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研究生(外文):WU, CHENG-HUEI
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Medical Personnel’s General Self-Efficacy on Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment – Using Emotional Intelligence as Moderator
外文關鍵詞:General Self-EfficacyPerceived Organizational SupportOrganizational CommitmentEmotional Intelligence
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In recent years, the population structure has changed rapidly and the aging population has increased steadily. This leads to increasing demand of the medical treatment and an issue regarding shortage of the medical personnel and heavier workload for each medical personnel. Therefore, how to maintain medical personnel’s confidence to face and handle the daunting tasks for the organization and whether the organization is concerned about the situation of their employees is crucial to respond to the increasing aging population. Therefore, this study mainly explores the relation-ship among general self-efficacy, perceived organizational support and organizational commitment of medical personnel. A total of 230 questionnaires were distributed to the medical personnel in the north, central and southern regions of Taiwan to collect data and 224 valid questionnaires were received for data analysis. The statistical analyses such as descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, linear regression were carried out by using SPSS.
The results showed that general self-efficacy has significant positive influence on perceived organizational support. Both general self-efficacy and perceived organ izational support have significant positive influence on organizational commitment. However, emotional intelligence had no significant effect on general self-efficacy, perceived organizational support and organizational commitment.

致謝 I
摘要 II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 2
1.3 研究問題 4
1.4 研究重要性 4
1.5 研究限制 5
1.6 名詞解釋 5
1.7 研究流程 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.1 自我效能 8
2.2 知覺組織支持 10
2.2 組織承諾 12
2.3 情緒智力 16
2.5 變數間之關係 22
第三章 研究方法 24
3.1 研究設計 24
3.2 研究對象與抽樣方法 24
3.3 研究架構 25
3.4 研究假設 26
3.5 研究工具 26
3.6 資料分析方法 31
3.7 前測結果 33
第四章 研究分析與討論 45
4.1 敘述性統計分析 45
4.2 因素分析 47
4.3 信度分析 52
4.4 相關分析 52
4.5 迴歸分析 56
4.6 干擾效果 62
4.7 研究假設驗證 68
第五章 結論與建議 69
5.1 結論 69
5.2 討論 70
5.3 建議 71
參考文獻 72
附錄一、研究問卷量表 81



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