The tailored customization is focus on collecting the market information and then analyze it. To get to know the target customer’s occupation, education, affinity and the acceptability of product in the market. By using the strategy of house diffraction to separate the products and to find out their market positioning and pricing, make the product more easily accurate to entrance into market.
This article is about the tailored customization, it is more suitable by choosing the single-family home, the way of the architectural appearance are all designed professionally, highly valued the details of construction site, environmental building design, human factors engineering, pay attention on studio apartment’s partition with house requirements and also increase the differentiation, uniqueness of the constructions products.
The attribute of the tailored customization 1. Product won’t be unsalable easily. 2. small-volume, large-variety production can risk spreading. 3. In accordance with specific customer’s preference, to narrow the bargaining space and increase profit margins. 4. Higher the stress resistant when the unstable market has come.
We slightly had accomplished some successful working goals with customized townhouse by the ideal of the tailored customization. But if we look more further, we could amplify the management business In the future, it’s going to create a situation in which both win, to the builders and customers also.