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研究生(外文):Po-Kai Lan
論文名稱(外文):Feasibility study of net zero energy pig farm using biogas energy
指導教授(外文):Chyi-How LaySHANG-YUAN CHEN
口試委員(外文):Chyi-How LaySHANG-YUAN CHENChiu-Yue Lin
外文關鍵詞:net zero energy-consuming buildingspig wastewateranaerobic fermentation capacitysimulation
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在減緩氣候變遷與能源匱乏的危機下,本研究提倡淨零耗能建築(Net zero energy building, NZEB)以建築節能設計與再生能源發電的應用,並以用電密度(Energy use intensity, EUI)為建築耗能整體綜合指標的度量單位,再以「優化性能百分比」為優化方案的計算方式持續改善設計、進行分析,符合節能績效。
在國內大多養豬戶在處理養豬廢水上都以早期的三段式廢水處理,但成效不彰,最大的問題在於傳統厭氧池缺乏攪拌,導致大多數汙泥皆沉降在底部,其次為厭氧醱酵後之氣體無法直接使用,因為這些沼氣內含硫化物無法直接經由發電機燃燒。本研究應用貨櫃型厭氧醱酵產能模組,其包括大型厭氧醱酵槽、沙濾池、脫硫系統及發電機,該系統既可解決養豬廢水的問題亦可作為再生能源發電的應用。本研究以五階段方式區分設置系統前、設置系統期間、設置系統後、系統每周額外添加600kg豬糞固體物和系統最終穩定期,後面三階段在最大產甲烷速率(Methane production rate,MPR)分別為0.18、0.39和0.39 m3/m3-d;最大產沼氣速率(Biogas production rate,BPR)分別為0.25、0.51和0.57 m3/m3-d。
本研究之養豬場耗電量為37,345 kWh/y,但經由高效能建築優化後為28,195 kWh/y,以厭氧醱酵實驗計算該豬場產生之廢水可產生的電力為33,756 kWh/y,所以能源平衡計算:33,756 kWh/y ≥28,195 kWh/y,故本研究實證淨零耗能豬場的計算與設計的可行性。

Under the crisis of mitigating climate change and energy scarcity, this study advocates the application of Net zero energy building (NZEB) for building energy-saving design and renewable energy generation. And using Energy use intensity (EII) for the measurement unit of the overall comprehensive index of building energy consumption, the “optimal performance percentage” is used as the optimization method to continuously improve the design and analysis, which is in line with energy-saving performance.
In most domestic pig farmers, the treatment of pig-raising wastewater is treated with early three-stage wastewater, but the effect is not good. The biggest problem is that the traditional anaerobic tank lacks agitation, causing most of the sludge to settle at the bottom, followed by The gas after anaerobic fermentation can’t be used directly because the sulfur contained in these biogas can’t be directly burned by the generator. This study uses an anaerobic fermentation system, which includes a large anaerobic fermentation tank, a sand filter, a desulfurization system, and a generator. The system can solve the problem of pig wastewater and can be used as a renewable energy source. In this study, the five-stage method is used to distinguish the system before setting, during the system setting, and after setting up the system. The system adds 600 kg of pig manure solids and the system's final stable period every week. In the last three stages, the maximum methane production rate (MPR) was 0.18, 0.39 and 0.39 m3/m3-d, and the maximum biogas production rate (BPR) was 0.25, 0.51 and 0.57 m3/m3-d.
The pig farm in this study consumed 37,345 kWh/y, but after optimization by high-performance buildings, it was 28,195 kWh/y. The anaerobic fermentation experiment calculated that the wastewater generated by the farm could generate 33,756 kWh/y. Therefore, the energy balance calculation: 33,756 kWh / y ≥ 28,195 kWh / y, so this study demonstrates the feasibility of the calculation and design of the net zero-energy farm.
Key words: net zero energy-consuming buildings, pig wastewater, anaerobic fermentation capacity, simulation

誌 謝I
摘 要II
目 錄V
圖 目 錄VII
表 目 錄X
第一章 前言1
1-1 研究動機與目的1
1-2 研究內容3
1-3 研究流程與架構4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2-1 養豬產業的現況6
2-2 沼氣發電概述 13
2-3 厭氧醱酵反應機制14
2-4 豬場醱酵系統之成本分析17
2-5 台灣與丹麥之豬場比較21
2-6 淨零耗能豬場24
2-7 綠建築評級系統29
2-8 亞洲淨零耗能建築案例分析32
2-9 GREEN BIM 整合設計34
第三章 研究與方法36
3-1 PH值對豬廢水產甲烷之影響37
3-2 貨櫃型厭氧醱酵產能模組處理豬場廢水之產能效果42
3-3 貨櫃型厭氧醱酵產能模組配置與成本分析44
3-4 實驗分析方法52
3-5 設定目標與範圍62
3-6 高效節能建築模擬64
3-7 淨零耗能豬場能源計算71
第四章 結果與討論72
4-1 不同PH對厭氧消化產氣之影響72
4-2 本研究之貨櫃型厭氧醱酵產能模組之現場操作效果74
4-3 貨櫃型厭氧醱酵產能模組成本分析102
4-4 驗證設定目標與範圍107
4-5 驗證高效節能建築108
4-6 驗證淨零耗能豬場計算113
第五章 結論與建議119
5-1 結 論119
5-2 建 議120

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