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研究生(外文):Kuo, Yu-Hung
論文名稱(外文):On the formation of silica nanobeads and the tuning of surface charges for gold nanorods and its properties
指導教授(外文):Wang, Churng-Ren
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chun-ChinChen, Chien-Chong
外文關鍵詞:gold nanorodsilica nanobeadssurface charges
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本研究展示兩步驟合成策略生成二氧化矽奈米串珠結構(silica nanobead,SNB),同時其另一產物為穩定分散之金奈米圓柱(gold nanorod, AuNR)粒子,表面帶有負電荷。這項新製程途徑以一般表面為正電荷的AuNR粒子為起始物,經由生成不均勻二氧化矽殼層包覆的核殼粒子(AuNR-nu-SiO2)後,加以適當的試劑將AuNR粒子自裸露的兩端滑出形成SNBs。其中步驟二滑出之機制實透過兩個接續步驟,我們稱之為脫附與滑出機制(detachment-and-sliding mechanism,DSM)。此DSM機制之起始物AuNR-nu-SiO2,也是兩步驟合成策略之中間產物, 須符合二點要求:一、金與二氧化矽之界面必須以靜電吸引為之而非化學鍵;二、金奈米圓柱兩端點之二氧化矽殼層厚度,至少一端為零。最後我們利用前述之移除試劑,採用SDS(Sodium dodecyl sulfate)破壞AuNR與二氧化矽殼層之間的靜電作用力後即可順利使金奈米圓柱粒子滑出而得SNB。
結果顯示,符合上述中間產物要求之AuNR-nu-SiO2粒子約有95 %能產生SNBs以及重新分散之金奈米圓柱粒子。同時,我們統計滑出前後之金奈米圓柱粒子之長寬比值皆約為4.6,且透過UV-Vis.消光光譜及電顯檢測得知金奈米圓柱粒子以完好之粒子形狀與尺寸滑出SNB並穩定分散。更進一步,我們降低脫離試劑之濃度與作用時間後,觀察到滑出至一半的金奈米圓柱粒子;若濃度太低時,無法使破壞靜電吸引作用,則使金奈米圓柱無法脫離滑出。由此更證實DSM的設計為實,以及生成SNB之高產率。另外,DSM之副產物為形狀維持穩定且分散良好之金奈米圓柱粒子,這一點讓我們驚喜。經表面電位量測得-52.6 mV,相較其原始以CTAB(cetyltrimethylammonium bromide)為保護劑之金奈米圓柱粒子,表面電荷為+45.8 mV作為對照,明顯地表面淨電荷完全逆轉為負電性。
由上述結果,同時參考過去文獻,我們設計另一系列的研究,藉由加入使金奈米圓柱粒子表面淨電荷從+50 mV完全逆轉至-50 mV。若來回添加陰離子試劑(SDS)及陽離子試劑(CTAB),則表面電荷的翻轉可做到可逆性。同時,藉由兩試劑來回添加,我們相信金奈米圓柱粒子表面可向外疊加達九層正負相間之雙層微胞,同時仍可穩定分散於DI(de-ionized water)。除此之外,透過濃度的調控可達成表面淨電荷在正負之間進行微調。另外,我們證實翻轉後表面帶負電荷之金奈米圓柱具兩項特性:其一,可穩定分散於PBS緩衝溶液以及DI中,相信未來可供生醫方面後續之應用;其二,粒子表面之負電荷具有阻絕在金奈米圓柱上進行二氧化矽鍍層之能力。

This study demonstrates an interesting two-step synthetic strategy to generate silica nanobeads (SNBs) and its by-products which are well dispersed gold nanorods (AuNRs) with negative surface charges. In this new synthetic scheme, AuNRs with positive surface charges are used as starting material to form non-uniform silica shell (AuNR-nu-SiO2) in the first step. The AuNR-nu-SiO2 (aq) is then mixed with suitable recovery reagent to make AuNRs slide out of the exposed ends of AuNR-nu-SiO2 in the second step. The primary product, SNB, is thus formed from such newly developed scheme. Meanwhile, the second step per se contains two sequential sub-steps, named detachment-and-sliding out mechanism (DSM). The starting material of the DSM, AuNR-nu-SiO2, needs to meet two requirements based on our design: First, the interaction between gold nanorod and silica at the interface needs to be as weak as possible. Electrostatic interaction is preferred rather than chemisorption. Second, the silica shell thickness of the AuNR-nu-SiO2 particles must have at least one end is zero, such that AuNR can be exposed at least in one end for it to slide out in DSM. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is chosen to be the key recovery reagent in Step II. It is capable of breaking such electrostatic interaction (detachment) to facilitate the sliding out process of the core AuNR particle from the silica shell.
