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論文名稱(外文):The Exploration on the Communication Experience of Nurses for Dying Children
外文關鍵詞:nursing staffdyingchildrencommunication experience
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The concept of children's palliative care in Taiwan has developed more than 30 years. The awareness and attitude of nursing staff on palliative care have indeed affected the promotion of palliative care. How to communicate with dying children of different ages and family members with different background is a challenge for pediatric clinical staff.
The purpose of this study was to explore:1. The content and feelings of the communication process of nursing staff in caring for dying children and their families; 2. The experience in building ideas and skills of nursing staff on how to communicate with dying children and their families. This research method adopted the qualitative research method, which includes the method of purposive sampling, using the self-designed semi-structured interview guide and the digital voice recorders as the research tools. Using in-depth interviews to understand and the interviews were transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis.
A total of 16 nursing staff were selected and the theme of the research findings was " Dialogue is the best care ", which can be further divided into two sub-themes, namely " Negative Dialogue "and " Positive Dialogue "
Negative Dialogue can be further divided into three categories, namely, "Ignoring Self-Awareness", "Difficult to Break Through" and "Difficulties in Clinical Care". "Ignore Self-Awareness" can be divided into four sub-categories, namely (1) Fear of Self-Disclosure; (2) Frustration in an Infinite Circle; (3) Pressure to Vent; (4) Improper Scarring Wounds . "Difficult to Break Through," this category can be divided into four categories, including: (1) the Gap in Hospice Palliative Training; (2) the Feeling of Being Untrusted; (3) the Ratio of Care to Illness in the Ward; (4) Not Easily Convertible Emotions. The "Difficulties of Clinical Care" can be divided into four sub-categories, namely (1) Lack of Past Experience; (2) Unfamiliar Companion Skills; (3) Immature Communication Skills; (4) Unfriendly Teaching Atmosphere.
Positive dialogue can be further divided into three categories, namely, "Growth as the Experience Gained", "Improving the Sense of Self-Worth" and "Turning on the Key to Change". "Experience Accumulation" can be divided into three sub-categories, including: (1) the Accumulation of Actual Combat Experience; (2) the Helplessness of Forced Growth; and (3) the Ability to Adapt to the Situation. "Improve the Sense of Self-Worth", and then extract three sub-categories, including: (1) the Affirmation of Self Learning ; (2) Finding the Job Value ; (3) the Affirmation from Others. "Open the Key to Change" can’t be divided into to eight more categories, including: (1) to Improve Self-Knowledge; (2) to See Behind the Anger; (3) to Master the Strategy of Companion; (4) Cross-Disciplinary Medical Consensus; (5) Good Team Atmosphere; (6) Role of Clinical Teachers; (7) Significance of Peer Support; (8) Elements of Good Care.
The results of this study are expected to be widely used in nursing teaching and practice, and can be of substantial help and contribute while of facing the communication of dying children.

Keywords : nursing staff, dying, children, communication experience.

致謝 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract v
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題 4
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 名詞解釋 6
第貳章 文獻查證 7
第一節 台灣安寧緩和護理教育現況 7
第二節 兒童臨終照護重點與困境 9
第三節 臨床溝通的意義與重要性 14
第參章 研究方法 18
第一節 研究設計 18
第二節 研究場域與對象 19
第三節 研究資料收集與紀錄 20
第四節 資料收集與分析 23
第五節 研究嚴謹度 25
第六節 研究倫理 28
第肆章 研究結果 29
第一節 受訪者之基本資料 32
第二節 上善若語 34
第三節 忽略自我的覺察 35
第四節 難以突破的桎梏 40
第五節 臨床照護的困境 44
第六節 順勢而為的成長 48
第七節 提高自我價值感 51
第八節 開啟蛻變的鑰匙 55
第伍章 討論 65
第一節 上善若語 66
第二節 護理人員被剝奪的悲傷 70
第三節 護理瀕死養成教育不符職場需求 73
第四節 無時無刻的挑戰 75
第陸章 結論與建議 77
第一節 研究者自身處境及研究探問形成之反思 78
第二節 重要研究發現 80
第三節 護理實務或教育上的意涵和應用 82
第四節 研究限制及未來研究方向 87
參考文獻 88
中文文獻 88
英文文獻 92
附件 97
附件一 人體試驗委員會同意書 97
附件二 訪談指引 99

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