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論文名稱(外文):Optoelectronic Properties of In2S3-graphene Composite Material by Chemical Bath Deposition
外文關鍵詞:photodetectorgrapheneAntimony sulfide
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件並測量其光電特性。從實驗結果我們發現沉積 90 分鐘硫化銦/兩層

石墨烯元件具有最好的光響應度。因此,我們在這種元件上使用 405

nm 的雷射作為光源,研究不同電壓和光強度下的光電特性,並利用


長在 400 至 550 nm 之間時,光響應度都有超過 200 A / W ,而在

波長 500 nm 時有著最大響應度與比探測率,高達 413.55 A / W、
1.51 × 1012 Jones 。這些結果證明硫化銦/石墨烯元件可以提高石墨烯
Graphene has a broad absorption wavelength and a very high carrier
mobility, and is suitable for use as a photodetector, but the response to
light is weak due to the high transmittance and the recombination speed
of the carrier generated after illumination. The In2S3 is grown on the
surface via chemical bath deposition method to enhance the photoreaction
of graphene. We stack different layers of graphene and change different
growth times and measure their photoresponsivity. From the experimental
results, we found that the In2S3/2 L graphene component deposited for 90
minutes has the best photoresponsivity. Therefore, we used a 405 nm
laser as the light source on this component to study the photoelectric
characteristics at different voltages and light intensity, and used a Xe
lamp to measure the full-spectrum photoresponsivity of the In2S3/2 L
graphene component. We found when the wavelength of light is between
400 and 550 nm, the optical responsivity exceeds 200 A / W.
The optimal photoresponse values are measured under the illumination
of a 500 nm laser at room temperature : spectral responsivity of 413.55 A
/ W, a detectivity of 1.51 × 1012 Jones. It was confirmed that the In2S3/2 L
graphene can improve the light absorption and photoresponsivity of
摘要 .......................................................... I
Abstract ..................................................... II
誌謝 ......................................................... III
目錄 ......................................................... IV
圖目錄 ....................................................... VII
表目錄 ....................................................... IX
第一章 文獻回顧 ............................................... 1
1-1 前言 ..................................................... 1
1-2 石墨烯 (Graphene) 介紹 .................................... 1
1-3 製備石墨烯方法 ............................................. 3
1-3-1 機械剝離法 (Mechanical Exfoliation) ..................... 3
1-3-2 還原氧化石墨烯法 (Reduce graphene oxide).................. 3
1-3-3 電化學剝離法 (Electrochemical Exfoliation) ............... 4
1-3-4 化學氣象沉積法 (Chemical Vapor Deposition, CVD) .......... 4
1-3-5 碳化矽表面磊晶生長法 (SiC) ............................... 6
1-3-6 超臨界流體法(Supercritical Fluid, SCF) ................... 6
1-4 化學浴沉積法 (Chemical Bath Deposition, CBD ) .............. 7
1-5 硫化銦 (Indium (III) Sulfide, In2S3) ...................... 8
1-6 研究動機................................................... 9
1-7 純石墨烯光偵測器元件........................................ 11
1-7-1 偵測紫外光的純石墨烯光偵測器元件 .......................... 11
1-7-2 偵測可見光的純石墨烯光偵測器元件 .......................... 13
1-8 石墨烯複合材料光偵測器元件 ................................. 15
1-8-1 可見光光偵測器元件文獻回顧 ................................ 15
1-8-2 紫外光光偵測器元件文獻回顧 ................................ 17
1-8-3 硫化銦光偵測器元件文獻回顧 ................................ 17
1-9 光電導效應 (photoconductive effects)....................... 19
1-10 響應時間 (Response time) ................................. 19
第二章 實驗步驟 ................................................ 25
2-1 實驗藥品................................................... 25
2-2 實驗步驟 .................................................. 25
2-2-1 實驗流程圖 .............................................. 25
2-2-2 玻璃基板清洗 ............................................ 26
2-2-3 石墨烯轉印步驟 .......................................... 26
2-2-4 曝光顯影 ............................................... 27
2-2-5 硫化銦 (In2S3) 溶液配置 ................................. 27
2-2-6 化學浴沉積法成長硫化銦薄膜 ................................ 29
2-2-7 元件示意 .................................................29
2-3 實驗及量測設備 ............................................. 30
2-3-1 化學氣相沉積 (CVD) 系統................................... 30
2-3-2 旋轉塗佈機 (Spin coater) ................................ 31
2-3-3 拉曼光譜儀 (Raman spectrometer) ......................... 31
2-3-4 紫外光-可見光光譜儀 (UV-Vis spectrophotometer) ........... 32
2-3-5 電性量測設備 (I-V, I-T & Hall effect measurement system).. 32
2-3-6 X-ray 繞射分析儀 ......................................... 33
2-3-7 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡 (FE-SEM) ........................... 34
2-3-8 X-射線光電子能譜儀(XPS) ................................... 34
第三章 結果與討論 ............................................... 42
3-1 純石墨烯UV-Vis 穿透吸收光譜分析 .............................. 42
3-2 純石墨烯拉曼光譜分析.......................................... 42
3-3 純石墨烯霍爾效應量測分析 ..................................... 43
3-4 硫化銦/石墨烯元件光電特性 .................................... 44
3-4-1 硫化銦/石墨烯元件機制 ...................................... 44
3-4-2 硫化銦/石墨烯元件 XRD 分析 ................................. 44
3-4-3 硫化銦/石墨烯元件 SEM 分析.................................. 45
3-4-4 堆疊不同層數的硫化銦/石墨烯元件光電特性分析 ................... 46
3-4-5 不同沉積時間硫化銦/石墨烯元件光電特性分析 ..................... 46
3-4-6 硫化銦/石墨烯元件 UV-Vis 穿透吸收光譜分析 .................... 47
3-4-7 硫化銦/石墨烯元件不同電壓分析 ................................ 49
3-4-8 硫化銦/石墨烯元件不同光強度分析 .............................. 49
3-4-9 硫化銦/石墨烯元件 Power Law 分析 ............................ 50
3-4-10 硫化銦/石墨烯元件光響應值 .................................. 51
3-5 XPS 分析 .................................................... 52
3-6 文獻比較...................................................... 52
第四章 結論....................................................... 66
參考文獻 ......................................................... 67
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