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研究生(外文):HSIEH, YU-LUN
論文名稱:奈米碳材/導電高分子於柔性薄膜電熱片之製備與性質 探討
論文名稱(外文):Flexible electrothermal film heaters based on nanocarbon /PEDOT : PSS composites
外文關鍵詞:flexible electrothermal film heaterTPUPEDOT : PSScarbon blackcarbon nanofibercarbon nanocapsulescoke
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家用電暖及個人穿戴電熱裝置逐漸朝向輕薄、便攜及節能趨勢發展,因而有了柔性薄膜電熱片研究領域之產生,其中,新一代導電高分子材料具優異的電熱性質及光學性能,因而為製備柔性薄膜電熱片最受矚目之材料,為提高導電高分子之導電性,以製備柔性薄膜電熱片,本研究探討加入不同碳材於導電高分子後,製備的柔性薄膜電熱片之導電性及電熱性質比較,利用四種碳材分別為市售碳黑(carbon black) (型號:Super P)、台灣中油股份有限公司提供之焦炭微粉(coke) (型號:CPCA)、中正大學化工系奈米實驗室提供之奈米碳球(carbon nanocapsules, CNC)以及自製PAN碳纖維(carbon nanofiber, CNF),與型號為PH1000之導電高分子聚(3,4 -乙烯二氧噻吩)-聚苯乙烯磺酸(PEDOT : PSS)混合配製不同濃度之導電液,並利用靜電紡絲技術(electrospinning technique)將熱塑性聚氨酯彈性橡膠(thermo- plastic polyurethane, TPU) (型號1185A)製作成彈性纖維膜,最後利用噴霧式塗布方式使導電液塗布於彈性纖維膜,完成柔性薄膜電熱片之製作,並探討性質及電熱表現差異。
經探討薄膜表面型態、接觸角分析、透氣度分析及電熱表現之測試結果,可得知添加碳材後可提升PEDOT : PSS之導電性,製備具電熱效果之柔性薄膜電熱片,且電熱表現依序為CNC>Super P>CNF>CPCA,與碳材導電度測試結果相同,且於相同碳材添加量下提高PEDOT : PSS之濃度,也可明顯提升薄膜電熱片之效能,而使用40 mg之CNC加入1.5 ml之PEDOT : PSS製備最佳柔性薄膜電熱片為CNC40- P1.5,可於10 V施加電壓下達到88.7℃之均溫,且於30 %之拉伸形變下仍可維持約50℃之表現,於90°彎曲回復下重複五次測試及施加電壓持溫一小時的測試結果中,也顯示其具有良好的撓曲性及長期穩定性。

Electrothermal film heater has been widely used in the broad area including vehicle defrosting windows, thermal therapy device, heating element. Among them, flexible or stretchable electrothermal film heater has attracted great attention. Conducting polymer (e.g. PEDOT : PSS) is one of the most commonly used conducting material for flexible electrothermal film heater. In this study, to enhance the conductivity of conducting polymer and improve the performance of electrothermal film heater, four different kinds of nanocarbon materials, including commercial carbon black (model: Super P), coke supplied by CPC Corporation, Taiwan (model: CPCA), carbon nanocapsules (model: CNC, provided by Nano lab, CHE, NCCU), and carbon nanofiber (CNT, Lab-made) are introduced to mix with conducting polymer, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS, model: PH1000) to form the composite as the conductive ink. On the other hand, stretchable thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU, model: 1185A) elastic nanofiber mat is fabricated by electrospinning method, which is used as the substrate. Then, the flexible electrothermal film heater is prepared by spray coating of the conductive ink on the TPU nanofiber mat.
The electrothermal performances correlated with four different carbon materials are investigated in terms of applied voltage, response time, conductivity, and their basic carbon properties. The results show the CNC/PEDOT : PSS (40 mg/1.5 ml) coated TPU film has higher conductivity and better electrothermal property compared to the PEDOT : PSS and other carbon materials/PEDOT:PSS coated films. The average temperature of 88.7 °C can be reached at voltage of 10 V and maintained at around 50 °C under 30% stretch deformation. Moreover, the flexible electrothermal film heater can remain its good heating performances under repeatedly bending test for 5 times and long-term test for 1 hour.
Finally, the flexible electrothermal film heater has been demonstrated to has good electrothermal property in two applications: wearable thin-film heaters and water heater. These results provide clear evidence for its potential and widespread applications in the future.

