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研究生(外文):TSENG, PO-SEN
論文名稱(外文):Measuring the displacement of objects in 3-D by laser scanning system with MEMS mirror
指導教授(外文):LIN, TYSON
外文關鍵詞:laser scanning systemtime of flightautomated measurement
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目前我們的雷射掃描系統最高掃描速度可達1 kHz、約20度的掃描角度、最大偵測距離超過60公尺,且系統可利用LabVIEW進行自動化量測,期望未來能逐步完善程式,應用在災害防治。

This study is expected to develop a fast and easy method for measuring the displacement of objects in the long term. We use a laser scanning system to scan an area and compare previous and later data to determine whether the objects have displaced or not.
The relevant literatures did not have detail appearance on the measuring method of commercial laser scanning system. Most of the system applications measure the distance between the system and the objects, instead of measuring the distance between the objects. Therefore, this study develops a measurement system based on MEMS mirror. This method can calculate the 3-D displacement between two objects by using time of flight and method of triangulation.
At present our laser scanning system has a maximum scanning speed of 1 kHz, 20 degrees field of view, and a maximum detectable distance above 60 meters. This system can automatically measure with LabVIEW. It is expected that this LabVIEW program can be improved and applied to disaster prevention in the future.

第一章 序論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 雷射掃描器簡介 4
1-3-1 發射器 4
1-3-2 接收器 5
1-3-3 雷射掃描裝置 5
1-4 雷射測距技術簡介 11
1-4-1 三角測量法 12
1-4-2 相位式、脈衝式飛行時間測距法 12
1-4-3 調頻連續波測距法 13
1-5 他人及本實驗室先前實驗成果回顧 14
1-6 論文章節簡介 16
第二章 雷射掃描系統 17
2-1 實驗架構簡介 17
2-2 光束準直實驗架構 22
2-3 光束準直性與訊號強度 26
2-3-1 一次準直 26
2-3-2 二次準直 27
2-3-3 結論 30
2-4 掃描振鏡之驅動波形設計 31
2-4-1 三角波與階梯波 31
2-4-2 脈衝雷射對波形的影響 33
2-5 系統最大偵測距離與準確度 34
第三章 物體三維位移的量測 39
3-1 實驗架構 39
3-2 測量方法 40
3-3 函數訊號電壓與振鏡偏轉角度 43
3-4 實驗結果 45
3-5 LabVIEW自動化量測程式 46
第四章 結論與未來展望 50
參考文獻 53

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