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研究生(外文):HUNG, PEI-CHU
論文名稱(外文):Understanding Consumers’ Post-Purchase Dissonance Behavior Caused by Online Impulse Buying for Example: Beauty Products
指導教授(外文):CHEN, WEN-KUO
外文關鍵詞:Hedonic ValueUtilitarian ValueMobile Page QualityImpulse Buying BehaviorPost-Purchase Dissonance Behavior
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本研究採用享樂價值、功利價值(Babin et al., 1994)、網頁品質(Wells et al., 2011)以探討衝動性購買行為。本研究將認知失調分成兩大部分,分別視產品失調以及情緒失調,以探討購後認知失調行為其中包含可見負面購買行為、不可見負面購買行為。
本研究以在線上衝動性購買美妝產品之消費者為研究對象。共蒐集了220份問卷,其中107份為有效問卷。本研究採用PLS 2.0分析資料。研究結果顯示享樂價值、功利價值以及網頁品質對於衝動性購買行為有正向影響。衝動性購買行為對於產品失調以及情緒失調有正向影響。產品失調會導致不可見負面購買行為,而情緒失調會導致可見負面購買行為。本研究結果也能提供零售商有效的行銷策略。

Nowadays, m-commerce grows up rapidly, consumer likes to purchase online. Because online shopping is more convenience than physical store, and it is not limited by time, location. The design of website can arouse consumer purchase intention even impulse buying behavior. The phenomenon of impulse buying behavior is common in m-commerce.
This study adopts hedonic value, utilitarian value (Babin et al., 1994), mobile page quality (Wells et al., 2011) to explore impulse buying behavior. We also divide cognitive dissonance into product dissonance and emotion dissonance, to explore post-purchase dissonance behavior including visual negative post-purchase behavior and non-visual negative post-purchase behavior.
This paper investigate consumer who has online impulse buying especially beauty product as research object. 220 questionnaires were collected, and 107 were valid. We use PLS 2.0 to analysis the data. The result of this study showed that hedonic value, utilitarian value, mobile page quality has positive influence on impulse buying behavior. Impulse buying behavior also has positive influence on product dissonance and emotion dissonance. Product dissonance may cause non-visible negative post purchase behavior and emotion dissonance may cause visible negative post purchase behavior. The result also can help retailer to develop effective marketing strategies.

Keywords: Hedonic value, Utilitarian value, Mobile page quality, Impulse buying behavior, Post-purchase dissonance behavior

Table of Contents
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgments III
Table of Contents IV
List of Tables VI
List of Figures VII
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Motivation 2
1.3 Purposes of the study 4
Chapter Two Literature Review 5
2.1 Impulse Buying Behavior 5
2.2 Post-Purchase Dissonance 6
2.3 Hedonic Value and Utilitarian Value 7
2.4 Mobile Page Quality 8
Chapter Three Methodology 9
3.1 Research Framework 9
3.2 Research Hypothesis 9
3.2.1. Hedonic Value and Impulse Buying Behavior 9
3.2.2. Utilitarian Value and Impulse Buying Behavior 10
3.2.3. Mobile Page Quality and Impulse Buying Behavior 10
3.2.4 Impulse Buying Behavior and Post-Purchase Dissonance 10
3.2.5 Product Dissonance and Emotion Dissonance 11
3.2.6 Post-Purchase Dissonance and Post-Purchase Dissonance Behavior 11
3.3 Question Design 13
3.3.1. Impulse Buying Behavior 13
3.3.2. Post-Purchase Dissonance 14
3.3.3 Hedonic and Utilitarian Value 15
3.3.4 Mobile Page Quality 16
3.3.5 Post-Purchase Dissonance Behavior 17
3.4 Research Design 18
3.4.1. Participants 18
3.4.2 Procedures 18
3.4.3 Data Analysis 18
Chapter Four Results 19
4.1 Sample Profile 19
4.2 Measurement Model 22
4.3 Structural Model 26
Chapter Five Discussion and Conclusion 29
5.1 Conclusion 29
5.2 Research Implication 29
5.2.1. Theoretical Implication 29
5.2.2. Practical Implication 30
5.3 Limitation and Suggestion 31
References 32
Appendix 40

List of Tables
Table 3-1 The collection of research hypotheses 12
Table 3-2 The item of impulse buying behavior 13
Table 3-3 The item of post-purchase dissonance 14
Table 3-4 The item of hedonic and utilitarian value 15
Table 3-5 The item of mobile page quality 16
Table 3-6 The items of post-purchase behavior 17
Table 4-1 Demographic statistics of the respondents 19
Table 4-2 Frequency of Impulse Buying Behavior Adoption 21
Table 4-3 Factor loading 22
Table 4-4 Correlation Matrix 24
Table 4-5 Cross loading 25
Table 4-6 Test of hypothesized relationships 27

List of Figures
Figure 3-1 Research framework 9
Figure 4-1 Results of the structural model 28
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