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論文名稱(外文):Research on Public Service Quality and Satisfaction toward Fourth Corps of Volunteer Firemen of Fire Bureau of Kaohsiung City
外文關鍵詞:Yishang personnelservice qualitysatisfaction
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我們身處寶島地區為地處多山環境加上是多個板塊的交界處,因此地震與天然災害之預防便需要受到重視。義消(義勇消防人員)是以服務及榮譽為宗旨的非正職消防人員。公務機關及消防警務單位是以服務人民為宗旨,以民眾的消防及人身安全為己任,然而只要牽涉到服務的範疇就會牽涉到被服務者對此服務的滿意度。影響被服務者體認到的服務滿意度的因素很多,本研究探討的是服務提供者(高雄市政府消防局第四大隊義消)和被服務者(轄區民眾)間在義消人員值勤期間或雙方彼此交互產生的服務優劣之水準程度,而轄區民眾在感受到義消的服務品質水準之優劣程度之認知對於服務滿意度影響為何。在有效問卷256份中,服務品質對有形性、可靠性、回應性、確實性、同理心對滿意度影響,成正向顯著關係。結果顯示各變項在滿意度上均成正向顯著關係,雖然此研究為量化性研究為讓研究的真實性能夠真正的呈現出來,研究者找來了2為真正的義消人員及2位曾經被經被義消人員服務過的一般民眾進行簡單訪談。得到了一些對義消人員服務品質及滿意度的建議,1. 提升義消人員個人裝備2. 提升義消人員救災專業技能,提升義消人員之救災能力並確保其救災過程之人身安全,以確保消防機關不要再有因救災而產生警義消人員受傷或是殉職憾事發生。

We are located in the Baodao area and are located in the mountainous environment plus the junction of many plates. Therefore, the prevention of earthquakes and natural disasters needs to be taken seriously. Yixiao (Yiyong Firefighters) is a non-professional firefighter with the purpose of service and honor. Public service agencies and fire policing units are based on serving the people and taking the fire and personal safety of the people as their own responsibility. However, as long as the scope of services is involved, the service providers will be satisfied with the service. There are many factors that affect the service satisfaction recognized by the service providers. This study explores the service providers (the Kaohsiung City Government Fire Department's fourth brigade) and the service providers (the people in the jurisdiction) during the period of the duty-stricken personnel. Or the level of service superiority and inferiority generated by the interaction between the two parties, and the perception of the degree of service quality of the sense of the consumer in the jurisdiction is affected by service satisfaction. Among the 256 valid questionnaires, the quality of service has a positive relationship with tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, certainty, and empathy. The results show that each variable has a positive relationship in satisfaction. Although this research is a quantitative study to make the authenticity of the research truly present, the researchers have found 2 true people and 2 former A simple interview was conducted by the general public who had been served by the volunteers. I have received some suggestions on the service quality and satisfaction of the Yishang staff. 1. Enhance the personal equipment of the Yishang staff 2. Improve the professional skills of the rescuers, improve the disaster relief capability of the Yishui personnel and ensure the personal safety of the disaster relief process. Make sure that the fire-fighting authorities do not have any police officers who are injured or have lost their jobs due to disaster relief.
Keywords: Yishang personnel, service quality, satisfaction

第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 論文架構 3
1.5 研究流程 5
第2章 文獻探討 6
2.1 滿意度 6
2.1.1 滿意度定義 6
2.1.2 顧客滿意度衡量 8
2.1.3 衡量顧客滿意度的項目8
2.2 服務品質 9
2.2.1 服務之定義 9
2.2.2 服務之特性 10
2.2.3 服務品質之定義 10
2.2.4 服務品質之衡量構面 12
2.3 服務品質滿意度 12
2.4 志工定義及相關文獻探討 13
2.4.1 志工定義 13
2.4.2 志工管理 14
2.5 高雄市政府消防局組織架構與義勇消防總隊現況及探討 16
2.5.1 消防局組織沿革 16
2.5.2 消防局組織架構 18
2.5.3 義消總隊組織沿革 20
2.5.4 高雄市義消總隊組織架構 23
第3章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究架構 24
3.2 研究假設 24
3.3 研究設計 25
3.4 資料分析 26
3.5 問卷設計 27
3.5.1 樣本基本資料分析 27
3.5.2 服務品質變相問卷 27
3.5.3 滿意度問卷 29
第4章 研究結果 31
4.1 樣本結構分析 31
4.2 敘述性統計分析 33
4.3 信度分析 33
4.4 效度分析 34
4.5 T檢定 34
4.5.1 不同性別對各變數之差異性分析 34
4.5.2 不同婚姻狀況對各變數之差異性分析 35
4.6 單因子變異數分析 35
4.6.1 不同年齡對各個變數之差異性分析 35
4.6.2 不同學歷對各個變數之差異性分析 36
4.6.3 不同職業對各個變數之差異性分析 36
4.6.4 不同月收入對各個變數之差異性分析 37
4.6.5 不同居住地對各個變數之差異性分析 37
4.6.6 不同有無接觸過義消服務對各個變數之差異性分析 37
4.7 相關分析 38
4.8 簡單迴歸分析 39
4.8.1 有形性對滿意度的影響 39
4.8.2 可靠性對滿意度的影響 39
4.8.3 回應性對滿意度的影響 39
4.8.4 確實性對滿意度的影響 40
4.8.5 同理心對滿意度的影響 40
第5章 研究結論與建議 41
5.1 研究結論 41
5.2 針對義消人員及被服務民眾訪談 41
5.3 研究限制 44
5.4 後續研究建議 44
參考文獻 51
附錄一(義消人員部分) 57
附錄二(民眾部分) 61

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