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研究生(外文):WEN, YU-HSIEN
論文名稱(外文):Optimization of Schiff’s Reagent-base Oxidation Indicator and Application
指導教授(外文):CHEN, SHAUN
外文關鍵詞:Schiff's reagentOxidation indicatorLipid oxidationHexanal
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本研究室先前製備的席夫試劑型氧化指示標籤,由於乾燥後起始顏色呈現紫色,以致後續變色範圍受限,影響使用功效。本研究為優化磷酸緩衝溶液製備席夫試劑指示標籤,達到增強標籤表面呈色變化程度之功能性,並用以偵測食品中油脂氧化產生的己醛。研究以濾紙作為載體,添加甘油於磷酸型席夫試劑,配合減壓脫氣/熱烘乾燥製備指示標籤。標籤接觸己醛後表面的顏色變化以色差儀測量,同時評估指示標籤對己醛氣體之反應性、靈敏度、選擇性,再應用於食品儲藏品質監控。結果顯示添加 2% 甘油經減壓脫氣/熱乾燥磷酸型席夫試劑指示標籤,有較佳的初始顏色為粉紅色,曝露於己醛氣體,標籤變色為紫色,△E 值大於研究室先前配方的標籤,變色程度更顯著。在靈敏度試驗顯示,標籤接觸 337-1687 ppm 己醛氣體 12 小時後反應出顯著顏色變化,具視覺判別的成效,且顏色變化程度和己醛氣體濃度呈線性相關 (R2 > 0.9)。指示標籤在 30-50% RH 環境接觸己醛氣體後,△E 值為 14.99-39.79 大於空氣組的樣本,顏色差異更為明顯,其中在 32-51.4% RH 之間的顏色變化較顯著;但在 75% RH 環境時,標籤顏色差異變化反而變小。選擇性試驗中顯示標籤主要與己醛反應,暴露乙醇和丙酮環境無顯著變色反應,且接觸混合氧化產物 (含乙酸、乙醇、丙酮與己醛) 不會影響指示標籤對己醛反應變色反應。應用於肉乾上,儲於 35℃ 一週加速試驗,對照組 (空氣) 變色為淡紫色,而一班或添加助氧化劑的肉乾樣本,包裝內標籤皆呈紫色,此為己醛所致。綜合上述結果,添加 2% 甘油經減壓脫氣/熱乾燥磷酸型席夫試劑指示標籤可偵測食品氧化產物醛類,有利於儲藏品質監控。
An oxidation indicator label was developed in this laboratory before, however, label color became purple after thermal dehydration and led to an insignificant color response as exposed to hexanal, limiting the usefulness. The objectives of this study were to optimize the performance of Schiff’s reagent-phosphate oxidation indicator by a greater extent of color development on the label, and then used to monitor hexanal content due to the oxidation in food during storage. The Schiff’s reagent was compounded with glycerol on filter paper, and associated with vacuum degas/thermal dehydration to prepare the indicator label. The color development on the oxidation indicator exposed to gaseous hexanal was measured by colorimeter to assess the effect of the reactivity, sensitivity, selectivity, and then applied to monitor storage quality. The results showed that the initial color of the Schiff-phosphate oxidation indicator containing 2% glycerol prepared using vacuum degas/thermal dehydration displayed a better initial color which was pink. This label converted to purple as exposed to hexanal vapor, and a greater color difference (△E = 35.29±2.91) was obtained compared to the label developed previously in this lab. In the sensitivity, the label color turned into purple after 12 hr exposed to 337-1687 ppm hexanal gas which resulted in a visual difference. Also, the ΔE values were corresponding to the hexanal exposure in linear regression (R2 > 0.9). As exposed to hexanal gas at 30-50% RH, △E values of the indicator were determined 14.99-39.79 which were greater than in the air. Compared with the control, the ΔE was more significant, especially the most visible color difference was observed at 32-51.4% RH. However, at 75% RH, the color difference was found to a lesser extent. The indicator predominately reacted with hexanal in the selectivity test, whereas no reaction was found in exposure to ethanol and acetone. Also, no effect on the color difference was determined when the label was exposed to mixed oxidation products (containing acetic acid, ethanol, acetone, and hexanal) compared to hexanal alone. Additionally, the oxidation indicator label was used to monitor the packed pork jerky quality in an accelerated test at 35oC. The color of the label in the control (without pork jerky) was observed as light purple during storage, and turned purple in pork jerky and/or sample added with prooxidant due to the hexanal present. Conclusively, an oxidation indicator prepared by compounding with 2% glycerol in the Schiff-phosphate reagent under a vacuum degas/thermal dehydration in this study shows beneficial to detect the aldehydes, and useful in monitoring real-time storage quality.
第一章 前言---------------------------------------------------------------1
第二章 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------------------4
一、 新穎包裝功效--------------------------------------------------------4
二、 智慧型包裝----------------------------------------------------------4
(一) 指示器 (Indicators)-------------------------------------------------9
(二) 時間溫度指示器 (Time temperature indicator, TTI)--------------------9
(三) 氣體指示器 (Gas indicator)-----------------------------------------13
(四) 新鮮度指示器 (Freshness indicator)---------------------------------14
(五) 感應器 (Sensors)---------------------------------------------------15
(六) 無線射頻識別 (Radio frequency identification, RFID)----------------18
三、 油脂氧化-----------------------------------------------------------20
(一) 油脂自氧化機制-----------------------------------------------------22
(二) 醛類化合物---------------------------------------------------------25
(三) 油脂氧化檢測方法----------------------------------------------------27
四、 席夫氏試劑 (Schiff reagent)----------------------------------------31
五、 肉乾--------------------------------------------------------------39
第三章 材料與方法---------------------------------------------------------41
一、 試驗材料-----------------------------------------------------------41
(一) 化學藥品-----------------------------------------------------------41
(二) 載體--------------------------------------------------------------42
(三) 模式包裝系統-------------------------------------------------------42
(四) 檢驗儀器與設備-----------------------------------------------------42
二、 實驗架構-----------------------------------------------------------43
三、 試驗方法-----------------------------------------------------------44
(一) 磷酸型席夫試劑製備--------------------------------------------------44
(二) 濾紙型指示標籤製備--------------------------------------------------44
(三) 標籤製備調整-添加甘油-----------------------------------------------45
(四) 標籤製備調整-添加甘油並抽氣脫水--------------------------------------45
(五) 己醛氣體反應效性試驗------------------------------------------------46
(六) 指示標籤之靈敏度及反應時間-------------------------------------------46
(七) 相對濕度下指示標籤呈色試驗-------------------------------------------46
(八) 選擇性試驗---------------------------------------------------------47
(九) 指示標籤應用------------------------------------------------------47
(十) 顏色變化計算-------------------------------------------------------48
(十一) 統計分析-----------------------------------------------------------48
第四章 結果與討論---------------------------------------------------------50
一、 甘油對標籤表面初始顏色的影響-----------------------------------------50
二、 己醛反應性---------------------------------------------------------53
三、 指示標籤之靈敏度及反應時間-------------------------------------------73
四、 指示標籤選擇性試驗--------------------------------------------------80
五、 相對濕度指示標籤呈色試驗---------------------------------------------89
六、 指示標籤之食品應用性-----------------------------------------------105
第五章 結論-------------------------------------------------------------112

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