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論文名稱:探討虛擬實境VR(Virtual Reality)裝置對人眼舒適度的研究
論文名稱(外文):Comfort assessment of human eyes using VR(Virtual Reality) Device
指導教授(外文):Ta-Hsiung Cho
外文關鍵詞:Virtual RealityDiopterAccommodationConvergence
DOI:Visual Fatigue
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隨著智慧型手機的普及與VR技術的提升,虛擬實境(VR),在各產業間大行其道。但是對於青少年使用VR 產品所帶來的物理層面、生理層面、甚至心理層面的傷害也造成長期的安全隱憂,所以,如何預防青少年使用VR所帶來傷害,虛擬實境(VR)裝置的舒適度研究就成為重要的課題。
根據本研究量測獲得之資料分析結果,顯示長時間使用虛擬實境眼鏡(VR),確實對使用者造成生理機能上的影響,其中包括眼睛的調節力方面,低屈光度數組使用VR前所測得右眼平均調節力6.84D、左眼平均調節力6.62D,使用VR後右眼平均調節力7.15 D、左眼平均調節力7.36D,兩眼在使用VR前後調節力比較,有上升的現象並且P值均小於0.05,有統計差異。高屈光度數組使用VR前測得右眼平均調節力7.55D、左眼平均調節力7.81D,使用VR後右眼平均調節力7.08D、左眼平均調節力7.91 D,右眼平均調節力有上升現象並且P值均大於0.05,無統計差異,左眼平均調節力有上升的現象, 

With the popularity of smart phones and the upgrading of VR technology, virtual reality (VR) has become popular among industries. However, the physical, physiological and even psychological harm caused by the use of VR products by adolescents also causes long-term security concerns. Therefore, how to prevent the harm caused by the use of VR by adolescents, VR (Virtual Reality) Device comfort research has become an important topic.
In this study, it is proposed to study the comfort of human eyes using virtual reality (VR) glasses device to view 3D films, they are divided into low diopter arrays (-6.00D below) and high diopter arrays (-6.00D above), by measuring the physiological parameters such as refractive power, accommodative force, divergent force, radial force and intraocular pressure of the eyes, to understand the comfort of teenagers using virtual reality (VR) glasses.
According to the results of data analysis obtained from the measurements in this study, it is shown that prolonged use of virtual reality (VR) glasses does have physiological effects on users, including eye adjustment, the average accommodation of right eye and left eye of low diopter arrays were 6.84D and 6.62D before using VR, 7.15D and 7.36D after using VR. There was an increase in 
accommodation of both eyes before and after using VR, and P value were less than 0.05, with statistical differences. The average accommodation of right eye and left eye of high diopter arrays were 7.55D and 7.81D before using VR and 7.08D and 7.91 D after using VR, the average accommodation of the right eye increased and the P value was greater than 0.05, there was no statistical difference, the average accommodation of the left eye increased and the P value was less than 0.05, with statistical difference. It indicates that the regulation effects of two eyes are inconsistent in the use of VR device, so the phenomenon of eye visual fatigue occurs. In terms of radial force, the P value of recovery point is less than 0.05, with statistical difference. The results show that the recovery ability of low diopter is more significant in binocular radial force. Comparing the radial force of both eyes after using VR, the P values of blurred point and rupture point were less than 0.05, with statistical difference, and the P values of recovery point were greater than 0.05, without statistical difference. The results show that the low refractive arrays have more significant responses to the blurred points and the breaking points of the radiation force than the high refractive arrays. The P values of physiological parameters such as refractive power, divergence and intraocular pressure were all greater than 0.05, and there were no statistical differences.
This study proposes to study the comfort of human eyes using virtual reality (VR) glasses device to view 3D films, in addition to providing an important basis for preventing fatigue caused by using VR, it provides references for experts to formulate safety regulations for using VR, And provides follow-up research on accommodation and radial force in visual training.

誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract v
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x

第1章、緒論 - 1 -
1-1 研究動機與重要性 - 1 -
1-2 研究目的 - 2 -
1-3 研究問題 - 3 -
1-4 研究假設 - 3 -

第2章 文獻探討 - 4 -
2-1 立體虛擬實境裝置VR (Virtual Reality) - 4 -
2-2 調節力理論及相關研究 - 11 -
2-3 輻輳力理論及相關研究 - 17 -
2-4 眼壓相關研究 - 21 -

第3章、研究方法 - 25 -
3-1 研究架構 - 25 -
3-2 研究設計 - 26 -
3-3 研究對象 - 29 -
3-4 研究工具 - 30 -
3-5 研究流程 - 33 -
3-6 資料統計與分析 - 34 -

第4章 結果與討論 - 35 -
4-1 屈光度資料分析 - 35 -
4-2 調節力資料之結果分析 - 39 -
4-3 開散力資料之結果分析 - 45 -
4-4 輻輳力資料之結果分析 - 51 -
4-5 眼壓資料之結果分析 - 57 -
4-6 結果討論 - 63 -

第5章 結論與建議 - 73 -
5-1 結論 - 73 -
5-2 研究限制 - 74 -
5-3 建議與展望 - 75 -
參考文獻 - 76 -

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