致謝 II
中文摘要 IV
Abstract VI
表目錄 XII
圖目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 薄膜電熱片簡介 4
2-1-1 薄膜電熱片原理 4
2-1-2 薄膜電熱片分類 5
2-2 以導電高分子製備薄膜電熱片 12
2-2-1 導電高分子簡介 12
2-2-2 導電高分子PEDOT : PSS介紹 14
2-2-3 提高PEDOT : PSS 導電性方法 15
2-3 添加之碳材簡介 21
2-4 熱塑性聚酯(醚類)彈性體(TPU)簡介 23
2-4-1 TPU結構及特性 23
2-4-2 TPU靜電紡絲纖維 25
2-5 靜電紡絲技術 27
2-5-1 靜電紡絲原理與裝置 28
2-5-2 靜電紡絲影響參數 29
2-6 塗布技術 35
2-6-1 塗布技術種類 35
2-6-2 噴霧式塗布介紹 37
2-7 研究動機及目標 40
第三章 研究方法及步驟 42
3-1 實驗架構 42
3-2 利用靜電紡絲技術製備TPU薄膜 43
3-2-1 實驗藥品與材料 43
3-2-2 實驗裝置 44
3-2-3 實驗步驟及流程 44
3-2-4 實驗檢測儀器 48
3-3 利用靜電紡絲技術製備PAN碳纖維粉末 49
3-3-1 實驗藥品與材料 49
3-3-2 實驗裝置 50
3-3-3 實驗步驟及流程 50
3-3-4 實驗檢測儀器 52
3-4 碳材性質比較 53
3-4-1 實驗藥品與材料 53
3-4-2 實驗裝置 54
3-4-3 實驗檢測儀器及方法 54
3-4-4 實驗步驟及流程 57
3-5 利用塗布法結合碳材與高分子製備柔性薄膜電熱片 58
3-5-1 實驗藥品與材料 58
3-5-2 實驗裝置 59
3-5-3 實驗步驟及流程 59
3-6柔性薄膜電熱片性質測試 64
3-6-1 實驗材料 64
3-6-2 實驗裝置 64
3-6-3 實驗測試步驟及流程 65
3-6-4 檢測儀器 67
第四章 結果與討論 70
4-1 利用靜電紡絲技術製備TPU奈米纖維薄膜 71
4-1-1 TPU電紡前驅液溶劑測試 71
4-1-2 TPU電紡前驅液濃度測試 73
4-1-3 TPU電紡纖維膜製備 76
4-2 利用靜電紡絲製備PAN短碳纖維 77
4-2-1 利用靜電紡絲製備PAN碳纖維 77
4-2-2 碳纖維球磨處理 78
4-3 碳材基本性質比較 80
4-3-1 碳材基本性質 81
4-4 塗布方法測試 87
4-4-1 滴落塗布(drop coating) 87
4-4-2 以Super P進行噴霧式塗布(spray coating)濃度測試 95
4-5 以噴霧式塗布法製備不同碳材之柔性薄膜電熱片性質分析 104
4-5-1 表面型態分析 104
4-5-2 接觸角分析 109
4-5-3 水分透過率分析 112
4-5-4 實驗小結 114
4-6 以噴霧式塗布法製備不同碳材之柔性薄膜電熱片電熱表現 115
4-6-1 不同薄膜電熱片之電熱效果及薄膜導電度 116
4-6-2 於不同拉伸型變下之電熱效果 124
4-6-4 實驗小結 129
4-6-4 柔性薄膜電熱片之應用性測試 130
第五章 結論與未來展望 137
5-1 結論 137
5-2未來展望 139
參考文獻 140

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