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論文名稱(外文):A Mirroring and Monitoring System Using Face and Emotion Recognition Techniques
外文關鍵詞:Smart MirrorFace RecognitionTransfer LearningContext-Aware
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通常在教室、小公司或者實驗室都會需要進行人員的管理,所以可能會在出入口安裝入口監視系統,來方便進行管理。我們在入口監視系統中使用臉部識別技術,來識別人員的身分。在入口監視系統中我們使用到了智慧鏡子,智慧鏡子可以根據不同的使用者給予不同的訊息。管理者可以知道成員的身分跟情緒等資訊,這將可以同時幫助到成員以及管理者。在這項研究中,我們通過深度學習和情境感知技術提出了一種名為智慧鏡子的入口監控系統。其中我們使用了VGG-Face的深度學習模型。使用了遷移式學習,讓系統可以不用收集太多照片訓練就可以進行辨識。我們提出了Top-K的方法,來提升辨識系統的準確率。該智慧鏡子可以知道使用者的資訊,例如年齡,性別,情緒,並識別該人。此外,它可以通過LINE bot向管理員發送消息提醒。此消息提醒有兩種類型,包括常規通知和警告通知。如果系統識別出成員,則此消息提醒功能會發送常規通知。相反,如果系統識別出陌生人,則此消息提醒功能會發送警告通知管理員。這款智能鏡可以幫助管理人員更好的進行管理。該系統適合用於小型團體,如實驗室,家庭和公司。
Personnel management is usually required in classrooms, small companies, or laboratories. Thus, an entrance monitoring system may be installed at the entrance and exit to facilitate management. We use face recognition technology in the entrance surveillance system to identify the person's identity. In this system, a smart mirror is designed, which can display the information of users. Managers can know the identity and emotions of members, which will help members and managers at the same time. In this study, we proposed a smart mirror and entrance monitoring system by using deep learning and context-aware technology. Among them, we use the deep learning model of VGG-Face. Using transfer learning, the system can be identified without collecting too much photo training. We proposed the Top-K method to improve the accuracy of the identification system. The smart mirror can know the user's information, such as age, gender, emotion, and identify the person. In addition, it can send a message alert to the administrator via the LINE bot. There are two types of message alert, including regular notifications and warning notifications. This message alert feature sends a regular notification if the system recognizes a member. Conversely, if the system identifies a stranger, this message alert feature sends a warning to notify the administrator. This smart mirror helps managers manage better. The system is suitable for small groups such as laboratories, homes, and companies.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Overview of Research
1.4 Thesis Organization
Chapter 2 Related Work
2.1 Smart Mirror
2.2 Personal Identity Recognition
2.3 Facial Recognition
Chapter 3 System Architecture
3.1 System Overview
3.2 Data Collection and Preprocessing Module
3.3 Recognition Training Module
3.4 Face Recognition Module
3.5 Message Reminder Module
Chapter 4 System Implementation and Prototype
4.1 System Implementation
4.2 System Prototype
Chapter 5 Experimental Result
5.1 Age and Gender Estimation, and Emotion Recognition
5.2 Facial Recognition
5.3 Message Reminder
Chapter 6 Conclusions

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