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論文名稱(外文):The Development of Diamond Grinding Wheels with Self-Dressed Properties and Their Impact on Grinding Effect of Wafers
外文關鍵詞:Monocrystalline Silicon WaferSilicon Carbide WaferSelf-dressed PropertiesGrinding ratioSurface Roughness
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實驗結果顯示,第一部份陶瓷基研磨砂輪所採用之造孔劑---中空玻璃次微米球會在研磨時破裂,但因其中空度僅28%,因此並無法如預期提供足夠空間來容納斷屑;且本研究中陶瓷基研磨砂輪之成形結構不如預期,熱壓成型之溫度與壓力都不足,導致陶瓷基結合劑無法使磨粒與填料黏合,燒結670 ℃後,結構仍過於鬆散,目前尚無法用於單晶矽晶圓與碳化矽晶圓之磨削實驗。第二部份樹脂基研磨砂輪方面,添加PVA與冰晶石後可有效降低研磨砂輪之磨削比,這意味著自銳性能提高;但冰晶石易使磨粒過於潤滑而無法對晶圓行有效的磨削作用。因此就單晶矽晶圓之表面粗糙度而言,本研究之最佳參數為:1.0 wt% PVA、不含冰晶石、輔助磨料為綠色碳化矽、進給速率30 μm/min之樣本,其研磨磨削比為14.6,表面粗糙度Ra可達1.446 ± 0.129 μm。
Wafers used in the semiconductor industry have been developed from the first generation of Monocrystalline Silicon Wafers to the third generation of wide-bandgap semiconductors, and Silicon Carbide Wafers are one of them.Surface roughness control is very important during wafer processing, which is related to the stability of subsequent circuit etching, deposition and other processes. Since the hardness of the tantalum carbide wafer is second only to diamond (Mohs hardness 9.5), the surface thinning and polishing process are more difficult, and it is also an urgent problem in the industry.
The research process is divided into two parts: the first part is the proportioning and development of ceramic-based grinding wheel raw materials, and attempts to add laboratory-made hollow glass sub-microspheres as a pore-forming agent, using the hollow structure and the grinding force. The characteristics of rupture provide sufficient space for wafer chip breaking, which can easily cause the grinding wheel to block and prevent the self-sharp performance of the grinding wheel. The second part is the ratio and development of resin-based grinding wheel raw materials, and adding polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and cryolite as fillers respectively, using PVA water-soluble and grinding cooling water to react, making the abrasive particles easier to fall off. Self-sharp; cryolite has the same layered structure as graphite. As a grinding wheel filler, it can effectively lubricate the grinding contact surface, take away more heat than grinding and reduce the grinding force, and reduce the thermal oxidation and grinding of the wafer due to grinding. The force forms a lattice defect, which greatly improves the grinding efficiency and the service life of the grinding wheel.
It is confirmed by experimental results that the hollow glass sub-micron sphere can be broken during grinding, but because of the hollowness of only 28%, it can not provide enough space for chipping; and the forming conditions of the ceramic-based grinding wheel are not good, and the temperature of the hot press forming is The pressure is insufficient, causing the ceramic-based bond to fail to bond the abrasive particles to the filler. After sintering (670 °C), the structure is still too loose to be used for the grinding experiments of s Monocrystalline Silicon Wafer and Silicon Carbide Wafers. In the case of resin-based grinding wheels, the addition of PVA and cryolite can effectively increase the self-sharpness of the grinding wheel and has no significant effect on the surface roughness of the wafer after grinding. Based on the above, the best parameters of this study are: 1.0 wt% PVA, no cryolite, auxiliary abrasive green silicon carbide, GB sample with process parameters of 30 μm/min, grinding and grinding ratio of 14.6, surface roughness Ra can reach 1.446 ± 0.129 μm.
In the future, in the same way, the powder raw material ratio of the resin-based grinding wheel and the ceramic-based grinding wheel can be continuously improved to obtain the best self-sharpening grinding wheel ratio; in terms of formability, the molding pressure can be changed and sintered or cured Temperature to make the grinding wheel structure more compact to meet industrial needs

