changes to achieve a weight change identification system based on gait signal.
We have twenty subjects, ten men and ten women, aged between 21 to 50 years old. We asked our subjects wear wearable triaxial acceleration sensor on the ankle and walk back in a 20-meter tiles corridor. Subjects are required to walk according to the frequency of the metronome, repeat the experiment several times to simulate the real weight changes.
The exact definition of the gait cycle was first proposed by Margareta Nordin et in 1989. They divide a gait into seven events, which have been cited more than three thousand times in modern research. We use this mark the start and end of each step, and cut out the complete signal, then design a variety of classifiers to compare which classifier is more suitable for analysis of the correlation of weight change and gait features. By the comparison of the features, we finally get SVM classifier for the correlation of weight change and gait features has a high recognition rate and faster computing performance.
In general, we implemented a weight change identification system based on gait signals, and this system is accurate and reliable. In the future, we hope that the technology used in the fitness industry and the elderly medical care. So that life can be more intelligent and comfortable

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 相關文獻
第三節 研究動機與目的
第二章 研究材料
第一節 步態週期與步態事件
第二節 訊號採集設備
第三節 步態實驗流程
第四節 符號定義
第三章 研究方法
第一節 訊號處理流程
第二節 濾波器設計
第三節 訊號分割
第四節 特徵擷取
第五節 分類器設計
第四章 實驗結果
第一節 驗證方法
第二節 分類器比較
第三節 SVM分析
第四節 Swing/Stance Phase分析
第五節 實驗結果小結
第五章 結論
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12.Bacchi, Elisabetta and Bonin, Cecilia and Zanolin, Maria Elisabetta and Zambotti, Francesca and Livornese, Dario and Donà, Silvia and Tosi, Flavia and Baldisser, Giulia and Ihnatava, Tatsiana and Di Sarra, Daniela and Bonora, Enzo and Moghetti, Paolo, "Physical Activity Patterns in Normal-Weight and Overweight/Obese Pregnant Women," PLOS ONE, pp. 1-11, 2016.
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