The results show that about 95 % of the AuNR-nu-SiO2 particles can generate SNBs and then form bare AuNRs. The aspect ratios of the AuNRs before and after DSM keep the same, ca. 4.6 for an instance. Meanwhile, they showed a good dispersivity confirmed by UV-Vis. extinction spectroscopy and transmission electron microscope (TEM). By decreasing the concentration of the recovery reagent or by reducing the reaction time for the second step, we clearly found that the percentage of the sliding out AuNRs decreases. These evidences support the DSM design is correct, and high yields of SNB can be generated by our two-step synthetic scheme. In addition, to our surprise, its by-products, slide out AuNRs, exhibited good dispersivity and well-maintained in size and shape. Comparing to the surface charge of the starting material, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) capped AuNRs (AuNR- CTAB), the surface charge of slide out AuNRs was measured to give ca. -52.6 mV, while that for the CTAB capped AuNRs was ca. +45.8 mV. Obviously, the surface charges of AuNRs were completely reversed to negative after the two-step synthesis.
Motivated by such intriguing results, we then conducted a series of studies aiming at tuning the surface charges of suspended AuNRs while preserving their shape and good dispersivity. First, AuNRs by adding anionic reagent (SDS). We confirmed that surface charge of AuNR-CTAB can be completely reversed, from ca. +50 mV to ca. -50 mV, by adding suitable anionic reagent (SDS). We then further demonstrated that the surface charge can be switched completely back to positive by adding cationic reagent (CTAB) into the solution. Most importantly, the switching back and forth of the surface charges are extremely reversible. We believe that such anionic and cationic reagents form vesicle layers and they simply superimpose to each others. The maximal number of such layers we achieved are nine before the particles losing good dispersivity. Furthermore, by carefully adjusting the concentration of SDS we demonstrated that a fine-tuning in surface net charges can be achieved. Two new capabilities of the negatively charged AuNRs were confirmed, which are contrary to their positive analogue and may very well shed some light to future studies: First, they disperse well in PBS buffer solution. Second, they are capable to block the silica coating on the AuNRs via sol-gel process.

中文摘要 ..................................................... II
Abstract. ................................................... IV
第一章 序論 ................................................... 1
1.1金奈米圓柱 ................................................. 1
1.2二氧化矽奈米粒子 ........................................... 7
1.3研究動機與目標 ............................................. 12
第二章 二氧化矽奈米串珠結構之合成方法與機制探討 .................. 15
2.1兩步驟合成設計與要求 ....................................... 15
2.1.1實驗藥品、設備與檢測儀器 .................................. 18
2.1.2步驟I 二氧化矽鍍層之要求 .................................. 19
2.1.3步驟 II 脫離試劑之選擇......................................24
2.1.4樣品製備 ..................................................26
2.2步驟II機制深入探討 .......................................... 27
2.2.1脫離及滑出步驟之機制 ...................................... 27
2.2.2副產物金奈米圓柱之特性 .................................... 36
第三章 金奈米圓柱表面淨電荷之調控及其性質........................ 37
3.1表面淨電荷微調與翻轉之合成方法............................... 37
3.1.1實驗藥品與檢測儀器 ....................................... 38
3.1.2表面淨電荷微調與其結構 ................................... 39
3.1.3表面電荷可逆性翻轉之現象 ................................. 42
3.2翻轉後之衍生特性 .......................................... 46
第四章 結論與未來展望 ........................................ 49
參考文獻 .................................................... 51
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