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研究生(外文):TU, YA-CHU
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Fire Exhaust and Sprinkler System for Parking Tower
指導教授(外文):CHANG, HUI-PEI
外文關鍵詞:Hermetic sheet metal buildingparking tower fireFDSreduced-scale experimentfull-scale experiment
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停車塔高度大多都為30公尺以上,甚至高達到50公尺,若發生火災時,煙層分布比一般建築物不同,而有無設置通風口也將會影響發生火災時濃煙能否順利排出?因此本研究進行縮小實驗以火源位置的不同,來觀察煙流及溫度之分布,其結果為停車塔有無設置機台之散熱通風口,煙層皆會沉降至火源位置附近,若要確定起火點位置,故建議未來消防隊可利用煙層去判斷起火點,而以縮小實驗來觀察濃煙路徑亦可建議探測器之設置位置,發現火源上方之溫度為最高,次之為靠停車板長邊之牆面上,從實驗過程發現火流會由停車板之兩側向上竄,未來可建議探測器之設置位置。以FDS電腦模擬CO2是否能在停車塔成功滅火,其結果火源位置不同,CO2皆能有效降低溫度。部分全尺度實驗分成滅火實驗及撒水分布,因車體內部多為可燃性物質(如:泡棉),火勢迅速擴散而將玻璃燒破,當溫度達到800℃時啟動側壁式撒水頭,則立即撲滅火勢;前後擋風玻璃破裂而進行撒水分布,車內集水盤大部分皆達到10 Lpm/m2,可立即滅火。

Currently, there are no clear norms of the law on local fire safety equipment and fire risk factors with regard to hermetic sheet metal buildings, parking towers, oil tanks, and fuel tanks. Article 190 of the Standards for Installation of Fire Safety Equipment Based on Use and Occupancy stipulates that premises need not be equipped with smoke control equipment. In this domestic study, eight parking towers have been surveyed to understand their internal structure, the fire extinguishing equipment, the installation of the detectors, and so on. It was found that there was no smoke-detecting equipment installed in any 8 of them, of which only 5 had air vents for heat dissipation and even the legislation does not clearly define the number of such installations. The current situation of parking towers in the whole nation was investigated by questionnaire survey. It was found that more than 90% of the fire extinguishing equipment used was the CO2 fire extinguishing equipment and the detectors were of the differential air tube type.
Most of the parking towers were above 30 meters in height or even as high as 50 meters. In the event of a fire, the smoke layering distribution would be different from that of ordinary buildings and the presence or absence of air vents will affect the smooth venting of billowing smoke during such outbreak. Therefore, this study carried out a reduced scale experiment to observe the distribution of plumes and temperature according to the ignition sources. The result was whether the parking tower had dissipation air vents or not, smoke layering will settle in the vicinity of a fire source position. In order to locate the point of origin, the fire services are recommended to use the smoke layering distribution method to determine it. In the reduced scale experiment, by observing the smoke path, the location of the detector was detected and it was found that the temperature above the fire source was the highest, followed by the walls of the car parking. From the experiment, it was found that the fire flow would soar up from both sides of the parking plate. Thus, in future, the location of the detector can be suggested. FDS computer simulated whether CO2 can successfully extinguish a fire in a parking tower and the results obtained was that CO2 has been effective at lowering temperature at different location of the fire source. Part of the full-scale experiment was divided into fire practice and water sprinkler distribution. Since the interior of the car is mostly combustible (such as sponge foam), the fire will rapidly spread and the glass destroyed. When the temperature reaches 800 ℃, the sidewall-type fire suppression sprinkler is activated, to extinguish the fire. When the front and rear windshields are broken, the distribution of water is started. Most of the water-collecting trays can immediately reach 10 Lpm/m2 and extinguish the fire immediately.

Keywords: Hermetic sheet metal building, parking tower fire, FDS, reduced-scale experiment, full-scale experiment.
致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻與探討 5
2.1 國內機械式停車結構類型 5
2.2 國內、外停車塔火災案例 11
2.2.1國內案例 11
2.2.2國外案例 13
2.3 國內、外機械式停車場滅火設備設置規定 15
2.3.1國內滅火設備設置規定 15
2.3.2國外滅火設備設置規範 16
2.3.3國內、外設置規範比較 26
2.4 國內、外相關研究文獻 27
2.4.1國內研究文獻 27
2.4.2國外研究文獻 29
第三章 研究方法與設計 36
3.1 國內機械式立體停車塔之現場勘查 36
3.2 國內機械式立體停車塔之現況調查 36
3.3 FDS電腦模擬 37
3.3.1FDS電腦模擬原理 37
3.3.2FDS模擬配置及情境說明 39
3.4 實驗設計與架設 43
3.4.1縮小尺度實驗 43
3.4.2部分全尺度實驗 48
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 現場勘查統整結果 51
4.2 現況調查分析結果 53
4.3 FDS模擬分析結果 55
4.4 縮小尺度實驗分析結果 69
4.4.1煙層分布 69
4.4.2溫度分布 72
4.5 滅火實驗結果分析 77
4.5.1滅火實驗 77
4.5.2溫度分布 79
4.5.3撒水分布 82
第五章 結論與建議 84
5.1 結論 84
5.2 建議 86
參考文獻 88
附錄一 國內機械式立體停車塔之調查表 90
附錄二 國內機械式立體停車塔之現場勘查紀錄 97
附錄三 停車塔之調查表統整結果 113

[10]NFPA, Standard for Parking Structures 2007 Edition, NFPA 88A, 2006, P. 7
[11]中華人民共和國標準,GB 50067《汽車庫、修車庫、停車場設計防火規範》,2014
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[15]BS 5306-2:1990 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises — Part 2: Specification for sprinkler systems.
[16]BS 5306-6.2:1989 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises —Part 6: Foam systems — Section 6.2 Specification for medium and high expansion foam systems.
[17]BS 5306-4:2001 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises —Part 4: Specification for carbon dioxide systems.
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[19]Fire spread in car parks, BD 2552, BRE, December 2010
[20]National Institute of Standards and Technology “ Fire Dynamics Simulator (Version 6) – User’s Guide ”, 2016
[21]NFPA 92, Standard for Smoke Control Systems, P.16, 2015
[22]NFPA 502, Standard for Road Tunnels, Bridges, and Other Limited Access Highways, P.5 -18, 2011
[23]SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering Third Edition, P3-26, 2002

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