Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) can receive various types of digital or analog signals of input and output. It use them to control or monitor almost all types of mechanical and electrical equipments. Nowadays, the industrial use of PLC is quite similar to a compact computer. Even the Programmable Automation Controller (PAC), which combines a personal computer and a PLC, has emerged. Used to control machine or manufacturing processes and other controllable electronic systems (such as unmanned chemical plants) through digital or analog signals, PLC is widely used n current industrial controls. In the field of industrial control, the application of PLC control technology is indispensable. Unlike high-level languages and assembly languages, the programming language of PLC is compared with general computer languages. This paper is aimed at the program editing part of PLC. Developed an easy PLC programming language with Chinese language support, editing, action simulation and testing, online debugging, PLC connection and action content recording, and providing users to query PLC history actions. Help users to learn, use, edit, and debug quickly. Making automation design not to be a complicated programming anymore.