第一章、前言 1
1.1 緒論 1
1.2 單晶矽晶圓與碳化矽晶圓 2
1.2.1 單晶矽晶圓 2
1.2.2 碳化矽晶圓 3
1.2.3 晶圓比較與磨削特性 4
1.3 晶圓製造與表面處理技術 6
1.3.1 機械研磨法 9
1.3.2 化學機械研磨法 9
1.4 研磨砂輪之構成與標示方法 10
1.4.1 研磨砂輪之規格簡述與標準化標示 11
1.5 酚醛樹脂 13
1.6 研究動機與目的 14

第二章、文獻回顧 15
2.1 研磨砂輪製備參數對研磨之影響 15
2.2 研磨工藝參數對研磨之影響 18

第三章、原理 23
3.1 研磨砂輪參數定義與研磨性能評定方式 23
3.1.1 研磨砂輪參數-磨粒濃度 23
3.1.2 研磨砂輪參數-研磨砂輪有效磨粒數 24
3.1.3 研磨性能評比 25
3.2 工程陶瓷的磨削物理模型 26
3.3 晶圓磨削的表面去除機制 27
3.4 磨削表面的形成機制 28
3.4.1 磨粒作用於工件作用力表徵 29
3.4.2 磨粒與工件磨削作用三階段 30
3.4.3 最大未變形切削厚度 32
3.4.4 磨削表面磨痕總述 35
3.5 影響磨削力之因素 36
3.6 工藝參數對磨削過程之影響 38
3.7 研磨砂輪自銳性能 40
3.8 表面粗糙度種類與定義 41

第四章、實驗 44
4.1 實驗材料 44
4.2 實驗儀器 49
4.3 分析設備 51
4.4 實驗流程 53
4.4.1 樹脂基研磨砂輪粉末製備流程 53
4.4.2 樹脂基研磨砂輪成型流程 55
4.4.3 陶瓷基研磨砂輪粉末製備流程 57
4.4.4 陶瓷基研磨砂輪製備流程 58
4.4.5 研磨測試與測試項目 60
4.5 分析方法 61
4.5.1 粒徑分析 61
4.5.2 示差掃描熱卡(DSC)分析 61
4.5.3 偏光顯微鏡分析 62
4.5.4 原子力顯微鏡(AFM)分析 62
4.5.5 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析 63
4.5.6 場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡(FE-SEM)分析 63
4.5.7 表面形場量測(α-step)分析 64
4.5.8 化學分析電子能譜(ESCA)分析 64
4.5.9 X光繞射(XRD)分析 64
4.5.10 拉伸性能測試 65

第五章、結果與討論 66
5.1 原料與樣本基礎鑑定 66
5.1.1 酚醛樹脂之DSC分析 66
5.1.2 奈米單晶鑽石粉末之粒徑鑑定 68
5.1.3 磨料粉末之表面形貌分析 70
5.1.4 陶瓷基研磨砂輪造孔劑可行性評估與鑑定 71
5.2 陶瓷基研磨砂輪對單晶矽晶圓之研磨實驗 73
5.2.1陶瓷基研磨砂輪研磨實驗分析 73
5.3 樹脂基研磨砂輪對單晶矽晶圓之研磨測試 76
5.3.1 樹脂基研磨砂輪研磨實驗分析 76
5.3.2 不同輔助磨料對表面粗糙度與磨削比之影響 79
5.3.3 不同PVA含量對表面粗糙度與磨削比之影響 81
5.3.4 不同冰晶石含量對表面粗糙度與磨削比之影響 84
5.3.5 不同進給速率對表面粗糙度與磨削比之影響 87
5.3.6 單晶矽晶圓之晶型分析 91
5.3.7 樹脂基研磨砂輪各樣本之砂輪強度分析 95
5.3.8 樹脂基研磨砂輪研磨測試小結 97
5.4 樹脂基研磨砂輪對碳化矽晶圓之研磨實驗 98

第六章、結論 101


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