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研究生(外文):Tseng Cheng Tang
論文名稱(外文):Construct the Concurrent Mold Design System Course of Industry 4.0 with CDIO concept and Effectiveness Evaluation
外文關鍵詞:Mold Design CourseCDIOIntegrated CurriculumCourse ModuleIndustry 4.0Concurrent SystemEngineering Education.
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This study aimed to construct a system of synchronizing syllabus based on the CDIO teaching model and evaluate its effectiveness. This is to examine the nowadays common problem of college graduates not being able to apply what they learned in school to real-life professions. The purpose of this study was to find ways to provide a specific strategy that could benefit future students in the industry. First, the development trends of the mold industry in Taiwan and the human resources strategy of the smart mold manufacturing industry of Industry 4.0 were investigated to explore the standard of engineering talent in the industry and create a competency indicator for mold design concurrent systems to serve as an essential reference for curriculum planning and the criteria for learning outcome assessments. Second, the scope covered by the mold industry in the product life cycle was used as the blueprint for developing the curriculum. Finally, the CDIO curriculum design principle was applied to the design of the integrated curriculum module. Experimental teaching was conducted in the Bachelor’s Program in Precision System Design at Feng Chia University in Taiwan for 18 weeks. A total of 54 sophomores participated in the experimental program and the product research and development project entitled “Design and transformation of older-adult-friendly living supplies” to experience the entire process of CDIO. The curriculum consisted of a total of seven courses and six teachers (including three industry experts) and offered 12 credits.
Moreover, this study used the competency indicator scale in the pre- and post-tests, and a student program satisfaction survey was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the curriculum design and implementation. The results revealed that the students’ competency indicators exhibited significant progress in understanding the professional technology of molds, using CAX software, and understanding concurrent system engineering capabilities. The students were highly satisfied with the program, and the item “The engineering practice of the integrated curriculum is helpful for my future academic progression and employment needs” received the highest level of satisfaction. This program was proven effective for cultivating excellent mold design talent for the industry, thereby bridging the mismatch between knowledge and application among university graduates and serving as a great example for higher-level engineering education reform.

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 待答問題
第四節 研究範圍與限制
第五節 研究架構
第六節 名詞解釋
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 工業4.0模具產業智慧化工程技術
第二節 模具同步系統設計的職能探討
第三節 模具設計能力分析與課程的探討
第四節 CDIO的理念與內涵
第三章 研究設計
第一節 研究方法
第二節 研究參與對象
第三節 研究工具
第四節 資料處理與分析
第四章 研究實施
第一節 課程構思
第二節 課程設計
第三節 課程實施
第四節 成效評估
第五章 研究結果與討論
第一節 職能項目與課程單元矩陣問卷調查
參、課程單元的C-D-I-O 類別統計
第二節 模具設計職能評量前後測
第三節 學生滿意度調查表
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 建議

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